Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What is Full Metal Chansey?

The old Metal Energy text worked with Base Set Chansey to reduce the damage it took from opponent's attacks and its own Double Edge. Unown N got used as well.

To expand on this a bit...

There was a quirky old ruling about self-damage and NG Metal Energy. That Metal Energy prevented 10 damage done to any Pokemon it was attached to. It also prevented 10 damage done by any non-Metal Pokemon it was attached to. So, for each Metal Energy attached to Chansey, Double Edge would do 10 less damage to the opponent, and 20 less damage to yourself. In those days, anything dealing more than 40 damage was fairly rare and highly sought after. So Chansey was dealing 40 to the defending, 0 to itself, and protected by 40 damage from any Opponent's attack. Plus it had Scrunch. Defensive powerhouse.
We had Gold Berry back then, too (healed 40 damage with no real downside). That deck was a royal pain in the butt.
Metal Energy and Gold Berry were also abused with Rocket's Zapdos, to make Electroburn still do a hefty 50-60 damage, but 0-10 self-damage.
Yeah, and while probably not used for most versions of the deck, you might see Sprout Tower used as well. It dropped damage to both Chansey and the defending Pokemon down to 50 damage a piece. But back then even 80 to both was useful for :)colorless::colorless::colorless::colorless:), and 50 to each was manageable. Sprout Tower/Unown N (again, maybe it was only a local variant or a poor build) allowed you to hurry up your first Chansey, powered by two Double Colorless Energy into play and attack for an 20/50 split while you built up an actual "Metal Chansey". Burning a Defender eliminated all the self-damage, and like I said, bought enough time to manually attach those Metal Energy cards to the real attacker.