Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

WTB Common Bianca and 12 Basic Dark Energy

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Are you serious? Energies are 10ct each

Historically, the basic Darkness Energy has been a premium compared to other basic Energy. When the concept initially debuted in the Diamond and Pearl sets, there was no realistic way of obtaining such cards in sufficient quantites except for in theme decks and perhaps at your local pre-release. Even though it became a promo and was printed in both HGSS and BW sets, the only way to get even a few were from booster packs or event attendance.

Value increases when such an uncommon basic Energy actually becomes a deck staple. On an amazingly good day, you'll see these Energy for around $0.35 each. However, ever since the release of Darkrai-EX in combination with the use of Dark Patch, many players continue to seek this still uncommon Energy. It's actually quite realistic to see these energy go for $0.75 each or greater, with foil versions reaching dollar amounts.

tl;dr - Basic Darkness Energy is currently more expensive when compared to other basic Energy types. Grab them if you need them for current events, or perhaps you can wait for the Plasma Storm: Elite Trainer Box (which may or may not have them).
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