Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Wisconsin states top 8 report!

luxray master2

New Member
Pre tournement
well i never practiced at all really and nothing important happened so..
tourney(im playing gyrados)
i register and after a long time pairings go up!
ROund 1 reagon(i dont know how to spell the name) random deck
i just got dos and game ended in minutes.
Round 2 Cody b. dialgachomp
i start strong and take 2 prizrs the he manages 2or 3 i forgot then i used the force to win(gyradoes and lucky topdecking)
Round 3 caleb g. machamp
he starts bad somehow and i got gyradoes going and he never came back.
Round 4 zack(i think) luxchomp
alright both his lux x were prizes and i use mesprit with seeker and super scoop up and by the time he gets 1 lux x out it to late and once i knock out lux x its game pretty much
iround 5 yakira t vilegar with machamp
i start pretty srong and im down to 1 prize but she has vileplume and manages to get all of my karps in the discard so i cant win.
Round 6 sam d. vilegar with gengar prime
i forgot this round
so i come in 3rd for top and its top 8 for once

Top cut Eli eggdos
game 1 this game is pretty fazy but i remember it came to a coinflip and he flipped heads so he won
game 2 read game 1

top 8
eli winning seniors
xander winning juniors
joey for 2nd in juniors
gyradoes for being pro\
karol for top cut 6
caleb for top cut(i dont know how far he went)

eli being to lucky
no medal:eek:

yah dats pretty much it.:thumb:
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Nice job Jeremiah! Way to represent Illinois. Seems like your also a Gyarados expert as well.:wink:

Its too bad both us didn't get to made top 4. Yeah, I ended up 6th place, and I happened to lose a deck that also used Exeggutor LA in it (that being Eric S's Blaziken FB toolbox deck that teched Exeggutor LA) just like you.

Well, good luck in Regionals!:thumb:
I don't really like the fact that you said Eli was just lucky; it isn't being a good sport. However,
you did do pretty good with G-Dos.