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WINNERS POSTED - Wednesday PokeGym 10th Anniversary Celebration Giveaway

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RainbowRichards made a post?! :eek:

Happy birthday, pokegym!

*Sung to the 12 Days of Christmas, starting on the 6th day.*

On the 6th day of Christmas, the gym mods gave to me:

6 Promo Claydols
5 Golden Sleeeeeeeeeeves!
4 Nice new dice
3 PM's
2 Infraction Points

And a cool new av-aaaa-tar!!!!!!!!
Funny, especially with the infraction points :thumb:
Have a wonderful birthday, PokeGym! Everyone's Cities will be coming to a close soon, but you'll live on in our hearts (and our browser history) forever!
To another year of what is undoubtedly the most interesting Pokemon forum, and has consistently been so since I can remember.
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