Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokemon Is DEAD!

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Ha, I live in Texas about an hour and a half from where this guy's shop is. I've never been in it, although if he considers Pokemon cards to be worth so little, perhaps I should take a trip down there and see how low he is selling this non-valuable product.

"If your child is having fun with his Pokemon cards, then that's the most important factor, not necessarily how much they're worth."

Agreeable enough quote there. However, I wonder if he realizes that the average lv. X card will go for about 10 to 15 dollars whereas the most coveted lv. X cards can reach upwards of 40. I also wonder if he has traced the consistent popularity of Charizard's numerous TCG representations over the years and noticed the link between fan adoration and selling price. I wonder if he knows about Claydol or Roseanne's Research, both cards that should be fetching way less than they actually are due to huge demand (everyone knows Claydol generally runs from 15-30 dollars and I've seen Roseanne's at 10 dollars). I wonder if he was selling Pokemon during the EX run and realized how much the average EX sold for. I wonder if he knows about * cards or the monetary value that tends to accompany that little "Ultra rare" star at the bottom of a card.

More than anything else though, I wonder what sort of secret deck he will be running at Cities.
Well, in all actuality, the cards he's talking about aren't that expensive. let's be honest, people: Pre- PUI takeover cards haven't aged in value like older M:tG cards of the same age have. And Charizard or Blasty or Rare trainers, sure you'll turn a pretty penny off those. But, honesty, who wants a Base 2 Clefairy or TR Dark Slowbro anymore? While the price of more recent cards, even those rotated out, as still high, I believe this expert is referring to cards that are MUCH older and rarely garner any worth.
I'm not gonna player-hate on this guy, he is just uninformed. He owns a sports industry and doesn't run a league. Of course Pokemon cards won't be viewed as popular. It looks like all he has left is all of the old WotC cards from Pokemon's heyday, when his little sports shop HAD TO HAVE THEM to have business. These fetch close to nothing and nobody wants them!

He just isn't viewing them from the newer cards, nor is he introduced to them, in the midst of a bunch of old sports dudes like himself.

I think it is pretty funny he says this though, considering sports cards are an extremely dead industry. I think that in all the time I spend at my local comic/card shop (which is by far the most popular collectables store in my area), I have seen only one person come in and buy baseball cards.
Exactly, Pop. They become less valuable because you can't play them, and there are simply more of them out there.

Not to mention the fact that newer cards get considerably better as the years go by...
Exactly, Pop. They become less valuable because you can't play them, and there are simply more of them out there.

Yes, if the older cards were still legal then some of them would have some pretty high prices. Gust of Wind, Energy Removal, Prof Elm, there were so many broken cards back then. And compairing Pokemon to Magic doesn't realy make sence, for the reason I just posted and because when Magic first came out not many people played it. So not many cards were around/are still around. Pokemon was big since it first started and everyone bought them, which makes the cards more commen.
I did look at his other clips and the "How to sell Pokemon cards" was highly amusing. Especially at the end where he says it they aren't taking up much space to hold onto them and hope someday they make a rebound.

This was a priceless find, thanks. :)
Pokemon is very strong, the very mentioning and quarelling over the subject on the gym's forum is visible proof that people enjoy playing the game so h much so. Some of us travel the country just to play in the high stakes tournys.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Pokemon is very strong, the very mentioning and quarelling over the subject on the gym's forum is visible proof that people enjoy playing the game so h much so. Some of us travel the country just to play in the high stakes tournys.
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He is correct, and incorrect at the same time. When it comes to trading card games such as this one, the value of a card really depends on how useful it is in the current format. Remember, a card is worth however much a person will pay for it. Some people these days pay upward 30 dollars for Claydol. There is a such a high demand for it.
it depends on the pokemon card itself.

[sarcazm] and pokémon is sooo dead here in Texas.[/sarcazm]
To a certain extent, what this guy is saying isn't way off. In comparison to other Card games/Sports cards, Pokemon cards aren't worth squat, in terms of selling price. Think about it, with exception to when things immediately hit the market, a good consistent value for a Pokemon card is $30-40, with some exception to things like Wailord ex, Charizard ex, a No. 1 Trainer card, or something like that. However, an average value for the higher end Yugioh cards, for instance, is about $150, 3-5 times the value! Don't get me wrong, I love Pokemon, but if you're in a game to make money, you've picked the wrong game (unless you're Ness...)
He obviously isn't an expert if he thinks Pokemon is dead. Sure, some people don't like it. Sure, some people don';t play it, but that doesn't mean it's DEAD.

Look at card games like Poker, oh wait, we have computers now. It must be dead too. That's why people win millions of dollars every year the the World Poker Tour...[/sarcastic comment]
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