Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Would you support a banlist?

Now dont go doubting another game if you barely know what its about
theres a reason for a banlist in yugioh. In yugioh theres a card called black hole. it detsroys every card on the field, obviously its banned, but imagine 4 of those in a pokemon deck. it would be broke. alot of times a ban list is created when a card is to be found to be extremely broke kinda like poke turn or Luxray GL Lv.X
No, the banlist is the reason I quit Yu-Gi-Oh. YGO had a banlist because cards were so broken that they were in every deck and there was no reliable counter for them, i.e. Chaos Emperor Dragon at the time. YGO just printed overpowered cards, realized, "hey, this is ruining the game," and either limited or banned it. It's like they didn't think, "hmm, this card has a high probability of winning the game as soon as it hits the field and there's no counter for it." Rather, they just printed them and then banned them a month later. Thankfully, Pokémon isn't like that.

If the cards are so overpowered, Pokémon should have the foresight to not print them in the first place. Of course, it's our loss if they do, but so far that hasn't really happened. There isn't really a dominant deck without a counter. The metagame is never super, super targeted toward one deck. Even LuxChomp at its peak lost to Machamp. And there are no cards that are so good they're in every deck. Except Uxie, and that's different.

I would like to see a banlist for Unlimited (Bye, Scoop Up. Bye, Muk ex.), but I think Modified is perfectly fine without one.
They didn't ban gardy, so it's not gona happen. Luxray really isn't that broken. Suck it up, and move on with your life. There's plenty of other decks that are still winning.
I would support a Banlist, and start with Kwisdumb.

*shifty eyes*

Seriously though, so many problems with a Banlist, most all have been covered here, from "too complicated for new players" to "not enough playable cards anyway", that I only need weigh in on the nay side.
Not really. I'd stay with rotation. Sure Lux X is used a lot but banning some cards makes some techs or even decks useless. Rotation is easier to follow and easier to organize.
Ban list fails. With rotation at least it's semi-predictable. I'm sure there would be a lot of complaints regarding what cards were banned too. There would have to be a system in place.
I enjoy people complaining about cards.
Cards get released to balance stuff all the time. I like Rotating Sets better.

And because of that we have so many exiting new decks all the time and we dont have anything that like wins every tournament ;D And since they release new cards all the time to balance you can soon pount luxrays to death ith your scizor/marcargo deck ;D

Ya I would support a banlist, it cant get any worse anyway <.<
If you dislike Luxray that much make a deck that counters it by itself.
but then you will lose every other matchup.

Luxray X is a good card but there would be no reason for it to be banned.

My point was that the last time a single pokemon was so ubiquitous as to be teched as an attacker in every single deck that could possibly support it (note: this does not apply to support pokemon), it got banned.

Sneasel deserved it quite a lot more than Luxray GL X, that's for sure...

Also, to the guy saying "just limit poketurn"... okay so now you're going to instead have people whining about how their opponent hit their ONE PokeTurn for a clutch play that won them the game, before they hit their ONE PokeTurn.
I would vaguely supported a LIMITED list in ADDITION to rotation.

If you were to limit Luxray GL, Garchomp C, Garchomp C X, and Luxray X to one-ofs per deck, that would be really awesome - it would significantly alter the format even more than the rotation did without severely hampering Luxray's value (it's still a ubiquitous tech that can be splashed into anything). But you have to keep the rotations going along with it.
i say that's something that pokemon players can agree on

I would never agree to that. I like the way It is. No matter what people are going to complain. Lux x isn't as broken as people make him out to be, garchomp c was actually in more top winning decks then luxray (luxchomp, sablock, gengar c, dialga chomp, palkialock, etc.)
a ban list would take all the fun out of pokemon and make prediction less useful and decks less unique in my opinion