Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st place Salem OR BR's report masters

I played ttar prime masters

G1 against sp stuff
I don't remember very well but I got set up really fast and he didn't took him a while to get a set up field I was in control most of the game just kind of took 6 prizes 1-0
G2 against cursegar
I drove up with this guy hes a great friend of mine new to the game but a great player any way. I had a funky hand like 6 pokemon and a e belt lol. I had sableye though so I had potential set up and he judged my collecter. I drew into 2 energy and 2 communication with a sableye and like 2 larvitar field. He had spiritomb, starts shadow skipping the next turn couldn't recover 1-1
G3 against Random
Whismur start sableye donk. I played him again for fun and 6-0ed him. He was a nice guy and he asked me to help him with his decks later which I did he had a good attitude towards improving 2-1
G4 against lux chomp
I get super fast set up but his is pretty good too I spread a ton and he garchomps it all away (to be expected) But I was too in control Just one shotted everything I was too fast and he couldn't spray everything Solid win 3-1
G5 Jumpluff
He got decently fast set up I got below average set up but I worked my way into it spread into killing 2 dols and then walking through pluffs veryyy close game 4-1

Top 4

G1 against cursegar same friend
Both get good set ups very epic close game back and forth, he eventually made a miss play which pretty much sealed it and he scooped. If he didn't misplay he would have likely won.
G2 He gets GARBAGE nothing for like 9000 turns straight and It wasn't even a game I felt bad for him. Sorry man

Top 2

G1 Against another good friend playing G dos
I spread spread and spread into a million prizes and he stillll had the game but made a misplay which was between losing and winning so I won.
G2 He played very smart didn't set up alot of pokemon spreading was worthless lost in the hit for hit battle against G dos 1 game each
G3 I get going quick and take prizes quick he is doing fine too but I stay consistently ahead and felt confident in the game then time was called and I was ahead anyway.

I won

are whole car making top cut
playing ttar prime lol
won ds tourney
Good players making cut IMHO

winning games because of opponents misplays
lack of skill needed to excel in this game it seems
splitting a million of those terrible hgss unleashed sleeves
donks in general
Good job man, gyarados must not be a fun deck to play against, omg my finals were totally crazy though...
I wish I could have given you more of a run for your money in top cut.. If I hadn't miscalculated and played warp point I think we could have had a way more fun match. At least I would have had a chance for a better set up in G3 haha

At least Team Twelve,000 is mutha*uckin' LEGIT
Sure dude. We need a strong Senior player. Welcome aboard :thumb:

The only thing you really need to know is that we do twelve thousand of everything. Especially calf raises. Before every single tournament. Haha