Chilling Reign FAQ

Pokemon Judges, Organizers and Players, here are the Chilling Reign FAQs for use during non official tournaments held during the Prerelease Period. Remember, be safe and follow local pandemic guidelines!
Wear masks as appropriate!
Note that the official abbreviation for this set is CRE.
== CHROMASHIFT (Kecleon – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. If Kecleon has no Energy attached and I attach a Psychic Energy to it when Old Cemetery is in play, will Kecleon’s “Chromashift” Ability kick in before checking for Old Cemetery or will Kecleon get 2 damage counters?
A. Old Cemetery’s effect will happen first, so Kecleon will receive 2 damage counters.
== HIDDEN CLAW (Liepard V – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. If Path to the Peak is in play, can I use Liepard V’s “Hidden Claw” Ability when I play it from my hand onto my Bench?
A. No, Liepard V is considered in play by the time Hidden Claw activates, so it won’t work due to Path to the Peak.
== LAST GIFT (Gengar – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. Can I choose to search my deck for zero cards if Gengar with the “Last Gift” Ability is Knocked Out (for example, if I don’t want to empty my deck)?
A. Since the search is not optional (it does not say “you may”) you must take at least one card if you are able to.
== MYSTERIOUS POTION (Galarian Slowking – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. Can I use Galarian Slowking’s “Mysterious Potion” Ability on a Pokemon that isn’t damaged?
A. Yes, you could try to damage your own Pokemon if you really wanted to.
== THROWING COACH (Passimian – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. Does Passimian’s “Throwing Coach” Ability work if my Active Pokemon’s attack doesn’t do any damage to the opponent’s Bench?
A. No, Throwing Coach only adds +30 more damage when you actually do damage to your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. In other words, you have to do some bench damage in order to have “+30 more” done.
== UNDERWORLD DOOR (Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. If I use Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX’s “Underworld Door” Ability, do I have to draw 2 cards?
A. Yes, it is not optional (it does not say “you may”). You must draw 2 cards if you are able to; you can only draw a single card if it’s the last card in your deck.
Q. Can I use Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX’s “Underworld Door” Ability if there are no cards left in my deck to draw from?
A. Yes, you can. Attaching Psychic Energy is the main effect of the Ability, which means it can be used even if you have 0 cards in your deck.
== BLISSFUL BLAST (Blissey V – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. On my opponent’s last turn, they flipped heads for Diglett’s “Dig” attack. If I use Blissey V’s “Blissful Blast” attack on my turn, would I be able to attach Energy cards from my discard pile?
A. No. Since Blissful Blast did no damage due to Dig, you cannot get any Energy cards from the discard pile with Blissful Blast.
== COORDINATED BOLT (Zebstrika – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. On my last turn, I attacked with Blitzle’s “Thunder Spear” attack. If I evolve it into Zebstrika this turn and use “Coordinated Bolt”, will it do extra damage?
A. Yes, Zebstrika is not the Pokemon that attacked last turn; Blitzle was your other Rapid Strike Pokemon that used an attack on the previous turn.
Q. On my last turn, I attacked with Zebstrika’s “Coordinated Bolt” attack. If I use a different Zebstrika’s “Coordinated Bolt” this turn, will it do extra damage?
A. Yes, that would work.
== CROSS FIST (Zeraora V – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. On my last turn, I attacked with Zeraora V’s “Cross Fist” attack. If I use a different Zeraora V’s “Cross Fist” this turn, will it do extra damage?
A. Yes, that would work.
== DIG (Diglett – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. On my opponent’s last turn, they flipped heads for Diglett’s “Dig” attack. If I use Blissey V’s “Blissful Blast” attack on my turn, would I be able to attach Energy cards from my discard pile?
A. No. Since Blissful Blast did no damage due to Dig, you cannot get any Energy cards from the discard pile with Blissful Blast.
