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Jailbreaking is now LEGAL

Yet it still voids the warranty on the products, and will be continued to be fought by software updates.
Yet it still voids the warranty on the products, and will be continued to be fought by software updates.
Well, I can understand it still voiding the warranty. "Hey, we told you it could mess up your device, why should WE pay to fix it because you were too stupid not to take our advice/do it right?" When the manufacturer says they won't cover something and the consumer agrees, but does it anyway, it's the consumer's fault.

I don't agree with it being fought with by software updates after it becomes legal. It should be illegal for Apple to issue software updates that fix jailbroken devices from here on out, not the other way around. Once it leaves Apple's hands, Apple should have absolutely no control over the device.

I believe that if I pay for something, I should be able to do whatever I want with it (within the law, of course). Once I buy something from the manufacturer, they have no right to tell me what I can and can't do with it. That's like buying a car and being told you can't drive it in X state. I bought the car, I'll drive it where I want, thank you very much.
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Driver's License. Driver's Permit (probably a better example).
I believe that if I pay for something, I should be able to do whatever I want with it (within the law, of course). Once I buy something from the manufacturer, they have no right to tell me what I can and can't do with it. That's like buying a car and being told you can't drive it in X state. I bought the car, I'll drive it where I want, thank you very much.

It's more like if you buy a car and then mod it.

Fine if you know what you are doing, but what if you end up with an engine that tears the chassis to pieces?

Don't expect the car maker to approve or honour the warranty.
It's more like if you buy a car and then mod it.

Fine if you know what you are doing, but what if you end up with an engine that tears the chassis to pieces?

Don't expect the car maker to approve or honour the warranty.
I said it's okay for them to void the warranty.
Well, I can understand it still voiding the warranty. "Hey, we told you it could mess up your device, why should WE pay to fix it because you were too stupid not to take our advice/do it right?" When the manufacturer says they won't cover something and the consumer agrees, but does it anyway, it's the consumer's fault.
They're the manufacturer, they get to chose what they cover in their manufacturer's warranty. If you chose to knowingly do something that voids your warranty and mess up your device in the process, that's your fault.

What I'm talking about, is that I spent $350 on my iPod Touch. And now Apple's gonna tell me I can't do what I want with it (Jailbreak and use apps THEY don't approve of)? I don't think so, and now neither does the law. If they continue to issue software updates to fix jailbroken devices they are invasively preventing me from using the device that I paid for in the way that I (legally, btw) want. That's not fair.

My iPod isn't jailbroken, and I don't intend to jailbreak it. But if for some reason I decide, "You know what? I want to jailbreak my iPod," I should be able to do so. Apple doesn't get to decide what I do with my own property, I do.
I said it's okay for them to void the warranty.
They're the manufacturer, they get to chose what they cover in their manufacturer's warranty. If you chose to knowingly do something that voids your warranty and mess up your device in the process, that's your fault.

What I'm talking about, is that I spent $350 on my iPod Touch. And now Apple's gonna tell me I can't do what I want with it (Jailbreak and use apps THEY don't approve of)? I don't think so, and now neither does the law. If they continue to issue software updates to fix jailbroken devices they are invasively preventing me from using the device that I paid for in the way that I (legally, btw) want. That's not fair.

I don't like Apple's controlling ways either. I'd never use iTunes or their store.

I just thought the analogy was a bit off, that's all.
I've been jailbreaking since the original iPhone came out (when the 8gb was >$600 :thumb: lol) and I will continue to do it no matter what. I <3 Cydia
I believe that if I pay for something, I should be able to do whatever I want with it (within the law, of course). Once I buy something from the manufacturer, they have no right to tell me what I can and can't do with it. That's like buying a car and being told you can't drive it in X state. I bought the car, I'll drive it where I want, thank you very much.

