Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Wacky Pokegym members


Team Compendium Emeritus
Staff member
Trader Feedback Mod
Ok,to take a piece from my Wacky Pokemon thread,I got an even wackier idea.To take Pokegym members names and make a "wacky" name for them.Please remember,this is all in jest and just to "poke" some fun at us all and have a chuckle or two.If someone can think of making a "wacky" name for me as well,go for it!It`s all fun! :D

Just remember,keep it clean...well,mostly clean...;) and be nice.Anyways,I`ll give some first examples:


Big Daddy Snorlax------Lil` Mommy Snorlax

SteveP-----------------Steve Peed


*Onederland-------------Alice In :p

Hope this brings a good laugh or two.Enjoy!


*Changed at owners request
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I swear, this place is starting to look more like the Live365 forums every day... ;)

Anyway, let's see...

Cooltrainer Aaron - lametrainer Aaron ;)
Greatfox - quasimediocrefox
Orange soda - Cherry cola

Hmmm... not very funny-oh well.
yoshi1001 said:
I swear, this place is starting to look more like the Live365 forums every day... ;)

Anyway, let's see...

Cooltrainer Aaron - lametrainer Aaron ;)
Greatfox - quasimediocrefox
Orange soda - Cherry cola

Hmmm... not very funny-oh well.

I'm gunna warn you right now: Grape Soda is evil. You have been warned.

Anyway, why am I the one who's always stuck on the recieving end of the beverage jokes? I mean, there's also PokePop.
This is rather strange but you could change my name from Kasanova to Casanova. Stupid rather but isn't this whole forum rather weird to begin with?

I need something to do Later

:fire: Kasanova :fire:

Remeber with a K. KKKKK.
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Ah, time to randomly pick names of the people online...

Sensei ----> Student

TheAnswer3 ------> TheQuestion2

yoshi1001 ------> Mario2002

sneaselsrevenge ------> sneaselsfriendliness

Joe Monkey -------> Bob Gorilla

Broken Lizard -----> Lizard under construction

Average Joe -----> Veiwtiful Joe

Pokeplayer ------> YugiHater

Alright I've done too much already.
Broken Lizard said:
Sensei -----> Edited by Chrisbo :lol: :thumb:

:eek: :nonono:

OK MR. Fixed Mammal....:p :lol:

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Orange Soda-------Grape Soda :D

daimondz-----------Cubic Zirconiaz
lets see...

-yoshi1001--->Birdo0110 (Birdo is another mario dinosaur)
-Arthas Zero--->Illidan One
-Broken Lizard---> Fixed Frog :confused:
-Nick15--->Bob30 (dont ask!)

I bet you cant think of one for my name :D
::looks up "musichas" in dictionary::

WTH? It's not in the dictionary? nnnooo...
In that case, what does it mean?
yoshi1001 said:
Art has zero
music has one

Though some would argue that music is art...

::looks at it carefully::

:lol: :lol: ROFLMAO :lol: :lol:

That is a good one yoshi. it took me a while to figure out what it said.

P.S. No, I am not blonde