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what will win Nats

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who is seriously going to pop out there SD at BRs and not wait until nats? Majestic Dawn released too much sickening cards for Empoleon or GG to win.

Honestly I have a hard time believing that many decks can beat Plox and Empoleon consistently.
Rogue decks will have a chance, but I think it will be more of the techs that people play than a whole new deck.
MD brought us many valuable cards that could see play as techs.

BUT everybody knows that Mario will win Nats.
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I wouldn't really call it an Archtype since not many people used it or knew of it.

You didnt see it that much because it was really expensive to play and hard to obtain the cards:

Jolteon Ex-15-20 $
Espeon Ex: 10-15 $
Umbereon Ex:10-15$
Vapereon Ex:10-20$
Mew Ex: 25-35$
Jirachi Ex: 10$
Celebi Ex:5 $
Absol Ex: 15 -20$
Rayquaza d Ex: 15-20$
Holon Transceiver:not cheap.

Thats why you didnt see it much,it was a really good deck and a archtype since it did win a regionals. Then nats then worlds.2 bad it only lasted for one format
I wish i had that much money for that kind of deck >.<
I only had absol on the list and that was only 1 copy
Speed Spread was definitely an archetype that won nats. No one had a good list though so it wasn't played in huge numbers.
My bad...I knew there was some big hub-bub about Mario right after Nats, so IIRC it got 2nd?

@Scizor: All of those "archetypes" that won weren't BDIF going into the tournaments, with Speed Spread possibly being an exception. There was a bunch of doom-saying going on before the '04 and '06 tournaments that Blaze or LBS would take it, and this year ppl can't find a reliable answer to GG, so we're going to see more of the same this year.
i think that plox/g&g has a good chance of winning, and i think that fossils, empo, garch, ape, ban, and bliss are going to do well to. with so many good decks that are being played now, i think that a good rogue deck would be able to slidee in very easily and win, due to people just focusing on the archtypes and not thinking of the rogue.
i think that plox/g&g has a good chance of winning, and i think that fossils, empo, garch, ape, ban, and bliss are going to do well to. with so many good decks that are being played now, i think that a good rogue deck would be able to slidee in very easily and win, due to people just focusing on the archtypes and not thinking of the rogue.

I agree its just you will never know what to expect thats rogue
I just have 1 piece of tech against Empolion ^_^

Meganium Delta. It's so hard to play against that card...:p

How is it so hard to play against it i had a crazy 4 type deck with this cards and it wasn't a complete killer (yet again i had only 1 copy) (GFLM)
And besides it doesn't have any type advantages against Empoleon
Trust me, Meganium d gives Empoleon more problems than you think.

So... what will win Nats? hmm

Banette=Has a Better Chance (i would much rather Banette win Nats than G&G/Plox)
Fossils=I don't think so
Eeveelutions=ehhhh, It could beat G&G/Plox, won't beat Empoleon, maybe beats Banette so... Has a chance
Something Rogue that no one expects=FTW

At least that is my opinion, i really hope it was alot like U.S. Nats last year, everybody is like "OMFG! Infernape is gonna win!" and then you had things like Empo/Marowak, Ambush, Speed Spread, and things like that hit it SO hard.
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Whatever Austin Reed, Ian Brander or the Miles brothers are playing. ;D

*note to Garch. It's sarcasm. (i still hope they win though)*
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