Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Why would they ever make it Top 4 at Cities?

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City Championships only top 4!

Well at a City Championship I went to earlier there was a total of 41 players in my division. POP says city championship can't have more then a top 4 cut. Its either Top 2 or Top 4. Its kinda of outragous because with 41 players and cutting to top 4 thats 10% of the playing field. While it should have been top 8 with a 20% of the playing field being in TOP CUT.

Personally I disagree with this move from POP simply because its dumb. If your gonna make premier rating K-VALUE so low. Why limit top cuts. In my oppinion top cuts should be based on attendence. If your gonna add those extra two rounds for a smaller top cut think about it. Your making them gain more K-VALUE because its an extra match. Im just really confused on why there is CAPS on top cuts now. Any specific reasons? Has anyone had over 40+ people yet in a division and seen people mad about top 4?

PS: Today at my city championships after round 6 there was five 5-1 records. A 5-1 MISSED TOP CUT! R u kidden?
I have been out of the game since World's and have been able to sit back and read these posts without reservation or discrimination.
It always appears that when Pokemon tries to become popular again, the forces at large find some way to bring it back to Earth before it can get launched. I remember when it first started, you couldn't find a card and Charizard's were 80.00. Then they tried to get rid of the 15+ crowd, not realizing that they were telling parents that we don't want you to play, but continue buying for your children. You can't choke the system and then hope it will flourish.

Now they have spent all of this time trying to gt everyone to play competitively, and now people are coming out to play. In such numbers that the cuts are so big in some areas that they have to play into the night to get done. I understand the TO/PTO's plight. It is NOT fair to them to have to run tournaments that late, but...... to limit city tournaments to TOP 4 will certainly turn players away and eventually they may drop from Pokemon. This is a time when PUI should still be promoting the same atmosphere and let the PTO's choose (up to a TOP 8 for cities) and not mandate a TOP 4 cut.

I will follow the guidelines as provided by PUI. It does not mean I agree 100% all the time with them. It is tough to tell a crowd of 30 or more that the topcut will only be T4. JMHO
Well put, Keith. It is tough. And if the PTO decides that the tourney should be TOP 8, depending on the turn out, then he should be able to choose. Larger tournaments demand a larger cut.

But, from a points perspective, the best "points" result usually lands at the x-1 who does not make the cut, for all but one cut players take a loss before the end of the event.

I bet of you asked all of those X-1 players if they would rather miss the cut, 100/100 will say no. These players are competitive, they come to play, they want to win.

At a time when Pokemon is becoming popular again, this is one thing in the system I would not change. Leave the TC to the PTO/TO depending on the turnout. JMO
Top Cut=20% of field
Rating Invites=0
Regionals Invite=Top 2
Nationals Invite=Top 8

Perhaps give out Nationals Travel award to top 10 in each division

my thoughts
Solution: get rid of Single Elimination.
No Single Elimination- no more people having to worry about going x-1 and not making it to Single Elimination.

How about POP recognizing some areas were getting many more matches/rds in bc they had enough for T8 at CCs? Trying to even out the process so the rankings are a closer indication of the skill level, not the sheer number of games someone gets.
Well that just shows a problem with the rating system. The way it is set up now- the more matches you play, the more easy it is to have a really high (or really low) rating. There's, unfortunately, a minimum number of matches required to reach a certain rating.
Still no word from POP at all...
how terrible that the OP staff apparently spent time away from work for thanksgiving just like many if not most other people did and didn't check the 'gym to see which of their OP decisions are being second-guessed yet again...*sarcasm detector explodes*

quote "Larger tournaments demand a larger cut"

Why? and I'm serious about this, why? If the prizes only extend to the top four players then a T4 cut is not unreasonable. Even when prizes extend to the top 8 usually there is little difference between the 5th and 8th place prizes so again a T4 cut can work.


I don't care for straight swiss because it is effectively single elimination. This isn't a problem if the only reward is the rating points but is harsh if there are prizes for the top 4.
Top cut should be based on attendance not on a GAP.
Instead of all this rating garbage bring back gym challenges. Rating is making the game unfun. So you wont pay for people to play in worlds with premier rating invites. Make gym challenges a invite for worlds but no travel award/hotel. You know the past two years this game I loved to play is getting boring and worst every year. Bad enough my very 1st nationals in 4 years was a horrible experience. A trainer engine which was played in every deck. Lots of luck and little skill last year. Now all this top cut stuff and limit of events and premier rating. Come on POP arent you guys supposed to look out for the community not make it a literal battle field. Theres way too much drama in pokeman.
I really don't see what the big deal is. It's CITIES. The prizes only go to T4 and they aren't much at all. And besides, the few people that may make Worlds based off CCs are the ones that can go to 7-10+. I find it amazing that the people that are crying about this the most are the ones that can go to that many CCs. You're already getting a ridiculous advantage over people who can't/don't travel over 3 hours for CCs.

On States: I really don't even care that it's Top 8. You should have to go X-1 swiss to top cut for States, IMO. I'm not saying that 5-2 making it is bad or anything, it's just I don't see the problem with this. States is essentially 1st place takes all and everyone else takes very little. Rating wise there's some people who can't go to 2 states in their backyard, so POP is making them T8 again. We'll see if it is actually followed this time.

Regionals is fine, obviously should be a T16.

Honestly, I can't believe how much attention this thread is getting when U.S. Nationals and the cut of Regionals prizes are such a WAYYYY bigger issue (check out those threads).
Top cut should be based on attendance not on a GAP.
Instead of all this rating garbage bring back gym challenges. Rating is making the game unfun. So you wont pay for people to play in worlds with premier rating invites. Make gym challenges a invite for worlds but no travel award/hotel. You know the past two years this game I loved to play is getting boring and worst every year. Bad enough my very 1st nationals in 4 years was a horrible experience. A trainer engine which was played in every deck. Lots of luck and little skill last year. Now all this top cut stuff and limit of events and premier rating. Come on POP arent you guys supposed to look out for the community not make it a literal battle field. Theres way too much drama in pokeman.

that is quite possibly the truest thing i have ever read...

and for those of you saying "oh, well only top 4 get prizes so why does it matter?" it matters because thats a whole other 4 people missing out on top cut that worked just as hard to get there, and if they dont make toop cut then theres no way they can get prizes.
like at my cities, had we had a top 8 (and enough people to do so) i would have made top 8, andi could have possibly won, because i had a very good chance against all of the other players that top cut.
im sure in more acounts than not, someone lower than number 4 has made it to top 8 and won it or came in second place, thats shows that top 8 is usefull.
that is quite possibly the truest thing i have ever read...

and for those of you saying "oh, well only top 4 get prizes so why does it matter?" it matters because thats a whole other 4 people missing out on top cut that worked just as hard to get there, and if they dont make toop cut then theres no way they can get prizes.
like at my cities, had we had a top 8 (and enough people to do so) i would have made top 8, andi could have possibly won, because i had a very good chance against all of the other players that top cut.
im sure in more acounts than not, someone lower than number 4 has made it to top 8 and won it or came in second place, thats shows that top 8 is usefull.

If you finished in 8th place, you lost to someone. Was it anyone in the other top 7 places??

Just a thought

Imo, the top cut should be relevant to the players in a particular division. Obviously, there are prizes for the top 4 yes, but generally in Juniors and Seniors, you'll rarely do anything more than top 4 anyways (especially Juniors). But for Masters, where you'll generally get a larger turnout, a larger cut would make more sense because there are more people playing, even if there's only prizes for the top 4.
If you finished in 8th place, you lost to someone. Was it anyone in the other top 7 places??

Just a thought


i finished 6th, and the two games i lost were so close that as long as i didnt have to play hurricane in the finals, i could have beaten anyother person that top cut. and my only major problem (hurricane) lost in the semi finals so i wouldnt have had a problem.
I'm not complaining about prizes. It is more about winning, not getting a few packs. I don't care that the losers of the Top 8 won't get prizes. It's about making the top cut like making the playoffs. Once you're in, everyone has a chance to win. It is a lot more fun that way.
If it is just about winning then why not just win more games? Or is it that you want to be able to do worse than other players by loosing more games and yet still go home with the prize? If you want to get into the cut then you have to win games in the swiss. It has always been this way. At the beginning of the tournament everyone is in (nice and fair that). In order to stay 'in' you have to win games, this applies to everyone (still seems nice and fair!)

However its not long before we are back to the topic that Scizor started on X-1s missing the cut. Right now tournaments are not structured with that specific goal in mind, though it is usually achieved.
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I'm not complaining about prizes. It is more about winning, not getting a few packs. I don't care that the losers of the Top 8 won't get prizes. It's about making the top cut like making the playoffs. Once you're in, everyone has a chance to win. It is a lot more fun that way.

exactly what i was trying to say.
good show.
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