Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Code Geass anyone?

I'm just wondering how in the heck we got to this point. It seemed to me that Lelouch was about to go batcrap insane, but he probably outdid himself with this particular move, with the exception of the First Battle of Tokyo, which he only lost b/c he wasn't there.
Isn't Waldstein the guy with the sewn eye? If so, then I agree completely with Zak.
So, 21 was sick-nasty.

In 20, I was like how is he going to deal with that situation, then 21 comes along, and I was like: "what?"

Can't wait for the next episode.
I can't say that I didn't see the ending coming from a MILE away, especially given the series' ending sequence since episode 14. How it got there, however, that is a COMPLETELY different story. I still don't understand pretty much anything, as Lulu&co really keep too much info away from the viewer, and it's starting to get annoying...
Dunno. If this were a US company making this anime, then I'd say definitely not. However, this is Japan. I haven't seen the profiteering coming out of them as much as over here.
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Not super surprised to see Nunnally alive. I thought maybe she got a code. She already might have had a lie detector geass... But since Sayoko seems to be around too, based on the preview, I guess maybe their escape pod was just awesome like that. That's lame.

Prescience geass? That's the first revealed geass that doesn't involve other people's minds!

When did the Lancelot get so awesome anyway?
It does have something to do with the mind, if interpreted in the correct manner. His Geass is the ability to read movements based on subtle hints from the thoughts of others. He's shortened it to simply be "prediction".

It's not lame. Take a look at one of the earlier episodes where FLEIA is introduced. Its ability is not destruction. It's something probably more devastating to those caught in the blast, but easy enough to both counter and figure out.

I have to admit to being a little surprised at Lelouch's actions. I'm still not exactly sure what he wants. Does he want to rule the world? Dictatorship? What's the manner of his thought process, and how is he going to make his desires work?

Nunally already has the ability to tell truth from lies. Remember when she was talking to the adviser? Or Suzaku? She doesn't need Geass for that. Since she's blind, she can better use her other senses. She doesn't need to feel people, she can hear lies from the tone of voice, heartrate, feel vibrations, etc.

And, about the Lancelot. Remember what they said about it. They're all using 8th Gen Knightmare frames. Lancelot Albion is a 9th Gen frame. It's not Lancelot. Remember that Suzaku asked specifically for the Albion at one point? Earl stated that he'd rather Suzaku used the regular Lancelot.

What I'm more interested in seeing is "Schneizel's Mask". I think he also has a Geass ability based on that title, but I could be wrong...

This is simply an insane show right now, and I have absolutely no idea where it will go from here.
So Waldstein's geass was mini-Mao? Ha. Lame.

I don't remember anything about FLEIA (Freya? I'm calling it Freya). So, um, okay. I thought it was just a nuke.

The most reasonable thing for Lelouch to do next would be to give up the throne to Nunnally. That's just like a perfect solution to everything. Well, for a couple of important people; the rest of the world might be kinda unhappy about it.

OIC, it is a new Lancelot. All that stuck in my mind was old Lancelot getting ripped apart by Guren Mk. h4x.

I know Nunnally was sensing lies before. I'm saying that ability was actually a geass. I mean, I'm not anymore, but that's what I was thinking.
Not really on Waldstein. It's basically Mao's Geass with a bonus. Mao had to manually interpret the thought data that he received. Waldstein's interprets this data for him, then shows him the movements.

During the sequence when they're initially testing FLEIA, they show a screen of initialization data. One entry in that data is particularly interesting.

I don't see Lulu giving up the throne any time soon. Wasn't his goal to rip apart Brittania? How can he do that if he isn't in control?

Next week looks especially interesting to me...
I guess it depends on how good Waldstein's mind is. With this anime, I'm using to thinking in terms of teen "mental strain = lol" ubermenschen. See also: Raito-kun.


Didn't he also want to give Nunnally the world she wanted, whatever that means? Apparently she wants to be empress. Yay. And I've long since lost track of what exactly is wrong with Brittania and what Lelouch wants to do with it. I figure he couldn't be too displeased with whatever direction Nunnally wants to take it. Of course, watch her be a totally different person now.
Epicness for the Win/Loss!!!!

Code Geass Eppy 23 said:
SNAP!!! I really didn't see Cornelia taking the bullet. Clearly, Shneizel is evil. Deceiving Nunnally like that... Gack. I want to see CC in the Pink Lancelot tho, that'll be sick nasty. Go Lelouche!!! He soooo needs to kick his nii-sama's butt and get back the world, Some of the things like using Geass en mass to make people his slaves isn't the best ethical decision he could have made. Bleh. The next 2 Episodes better do the series well for the final battle!!!! Season 3? I hope.
seeing that nunnally is just a loli in this series,theres no way a blind person can be goverenment.Shooting the fleia to lelouch with here own hands is just crazy an d wants her bro to die just like that.I wonder how lelouch will fall in this series.2 episodes to go!!!!!

and welcome gundam 00 back in october

bah bah black sheep
OK, that was about 6 degrees *beyond* insane...

I'm actually impressed with Schneizel's strategy thus far. He realized that the Black Knights are quite possibly the best organized army in the entire world, and can match any army pound for pound in any given fight. Then, he used them spectacularly. Lelouch is gonna die, and I'm gonna enjoy this!

I'm surprised, though, that Nunally is willing to use FLEYA against Lelouch. Did Lelouch really tick her off that much with his pronouncement? What's up with his constant lying all throughout the series? He lies to Kallen when it makes no sense to lie to her. He lies to Rolo at least twice for no apparent reason (plus, the guy's still alive!!!) He continues to lie about his past, even to those who know what's going on, even though it serves no real purpose to continue lying.

I'm impressed with Kallen. She finally formed her resolve. She hasn't been this kick-butt pretty much this entire season. She knows what she wants to do, and she's going for it.

I've gotta know what CC's Knightmare is gonna do. That thing simply looks like it'll be a *NASTY* little thing, especially if the Lancelot Albion is anything to go by.

Why hasn't Suzaku killed anything yet?
Oh great. Schneizel is a butt. Who isn't in this show. :^(
Uuum, looks like FLEIJAs are just nukes.

Rolo is still alive? Did I read that right? Rolo's dead, ese. Maybe you mean Orange?

I don't know what Lelouche is doing anymore or why. I don't know, maybe I need to pay more attention, but it just doesn't make sense to me.

Why doesn't Xing-Ke understand what's going on? I thought he was supposed to be awesome. Everyone that joins Zero loses their generalness...

I could have sworn we've seen that pink Knightmare before, only all the pink parts were black. I suck at remembering what Knightmares look like...
Holdon, waitaminute...

You're saying that Rolo died during the FLEYA attack on Tokio? I thought he managed to escape that thing!

I wish I could say what I thought about Lulu at this point. But that would be getting past the censors, and I kinda like my job here.

Xing-ke just wants to ensure the Tianzi's safety, that's it. That's his entire motivation throughout this entire season. BTW, didn't he die during this fight?

Oh yeah. When did Sir Thickhead actually grow a spine and become a decent Knightmare pilot?