Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

which deck for BR's? (DP-ON)

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New Member
2 pachitisu GE
1-0-1 dusksnoir
4-2-4 luxray
1-1 electivie SW
1 electivre LVX
1-1 claydol
4 Energy Switch
3 roseanne's research
2 pokeradar
3 bebe's
2 bucks
3 warp
2 energy pick up
4 candys
4 water
14 lightning

i have dusksnoir in here so i can mess up there bench :p
and i have the phycic energys in there so that when i do luxrays shock bolt i jsut discard 2 lightning ,
and icant get call energy with roseanne's search so i put water instead

4-2-4 kingdra LA
2 pachitisu GE
2-2 claydol
3 roseanne's research
2 pokeradar
3 bebe's
2 bucks
3 warp
2 energy pick up
4 candys
2 tech machine TS-1
16 water
3 call

get kyogre first do ightide discard 2 water do 20 dmg to their pokemon, rhe let kingdra finsih them off
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Kingdra... but use a list more like this:

Pokemon (18):

Kingdra x4
Seadra x3
Horsea x4
Claydol x3
Baltoy x3
Regice x1

Trainers (25):

Bebe's Search x4
Roseanne's Research x4
Buck's Training x4
Rare Candy x4
Plus Power x4
Warp Point x3
Night Maintenance x2

Energy (17):

Water Energy x17
Aerodactyl works really well with Kingdras high card metabolism. Pachirisu and Kyogre just slow the deck down.

The deck doesn't need more than maybe 11 or 12 water energies for a late-game killstrike, and 4 call energies for early-game development. This is actually a fairly high number of energies, but they make good cards to discard. You can max Rowan's and POVs for draw power, put in some TGWs for disruption, max pluspowers, rare candies, and put maybe 2 or 3 Bucks in. You could use Metagross as a tech for GOW.

For such low energy costs, you don't need energy pickup, put in more draw instead maybe, or a ball engine/PokeRadars of some kind.
u can't play luxray without Magnezone so I pick kingdra

Um...yes you can? Zone just slows the deck down =P

Anyway, i would go with Luxray, but do this to the deck.

-1-1 Lanturn
+1-1 Electivire
-2 Pachirisu
+1-1 Claydol
-2 POV
+2 Felicity's
-2 PokeRadar
+1-1 LunaSol (Lunatone/Solrock GE)
-2 Buck's
+1 Bebe's
+1 Roseanne's
-2 Technical Machine TS-1
+2 Energy Pickup
-4 Water Energy
+4 Energy Switch
Zone can move around energy for free. If you must play Luxray play a 1-0-1-1 zone X just in case:p
2nd deck, but the luxray would ofcourse win the battle, doesn't mather tough. The dmg output from Kingdra is so massive that he's still better. Altough, add a single regice.
Kingdra... but use a list more like this:

Pokemon (18):

Kingdra x4
Seadra x3
Horsea x4
Claydol x3
Baltoy x3
Regice x1

Trainers (25):

Bebe's Search x4
Roseanne's Research x4
Buck's Training x4
Rare Candy x4
Plus Power x4
Warp Point x3
Night Maintenance x2

Energy (17):

Water Energy x17

I like this list. However, take out the Regice and a Seadra and add in 2x Phione MD.

Also a few changes

- pachi + 1 chatot and 1 regice.

- 2 energy pickup and a water to max out the bebe and roseanne count and take out the POV for 2 NM and a warp for 2 PP or felectities.
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