Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Unseen Forces

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New Member
does any1 have a link or no of all the cards in the new sets, ie spoilers of each card and stuff??
Pokémon Labs has a complete Text Spoiler for the Japanese equivalent to the EX Unseen Forces set. You can check it out in our Trading Card Game section. Here are direct links to them:

EX Unseen Forces Spoiler RTF
EX Unseen Forces Spolier TXT

I hope that this helps!


EDIT: If you want scans of the cards, Pokécardex.Com has a complete set of scans of the Japanese EX Unseen Forces set.
They also have scans to the three Half-decks each featuring Meganium ex, Typhlosion ex, and Feraligatr ex and which will most likely be included in the English set. Here are the links to the scans:

EX Unseen Forces Set
Feraligatr ex Half Deck
Meganium ex Half Deck
Typhlosion ex Half Deck
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There is no "Japanese equivalent" since some cards from Unseen Forces haven't been released in Japan, and some of the cards are from different sets in Japan besides those.
Presumably, some of the eidolon forest cards might even be in our UF set. So we won't know till we get the official english list about a week prior to the start of the prereleases.
Turbo Blastoise said:
Presumably, some of the eidolon forest cards might even be in our UF set. So we won't know till we get the official english list about a week prior to the start of the prereleases.

Not sure how you would get that information unless you are a PTO. And even then I would hope it's not for public consumption till the pre-release.
Poliwag92 said:
we are just gonna find out what cards come out, maybe none of GS SS or eidolon forest

GS/SS is a majority of the UFO. Since they mention the Unowns the Ho-Oh for the ad and other signs. GS/SS is only I think 106 and UFO is over 140 so what are going to be the fillers?

procrastination_alley said:
Not sure how you would get that information unless you are a PTO. And even then I would hope it's not for public consumption till the pre-release.

They aren't supposed to but a list always gets leaked out before the pre.

~Mr. T~
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Tormentedsoul14 said:
GS/SS is a majority of the UFO. Since they mention the Unowns the Ho-Oh for the ad and other signs. GS/SS is only I think 106 and UFO is over 140 so what are going to be the fillers?

They aren't supposed to but a list always gets leaked out before the pre.

~Mr. T~
But it could be different unowns and a different ho-oh
Poliwag92 said:
But it could be different unowns and a different ho-oh

I doubt it since the picture for the add is the same pic as the card. Why would there be 2 or more of one Unown?

bumblebeeelectronicfish said:
urrrrr i dunno maybe the precons like EVERY set :rolleyes:

But the sets never match up. You could add them to it and that would be over 140. I don't think there has been a set tho that matched it exactly.

~Mr. T~

bumblebeeelectronicfish said:
GSSS and precons = 131 unique cards exluding ones we've already had reprint FRLG-on. PokéBall etc. Now, some of those like PokéBall are redesigned so if we get the reprints thats PokéBall, Reversal, Energy Switch etc makes around 137. Add the PokéPark promos which, are almost 110% definately in Unseen Forces (Lugia and Ho-oh are all but confirmed in the precons due to their names, and it won't be the EXs - think EX Deoxys to get an idea of what it will be).

That's about 142 cards.

Some things arent 110% possible couldn't they be in POP 2? They never said the pokepark promos are going to be in UFO. When was there a non-ex version of Ho-oh and Lugia?

~Mr. T~
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