Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Net decking and SotG...

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Unfortunately netdecking just is a part of this game. I think that it's good for new players to see how to build a GOOD deck and netdecking helps them to get started. But there is the other "dark side" of netdecking too. That is just like BANGINBOX said the "bad" netdecking part where someones does the deck and makes it perfect, then someone just sees the list and copys it, plays it and won some tournaments with it. And they haven't done ANYTHING about it but got the cards they needed. That's bad for the Spirit of the Game IMO.

But when it comes to it that someone wants to show a new deck they just invented and won with it, I don't see anything bad about netdecking that deck because it isn't against the decks inventer's will. But I really have to say that I hate too people who just gets the cards to deck they just netdecked and then win tournament with it, it's disgusting and bad for the SotG too...
this is a stupid question (but i'm NOT a player, so don't flame me), but how hard is it to just take a decklist and win with it?

i ask because i've played other card games where it is very very difficult to win with decks you have no experience with
JIMMY wins with his decks because JIMMY plays them. One of the best and under-rated players
out there.

Read the 1st 2 sentences in the 1st paragraph of his post.Tht' why.

It's the singer not the song .........

AMEN and pass the mashed taters!

Netdecking is just a fact of the game. If there are Forums, such as these, there will be those that come on and jot down a list and try it at a Tourny. If it works, they may tweak it to their playstyle and if it doesn't they will come back and get another list.

It is interesting that a CARDIOLOGIST is against NETDECKING when in essence the PRIMARY PURPOSE of that title is to fix a deck on the NET in a PUBLIC FORUM that after the fixes have been listed the person submitting the deck can go and copy thre list and build it! So when the advice has been given, the person that posted the deck list can go and get the cards therefore never actually testing it until they "NETDECK" the ideas from the CARDIOLOGISTS and other MEMBERS!

I agree with Jimmy that it can be frustrating when a list is LEAKED then NETDECKED, but this too is inevitable! Martin playing RaiEggs ( Delta is just not a given deck name fro me as there are so many Delta decks now it confuses nOObs!) and winning created an instant stir and once the list was released, NETDECKING ensued!

Flariados was brought to the forefront by anther one of the most underrated players IMHO and is now NETDEKCED like crazy!

As SILVERMAN said, it isnt the song, but the singer that makes it work!

Jimmy, I suggest you take PRIDE in the FACT that people realize you are one of the TOP QUALITY PLAYERS right now and they want to know what you are playing! If you really HATED NETDECKING, why allow your EEVEELUTIONS deck to be published?? Isn't that NETDECKING at its largest capacity??
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Unifiedshoe on the Sabertooth Games forum said:
Netdecking is a good thing.

Netdecking gives inexperienced or time constrained players the tools to play the game they love at the highest level possible in the least amount of time.

Netdecking helps teach players how to play and play against deck types or play styles that they might not be familiar with.

Netdecking provides an easy way to test for a tournament. The first thing any pro team does when preparing for an event is build all the good decks on the net. It gives you a place to start and access into how other players think.

When you post your ideas or decks online it should be with the hopes that someone plays your deck. You arent planting a flag and claiming it all for yourself.

I've seen and built decks in the past that were perfect and any changes made to them would ruin the build. Any player who knows enough about the game to recognize that nothing needs to be changed is just being smart by playing it.

Building CCG decks is not a race to think of an idea first.

There should be no stigma to netdecking. If you are complaining about someone netdecking because you can't beat their deck then maybe you should do some netdecking too.

Pokemon players are INCREDIBLY, DEPRESSINGLY obsessive about deck ideas. Significantly moreso than any other CCG there is.

The first ever UFS world champion, Matt Kohls, has every single deck list he has made up on the STG boards for anyone to view. Many other players, including the aforementioned Unifiedshoe, will gladly give you their list if you ask. ****, half of them are already posted.

Pokemon? People kick and scream, and ***** and moan, and post tournament reports like this one which say little more than "I went to two tournaments and played a few games. By the way, I can't spell. LOL!"

I dunno about anyone else but I've really been put off by the almost psychotic player base of this game, to the point of simply not bothering to go to any tournaments. It's no fun when every "great player" is also a paranoid idiot who can't win a damn thing without his precious "secret techs", which usually aren't all that secret or surprising at all... they just won't reveal them.

And let the game stagnate, preventing other players from learning from new ideas and working on developing the metagame.

Whee, fun.

Edit: By the way, Chuck, you are TEH MANG. It's no wonder you're the fifteen time ultimate champion of all things Pokemon.

Edit 2: Also, Unifiedshoe isn't some hack player. At the most recent "big" UFS tournament (kinda equivalent to a gym challenge, but not really) he placed 5th, and would've beat the first place deck in the quarter final (and probably won the whole thing) if he hadn't had a horrific bad luck streak in their match.
Heading out to a party, so:
Go BigChuck01 - you said it all man.
Netdecking is NOT the function of the Cardiologist. Cardiology is to teach deckbuilding.
Netdecking is xeroxing a list and playing that list. Its seldom effective for the reasons stated.
We do not like whining and complaining in the deck forum, whether your xeroxed or adapted a list or just asked for help. Don't like bashing, ego-tripping or trashing decks either. Its a deck HELP forum.
Cheers & have fun tonite. I know I will.
I remember when people came up with a deck idea and promoted it and tried to get other people to play their creation!

Sponge, Potporri, Occult Forces, Wigglymaker, etc.

Anyone else remember that?

Netdecking is fine. It does mark a player as not in the top tier because they are not coming up with their own twists on things, but it does help them understand what makes a winning deck by gaining experience with it. I think its a fine way for people to build up their experience.
Better than playing binder.dec, no?

