Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Worlds 2005 promocard "Tropical Tidal Wave" picture (bad ones ) + promo 028

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Active Member
The Worlds Promocards are called Tropical Tidal Wave.
They come in 7 languages in a 9 pocket page.
There is a gold stamp with Worlds (pokeball)5 on it.

I will try to upload pictures later when I have my camera back.

Oh and the number of this promocard is 027.

Also promocard 028 is released, each player got one delivered at the hotelroom.

Pictures are bad, I will try to make new ones tomorrow, for now you have to deal with these.

7 card set World Promos

promo 028
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WOW - a whole year we had to wait for a new Blackstar?!?!?!?!

Please ask Mike L. if there is a non-stamped English version being given out at League and such!!! Then get lots lolol!!!
man it sucks being here with only 4 other peole talking about worlds....

oh well prereleae tomorrow for me atleast
Do you need glasses? =D


Tropical Tidal Wave
Flip a coin. If heads, discard all Trainer cards your opponent has in play. If tails, discard all Trainer cards (excluding Supporter cards) you have in play.


Championship Arena
Trainer - Stadium
At the end of each player's turn, if that player has 8 or more cards in his or her hand, that player discards a number of cards until that player has 7 cards left in his or her hand.


(MTG anyone? =D)
I will try to make a good picture today. Also I will try to find if there are special promocards for the top 4 or something.
Now we have to take a shower and go for deckregistration.

See you laterz
Actually, since that card actiavtes at the end of the player's turn, the opponent is likely to counter it before they have to deal with the devastating discard effects.
SpyRevenge said:
Do you need glasses? =D


Tropical Tidal Wave
Flip a coin. If heads, discard all Trainer cards your opponent has in play. If tails, discard all Trainer cards (excluding Supporter cards) you have in play.


Championship Arena
Trainer - Stadium
At the end of each player's turn, if that player has 8 or more cards in his or her hand, that player discards a number of cards until that player has 7 cards left in his or her hand.


(MTG anyone? =D)

Gee that's a nice thing to say to people. I have glasses, THANK YOU. But those letters in the scans were too smudged and way too small. Next time, WATCH WHAT YOU SAY TO PEOPLE. You just might make some enemies with that darn mouth of yours.
Dark Legendary Master said:
Gee that's a nice thing to say to people. I have glasses, THANK YOU. But those letters in the scans were too smudged and way too small. Next time, WATCH WHAT YOU SAY TO PEOPLE. You just might make some enemies with that darn mouth of yours.

Hi DLM, I think you misunderstood! =)

I have glasses too! 6.00 in the left eye, 7.00 in the right of myopia (so I can't see without them =D). What I was trying to say is "Maybe you need a guy with glasses like me".

I'm extremely sorry for the misunderstanding, hope I didn't offend you!


Returning in-topic, I think that Stadium isn't such a broken card... 8 is quite a big number for cards in hand! And Zak got the point: it says "At the end of the player's turn", so not so much to worry!

However... it might be quite useful and funny with some Pokés like Marowak RG (or Unown V)!
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RainbowRichards said:
Please ask Mike L. if there is a non-stamped English version being given out at League and such!!! Then get lots lolol!!!

From what I was told, not at this time and they are not sure if they will in future.
SpyRevenge said:
Hi DLM, I think you misunderstood! =)

I have glasses too! 6.00 in the left eye, 7.00 in the right of myopia (so I can't see without them =D). What I was trying to say is "Maybe you need a guy with glasses like me".

I'm extremely sorry for the misunderstanding, hope I didn't offend you!


Returning in-topic, I think that Stadium isn't such a broken card... 8 is quite a big number for cards in hand! And Zak got the point: it says "At the end of the player's turn", so not so much to worry!

However... it might be quite useful and funny with some Pokés like Marowak RG (or Unown V)!

Let's just say the only reason I have glasses is because I'm photosensitive, meaning my eyes are hyper sensitive to light. I can't see very well in light with out these glasses. The only good thing from my eye condition is that my eyes evolved and adapted to the light situation so that I can see better in the dark than usual, but that doesn't mean I'm too proud of my condition. Photosensitivity in the eyes is a random and rare condition that usually skips about 2 or 3 generations in certain families, so I got the bad starting hand, lol :rolleyes: . But as I said, those scans are a little hard to read to begin with.
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