Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Who Lost their Custom Avatar?

Too bad I got the epic fail that is the monkey in D/P

He wouldn't have been a failure if his signature move was flinging flaming... to keep it G-rated, let's just say flinging a certain dirty thing, but on fire.

That would have been amazing.
this was just too COOL and FUNNY!!!!!
as I posted in the Southwest Regional
thread - 2 thumbs to this "April Fools
Joke" :thumb: :thumb:


darnz, Miltank. Are the mods mocking me?
my bro got Nosepass...
can I retrieve my custom avatar? my other one was much cuter than everyones' combined ;D
Some people get Charizard.

Some people get new legendary's.

I get this -_-'''

Am I the only one that doesn't have sour grapes about this?
I think it's funny.
I wouldn't be surprised if they changed our avatars back to normal after today, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.
It definately was an April Fool's joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had their reasons for it.
Seems kinda communist. Everyone's equal, noone has custom avatars.
Could it be that the mods have all converted to communism?!
I lost my *stock* Feraligatr, and now I can't find him in the *stock* selection. It was the Sugimori pic off the Downpour NG G8r. I'm angry, to say the very least. Bad form, Pokegym. Bad form.
There are some awesome sprites in there now....Go Look for a new one if you don't like the random one that you ended up with! They are fun!