Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

VG League help


New Member
Hey all,

I am the league organizer in Lubbock, Tx. We started league about a year and a half ago and have had some fantastic growth and events focused on the TCG. As of late though the players, especially the young ones, are clammoring for VG events and even VG themed league. I know that the state of PoP does not yet provide prize support for VG at a local level, and the league materials are all for the TCG. What kind of ideas has anyone had to address this?? Good ideas that I can try to provide a fun atmosphere for the game, and bad ideas that I should stay away from. Any brainstorming ideas are great as well. Thanks for any help!!
We recently had a VG player join our league and she was more than happy to get the TCG prizes - even ended up playing some, although she continues to focus on VG. We had a fun 8-person tournament (using the Union Room & Flat Battle options) to introduce additional VG play at our league.

If you'd like folks to remain interested in both, and not split into two different league days/times (which might cut into your attendance...) maybe a fun VG themed event once a month would be an incentive for folks to try out both sides of the League.

Another great plan would be to try to find a VG-champion who stays in tune with special DS promos/downloads, who understands the strategy of VG teams and can help players think about their DS battles in a strategic way as well. No one has to tell the little ones that we're trying to stretch their mind while they play video games...

We run everything combined at our league, and probably half of our players bring their deck and their DS each week - just playing whichever their opponent is interested in. One thing we have seen, is an increase in players attending and just playing the DS by themselves - and thereby not getting any league promos/scorecard marks during some weeks. But my general philosophy is to let them do what works for them each day as long as we're all getting along.
@Madchamp: Out of curiosity, how experianced are you in the VG yourself? I am asking this so as to be able to give you some better ideas for prize support in this area.

TCG stuff is always a plus, as any extra stuff like older booster packs is cool. (Not to old, BW old- nothing that is on the rotate out list)- Deck Boxes, dice, you name it- all sorts of TCG stuff that is "extra", old league badges, sleeves, promo cards, old PoP series packs- you would be suprised at what you can offer as prize support that is Pokemon related.

As for the question above- it would help me immensly to know how well experianced in the VG is. I have tons of ideas that work well as prizes as per what we Oregon VG'rs do to reward players.
Hey guys thanks for posting I really appreciate the help. I apologize for the long delay, I am in study mode and can only check the posts every now and then. Benzo, I have been playing the game from the very beginning, but only started to even pay attention to ev's and iv's and such within the last year. I played Red and Yellow, Gold and Silver but then stopped until Black and White was coming out. When that I occurred I bought HG and SS and then went and picked up Diamond, Perl, and Platinum. I have always played the games through the completion of the story line and then left it at that. Any guidance that you can offer I will take.

Ok. Here is what I suggest for you then. The VG scene is full of excellent choice Pokémon that are easy to breed for to get from the day care couple in the games. Just breeding some good natured Pokemon eggs, like Adament Natured Larvitars make nice prizes. You would be suprised at how simple a good natured Pokemon to a kid can get them excited. Really.
Obtain extra event Pokemon through trade. Find some people who have access to many event Pokemon. If you and a friend "team up"- you can have one game cartridge that is for "download" use only (meaning, start a new game over just to download and trade over and repeat until you have "stock")-- Kids won't mind haveing an "extra" Victini" (<example) or if anyone missed the chance to download, offer it as a prize.

See about trading for spare/extra shiny Pokemon. Offer one once in a while for a mini-tourny.

Get "extra" hold items- slap it on a level 1 good natured Pokemon.

Breed up some Pokemon that have the dreamworld ability. Like Vulpix with Drought. Offer one as a prize and include that it can make great "sunny day teams"--

The possabilities are endless, be creative. If kids are looking to fill their Pokedex- breed off a bunch of eggs of some of the "harder" to obtain Pokemon (like all the statrter Pokemon).

Since your in the process of learning IV/EV's training- breed up some good Pokies, (it can be simple, like a Pokeomon with 1 31 IV in attack or special attack, then just quick-level it to 50- )- Kids like a Pokemon that has an "awesome" high stat.

DS "trinkets" are fun to offer as well. ( I think they are "jewels, or swag")- those little strings that tie and dangle off the DS. There cheap, and offer one a month in a tourny.

These are just some ideas, I hope these help. When it comes to the VG- you have access to "create" a good Pokemon through breeding. Extra downloaded Pokies. It is all up to you on how you want to reward them, and how much time you have to provide the "once in a while" something special Pokemon.

If you need more ideas or more info on how to obtain some "prize" Pokemon, let me know. Until then, I hope your league continues to grow bigger in the VG side of things.