== GHOSTLY CRIES (Spiritomb – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. For Spiritomb’s “Ghostly Cries” attack, do you put any Pokemon Knocked Out by the attack into the discard pile before or after shuffling all the Pokemon in their discard pile back into their deck?
A. After. Shuffle the discarded Pokemon into the deck first, then resolve any Knock Outs from the attack.
Q. If you use Spiritomb’s “Ghostly Cries” attack, can you put more damage counters onto a Pokemon than it would take to Knock It out?
A. Yes, you can. You place all the damage counters for Ghostly Cries first, then resolve any Knock Outs from the attack.
== RESOLUTE SPITE (Banette – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. When using Banette’s “Resolute Spite” attack, can you put more damage counters on Banette than it has remaining HP?
A. Yes, you can.
== WORD OF RUIN (Galarian Slowking V – SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. When I use Galarian Slowking V’s “Word of Ruin” attack, is my opponent’s Pokemon still Knocked Out if they retreat it during their next turn?
A. Since it is an attack effect on the Defending Pokemon, the effect is removed if that Defending Pokemon is no longer Active.
Q. Both players have 1 prize left. Player-A uses Galarian Slowking V’s “Word of Ruin” attack. Player-B attacks Galarian Slowking V with enough damage to KO it with the same Pokemon that got hit by “Word of Ruin”. Who wins? Or is it a tie?
A. The KO from Player-B’s attack happens before the end of their turn, so the game is over before Word of Ruin’s effect gets to happen. Player-B wins.
== FLANNERY (SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. Can I play Flannery if my opponent only has a Special Energy in play but no Stadium, or vice versa?
A. Yes, you can play Flannery as long as there’s at least 1 thing to discard. However, it’s not optional, so you must discard a Special Energy and a Stadium if both are in play.
== OLD CEMETERY (SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. If Kecleon has no Energy attached and I attach a Psychic Energy to it when Old Cemetery is in play, will Kecleon’s “Chromashift” Ability kick in before checking for Old Cemetery or will Kecleon get 2 damage counters?
A. Old Cemetery’s effect will happen first, so Kecleon will receive 2 damage counters.
== PATH TO THE PEAK (SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. If Path to the Peak is in play, can I use Liepard V’s “Hidden Claw” Ability when I play it from my hand onto my Bench?
A. No, Liepard V is considered in play by the time Hidden Claw activates, so it won’t work due to Path to the Peak.
== PEONIA (SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. Do I get to look at the Prize cards I’m drawing with Peonia before choosing them?
A. No you may not, unless the Prize cards are already face up.
Q. If I choose to take a face up Prize card with Peonia, do I have to put its replacement prize face down or face up?
A. The replacement prize goes back face down.
Q. Can I play Peonia if there are no other cards in my hand?
A. Sure. In that case, you still put up to three Prize cards into your hand and then put them back down.
Q. When using Peonia, do I have to randomize my Prize cards after putting them back?
A. Rearranging the prize cards is not part of Peonia’s effect, so wherever you put the new prize card is where it should stay until some other action causes the prize cards to be rearranged.
Q. When using Peonia, do the cards I take count as “Prizes taken” for effects that count how many Prize cards you have taken?
A. No, it does not.
== IMPACT ENERGY (SW:Chilling Reign)
Q. Can I use Houndoom’s “Single Strike Roar” Ability to search my deck for the special energy card Impact Energy?
A. No, you cannot. Single Strike Roar is only able to target a specific card named “Single Strike Energy”. Although Impact Energy is a “Single Strike” Energy card, it is not “Single Strike Energy”.
Q. Can I use Urn of Vitality to shuffle the card Impact Energy from my discard pile into my deck?
A. No, you cannot. Urn of Vitality is only able to target a specific card named “Single Strike Energy”. Although Impact Energy is a “Single Strike” Energy card, it is not “Single Strike Energy”.
For your convenience, attached is a PDF of the rulings: