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what are the leading decks that win large events

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New Member
im back into pokemon after a 5 year absence. i am wandering what are the new modified decks that win the majority of the current tournaments worldwide. if somebody knows can they please tell me what the main card combo is. (no abbreviations, because i wouldnt know what you are talking about).

ummm.....gallade and gardevoir, magmortar and typhlosion, (both with claydol). Those are the main decks.

And by the way, this isn't the right thread section to post this in.....I think....It may get locked.....
Some of the better decks in the format include:
Gardevoir/Gallade (GG/Plox)
Magmortar/Typloshion or Blaziken or Togekiss (Seen all 3 do well, most people prefer Typhlosion)
Ho-oh/Togekiss (Skittles)

Some good decks, that are eaither not the best, or dead at this point, include:
Beedrill (Speeddrill)
Gyrados/Cresselia/Bannete (Arithmatic)

Come the next set we will see:
arith and speeddrill are still alive i mean reginals was like 2 weeks ago so it hasnt been that long to say bedrills dead
Public enemy #1 is Gallade/Gardevoir, hands down. Besides that expect a mix of Magmortar variants, Skittles (Ho-Oh/Togekiss), Banette decks, and several things coming from the new set.
I dont think Speedrill is dead, but i also dont think its one of the best decks out there. Something that is so fragile matched agianst one of the biggest, best decks out there (Magmortar) isnt the "Best" in my book, even if it won a regionals.
I think everyone's said most of it... check the rest in the Archetypes section for more details...

Burnpsy's correct - and do note that this thread does not adhere to Forum guidelines for posting (there needs to be an actual decklist in the initial thread to fix).
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