Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

World of warcraft

Not true... For Blizzard games atleast... now n Days they catch it within a day or so of you using it... doesnt matter how slick u r
Not true.

Script kiddies are not hackers. Hackers are the people who exploit the game and profit (REAL MONEY) off of doing so. They aren't caught by Blizzard and Blizzard spends REAL MONEY trying to convince the players of WoW that they don't actually exist. Blizzard couldn't catch them in Starcraft (resulted in the ladder being taken down on everything but Europe, because the Europe ladder is spnosored), couldn't catch them in Diablo 2 (you can barely play that game now because it's so ravaged by dupes), couldn't catch them in WC3 (they're so good they're virtually indespensible in the top 10 of all ladders), and aren't doing a great job of catching them in WoW either (see: Powerleveling websites).

EDIT: How could I forget?
Coldkill (haven't played in months, renewing my account when I buy crusade tomorrow), level 60 mage, proudmoore although most likely moving.
I'm done with quests in Hellfire Peninsula and Zangarmarsh, working on Terrorkar. I'm not sure whether I want to stay oomkin or go back to resto when I'm done leveling.
40 undead (horde) priest ---> papazit
on the server auchindoun ---> PVP

auchindoun is probably the best server if u gonna make a blood elf because its a brand new server with over 11 000 people playing on it. the server is 2 weeks old so the asian gold farmers are 70 already but its no big deal... The auction house is packed full of stuff and the que times for the battle grounds is amazing for a new server... like 3 min on the weekends and you can always find groups for instances.

if u ever wanna win a battle ground... play horde because alliance never work together, its terrible. the alliance think theyre solo in battle grounds so they almost always get wasted.
If you ever want to win anything in WoW, learn to play your damn class. The game makes it so easy to level that you get more max-level idiots than any other game I've seen.

This isn't trolling, as anyone with half a brain who's hit cap in WoW will know of what I speak.
Excuse me Papazit, the problem lies in the ORGANIZATION skills, in general the Horde win alot cause they have Organized ones alot of the time, I have been in A organized Alliance one or two, and we wiped the floor with them.
Given the average Alliance player that I've talked to (even just outside the game) and comparing them to the average Horde player (same restriction), the Alliance suffers a case of gimp infestation over a lack of organization.
oh, the alliance generally have more people with A "i am american i dont need anyone else" attitude than A "if we want to get anywhere we must help people and actually be organized in things like the Battle Grounds"
Krucifier: The former of those two attitudes results in a gimped player every time. Which is what I'm saying overall.
gratz. im stuck on 67. its such a slow level. Instead of questing (after I completed and handed in 4 quests, I only got 2 BARS OF EXP >\) I respeced to Holy and decided the heal the lving daylights out of instances to level Lol. Im a Paladin btw.

Krucifier, Alliance suck at BG's, accept it Lol. I know, because i'm a PvPer. The only thing we can win is AV, and we can win AB every now and then. Dont even try WSG, and I havent tried EoS yet.

Alliance just has arrogant players. instead of offering help, people yell out insults at you. When I try and offer help, I get flamed. This is why I PvP with my guild.
Im currently taking a break from WoW, but the char is still there

Char Name: Avermra
Server: Whisperwind, Alliance
Level 70 Druid, Enchanting/ Leatherworking

Currently in mostly Naxxramas/T3 in terms of healing. For feral stuff, mostly in Naxx/AQ40 gear as well as lvl 70 blues
Onyxia server: Fornjótr Lv48 Troll Hunter
Alterac Mountains server: Loetke Lv32 Night Elf Warrior (New character)

I have to agree with Tagrineth. Final Fantasy XI is better!
Gilgamesh server: Loetke Lv75 WAR and SAM, Lv62 RNG, Lv55 PLD, Lv50 DRK
david how does leatherworking and enchanting help also post any problems that you have im sure we can hlp you out soe how in the game.
david how does leatherworking and enchanting help also post any problems that you have im sure we can hlp you out soe how in the game.

Currently Leatherworking, Enchanting, Tailoring and Jewelcrafting are the 3 professions that has the capabilty of permanently enhancing gears. Enchanting is pretty straightfoward, Leatherworking and Tailoring has Leg Patches that they can add. Jewelcrafting adds things to sockets obviously.

So of the 4, i have the 2 that benefits my class (Druid) the most, LW makes things that i can use after i reach 375 LW. And enchanting is nice when i stealth farm stuff
Currently Leatherworking, Enchanting, Tailoring and Jewelcrafting are the 3 professions that has the capabilty of permanently enhancing gears. Enchanting is pretty straightfoward, Leatherworking and Tailoring has Leg Patches that they can add. Jewelcrafting adds things to sockets obviously.

So of the 4, i have the 2 that benefits my class (Druid) the most, LW makes things that i can use after i reach 375 LW. And enchanting is nice when i stealth farm stuff

Technically herbalism and alchamy are the best professions for your class ;P leatherworking and skinning are for hunters my class =)
Technically herbalism and alchamy are the best professions for your class ;P leatherworking and skinning are for hunters my class =)

Herbalism and Alchemy is good for any raiders that wish to stay self sufficient. However, i find myself make more money selling the items i get from farming and leftover Enchanting mats, than just alchemy.

There's no best profession for a given class, only best profession for your aim in the game. Since i am a raider and will get gear by raiding, not by crafting. I want to maximize those gear by being able to supply myself with best enhancement possible