Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What do you think about Hydreigon?

Any predictions on the value of this new card?
Personally I just love Hydreigon but this card in my opinion looks EPIC!
what do you think?

Hydreigon – Darkness – HP150
Stage 2 – Evolves from Zweilous

Ability: Dark Aura
All Energy attached to this Pokemon becomes Darkness Energy.

[D][D][D][D] Dangerous Blade: 60 damage. Choose 2 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon, and this attack also does 40 damage to each of those Pokemon (don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench).

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3
I knew it would be epic, cause it's Hydriegon.

If this turns out to be played a lot, I still wouldn't expect it to go above ten bucks; it's still just a regular holo.
It will likely be just as epic as Base set Charizard. The 40 damage to two benched is neat, but Catcher may make it (or most any Stage2) deck an iffy play to faster decks. However, it isn't Charizard and I doubt it will be too highly sought after.
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You're asking about the value of a card that isn't released yet. The only way to be sure is how it is compared to current decks and new decks. If it does well, price will sky rocket. If not, people will write on it to use as proxies.
It's cool and definitely has a bit of potential, but I have a hard time seeing it as a meta deck depending on which decks see play in the near future. I'm sure it will be at least $4-5, possibly more if it turns out to be...good.
You're asking about the value of a card that isn't released yet. The only way to be sure is how it is compared to current decks and new decks. If it does well, price will sky rocket. If not, people will write on it to use as proxies.
I'm not worried about the price I'm asking peoples opinions on playability. I could careless about money I enjoy the card and want some insight on it that's all.

---------- Post added 07/28/2011 at 10:10 PM ----------

Two hits from Hydreigon though could stack up some damage. 120 on active and 80 on two benches and personally his ability isn't half bad.
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I'm not worried about the price I'm asking peoples opinions on playability. I could careless about money I enjoy the card and want some insight on it that's all.

---------- Post added 07/28/2011 at 10:10 PM ----------

Two hits from Hydreigon though could stack up some damage. 120 on active and 80 on two benches and personally his ability isn't half bad.

Then you're probably in the wrong forum...
It's a stage 2 Pokemon living in a Catcher's world, so that in itself makes it a little harder to play.

I mean, if you go first and your opening hand has this, the basic, a rare candy, and 2 DCE, then you've practically won the game. But more often than not, this will not be your opening hand. If you're spared from Catcher, then it may take a few turns to set him up, especially since you're not always going to have 2 DCE - thus, it might take you 3-4 turns to set him up. And a lot of other decks can set up their main attacker in one turn and KO the Pokemon that took you so long to set up (Magnezone). I think this card will be like the other mediocre BW holos in terms of price.
Any predictions on the value of this new card?
Personally I just love Hydreigon but this card in my opinion looks EPIC!
what do you think?

I'm not worried about the price I'm asking peoples opinions on playability. I could careless about money I enjoy the card and want some insight on it that's all.

I'm getting mixed signals here. If you want to speculate on the price of the card this is the forum for it. If you want to talk about its playability then you probably want the card strategies and rulings discussion forum. While the playability may affect the price down the line, the price is not going to affect the playability.
Okay, are we wanting this to be a discussion of Price or Playability?

Because if it's not price, then this needs to move forum.