On the other hand, do they need the most recent, uber-cutting edge deck? No.
It's perfectly fine for someone to keep their state of the art weapon secret.
On the other hand, it would be good for them to give general advice to deckbuilders that doesn't give away their secrets, such as how to construct a Trainer engine for a deck.
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I remember when people came up with a deck idea and promoted it and tried to get other people to play their creation!

Sponge, Potporri, Occult Forces, Wigglymaker, etc.

Anyone else remember that?

Netdecking is fine. It does mark a player as not in the top tier because they are not coming up with their own twists on things, but it does help them understand what makes a winning deck by gaining experience with it. I think its a fine way for people to build up their experience.
Better than playing binder.dec, no?

That's what i did with a bunch of my rogues but if you go to a big event and the only decks you see are MSN-BC and Raieggs...I mean come on, that's just a bit ridiculous. Don't ya think?

There are a lot of issues tied up in Jimmy's post.

Coming back to center, the issue at hand as described in the title is netdecking (NDing) and SOTG. I have broken out the components of Jimmy's post in an attempt to address them one at a time. If you don't want to read the analysis/discussion, skip to the bottom.

1. I have a serious problem with people who put NO time, money or EFFORT into the game.
I am tired of these people who come to the gym, pull a list, and bomb at a tournament.
These thoughts in the context of NDing and SOTG are potentially not related. The fact that people choose to download a list from a deck forum and then build it for what ever value, and then bomb at a tourney, is not in violation of spirit of the game.
To some of the previous posts above, it may provide creativity and spawn alternate thoughts on an already sound structure of a build.
NDing and losing does not impinge on SOTG in my view.

2. Then proceed to come back here and BASH the person who posted it in the first place looking for HELP!!!
SOTG is comprised of 6 (at least) tenets or basic premises.
They are - Fun, Fairness, Honesty, Respect, Sportsmanship, Learning.
To bash someone over a deck that was NDed is in violation of the SOTG in several of the above but mostly Respect and Sportsmanship.
Jimmy, Right on with this one as reflected back to the title of the thread.

3. The deck forum is a HELPforum. Not a place to post up a list that has already been proven.
"Deck Help and Strategy" is defined on this forum as
"Have a deck list? Need help making it play better? Want to help others with their decklists and ideas?"
One could argue that this section of the gym is for new decks however, it does not preclude one from posting a proven deck in the hopes of aiding new players or challenging top tier players to think harder and deeper.
Not in violation of either the gym rules or the SOTG

4. Why would I want to post a list that I spent several weeks perfecting so some NEWB could take it and bomb with it???
You don't have to. You are under no obligation to post anything.

5. While there are some that think we should post ALL lists available, I disagree.
Your have a right to your point of view.

6. I think netdecking itself is breaking the spirit of the game!!! THIEVES!!!
Once again, you have a right to your point of view.

Ultimately, it comes down to the issue of Player A bashing Player B becasue Player A cannot play with Player B's deck.

That's wrong and I put forth that that is in violation of the Spirit of the Game.


Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

If I had half the talent of deck building that you do, I would be smiling ear to ear.

But that is not it..............

Great decks don't win tournies, Great Players do.

You are a great player - no one can argue that. If someone disrepsects you via bashing your deck, the heck with them.

Your skills of build and play carry the day.

I think Banginbox has a very valid point as to startin this thread. If he develops a "secret deck" and decides to play HIS deck whenever HE feels like it, then so be it. And as far as people watching him play it, memorizing his cards, taking notes, or having someone else take notes so they can try to emulate HIS deck, well, if your that non-creative or have no originality, that good for you. If you think that Banginbox is in the wrong because he wont share his list with everyone so you can play what he is playing, and try to do the things that he does, then you have to take less time worrying about what he is doing and more time developing your own game. B.B. is a good friend of mine, and contrary to popular belief, he has not shared his list with me, and my son did NOT play "Jimmy's list " in Kansas.

If my post offends anyone, please take your complaint to the complaint thread 2 doors over.
I'm with BigChuck01.

I don't even own my tournament deck (I own plenty of cards, just not the deck I'm using now.).

A skilled player is a player who consistently makes decisions that cause him to win. Copying (or borrowing) other's decks can help you win.
people who netdeck arent bad
the people who were obsesed with martin's delta list, and are currently obsesed with BANGINABOX's destiny list are
if they dont want to give you the list (and they have every right not to), stop harrasing them
if you took all this time that you WASTE WHINNING about how you dont have the list and use it constructively, you could make ur own list
i have my own destiny list ive been working on, and i occationally ask questions pertaining to certain cards in it, to get their opinions
i have never once asked for their list
infact, i have yet to see a skilled player who has
[edit: um NO...using an abbreviation for a phrase that won't pass the board filters is no different than using the phrase itself =/] make ur own list, or better yet, MAKE YOUR OWN BLOODY DECK
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But shouldn't you feel good that so many people are playing your deck. It shows they trust you and are like a role model to them. Although I, myself, would never consider any of you a role model.
But shouldn't you feel good that so many people are playing your deck. It shows they trust you and are like a role model to them. Although I, myself, would never consider any of you a role model.

no, you dont
i know of 7 people who sent me PM's asking for my decklist of hatred.dec (only one of whom i knew and gave the list to)
at first, it was flattering
then, it got annoying because they wouldnt take no for an answer
it doesnt feel good when people try to steal what you worked long and hard on, and it feels worse when they get ahold of your list and go 2-3 at a tournoment
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