Yes the device is yours but the apps that you get for free instead of buying arn't and by allowing this its just gonna scew up the system, companys wont wanna make games for apple because nobody will buy them and apple wont get money from the companys so your just scewing yourself over by stealing apps, and im pritty sure that they only allowed the product to be jailbroken but when you get stuff for free im pritty sure thats still illegal or els that means the US just made it legal to steal.
Yes the device is yours but the apps that you get for free instead of buying arn't and by allowing this its just gonna scew up the system, companys wont wanna make games for apple because nobody will buy them and apple wont get money from the companys so your just scewing yourself over by stealing apps, and im pritty sure that they only allowed the product to be jailbroken but when you get stuff for free im pritty sure thats still illegal or els that means the US just made it legal to steal.

yes because everyone knows how to hack their system...
Yes the device is yours but the apps that you get for free instead of buying arn't and by allowing this its just gonna scew up the system, companys wont wanna make games for apple because nobody will buy them and apple wont get money from the companys so your just scewing yourself over by stealing apps, and im pritty sure that they only allowed the product to be jailbroken but when you get stuff for free im pritty sure thats still illegal or els that means the US just made it legal to steal.
Yeah, it is illegal to steal apps from the app store. However, I have no intent to do that, or even jailbreak in the first place. There are other perks to jailbreakig/unlocking your devices, though.
So does this mean that we are allowed to post guides on how to jailbreak/unlock iPhones/iPads/iTouches on the gym (without showing how to install installous; the app that ges free app store games)??? I know how to do this process very well and have Jailbroken/unlocked about 20 devices :)

Please LMK
I guess you could (DEFINITELY want to get a Admin's permission, though). The PokeGym doesn't allow discussion of illegal stuff, and since this is no longer illegal, I don't see why not.

To be honest, though, there are plenty of guides online for it. A quick Google search does wonders.
I guess you could (DEFINITELY want to get a Admin's permission, though). The PokeGym doesn't allow discussion of illegal stuff, and since this is no longer illegal, I don't see why not.

To be honest, though, there are plenty of guides online for it. A quick Google search does wonders.

But, a detailed guide is the key. I know very smart people who "brick" their iDevices by doing something wrong (even though I can fix "bricked" devices).

I also keep up with everything on the jailbreak scene on a daily basis so aim up to date with every Cydia application and even some that aren't in which you have to manually SSH into your iDevices or use iFile.

Again, anyone with all the Pokegym Power, please LMK.

- Zach "Apple-jail breaking guru" Lesage
But, a detailed guide is the key. I know very smart people who "brick" their iDevices by doing something wrong (even though I can fix "bricked" devices).

I also keep up with everything on the jailbreak scene on a daily basis so aim up to date with every Cydia application and even some that aren't in which you have to manually SSH into your iDevices or use iFile.

Again, anyone with all the Pokegym Power, please LMK.

- Zach "Apple-jail breaking guru" Lesage


Download blackra1n
click a button
you're jailbroken

I guess I'm a guru too! :thumb:

Download blackra1n
click a button
you're jailbroken

I guess I'm a guru too! :thumb:

Alright, do you know every single jailbreak available for every single device and what model numbers, firmwares, files, etc. In need to jailbreak every single one of them? Do you know how to jailbreak with SHSH blobs to get a 3GS jailbroken on 4.0? Do you have developers firmware to allow you to get 4.1 betas or even 4.0 GM betas? Do you have flash on your iPad? Do you make excessive amounts of money jail breaking/unlocking other peoples devices?

If you can answer all of those, you are a guru :/ Blackra1n = old (3.12)
For a massive majority of people, jailbreaking = install Cydia = install Installer = pirated apps.

It's a no-brainer that Apple wouldn't like that. Yes, I know Cydia has legitimate programs in it. I've used it before. But it's also perfectly reasonable for Apple to kill it all in software updates. You don't like it, don't update.

It's sort of like the R4 DS card. It has tons of legitimate, legal purposes. It's just that almost everybody that gets it uses it for illegal purposes.
Alright, do you know every single jailbreak available for every single device and what model numbers, firmwares, files, etc. In need to jailbreak every single one of them? Do you know how to jailbreak with SHSH blobs to get a 3GS jailbroken on 4.0? Do you have developers firmware to allow you to get 4.1 betas or even 4.0 GM betas? Do you have flash on your iPad? Do you make excessive amounts of money jail breaking/unlocking other peoples devices?

If you can answer all of those, you are a guru :/ Blackra1n = old (3.12)

I was only kidding with you :thumb: sarcasm my friend! :biggrin:

I actually do know most of that, I've been jailbreaking since the original iPhone until now, with most things in between. I haven't been rocking it too much lately, but I've still been doing some. I'm itching for the iPhone 4 unlock since I know it can be done, but they're waiting for the bug-free jailbreak....OMG. Can't wait :wink: