Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st place Sweden Nationals Masters Report


New Member
It all started about two weeks before Sweden’s nationals. I started to test decks on Redshark, I think It was about 34 decks total. I told my friends: “I hope my testing will show that LuxChomp isn’t the best deck in the format”.
10 Days later I was done with my testing and LuxChomp was the best deck according to my testing. Gengar, Jumpluff, Sablelock, Gigas and Palkia also did well.
I discussed the whole week with friends and team members about my list and came up with an amazing list (didn’t play expert belt by the way).

On the tournament day I woke up early to get to the tournament hall 9 o’clock. The deck check took a long time so we started about 11.30.

We were 22 people in masters, 5 rounds and top4. For you who don’t know I won last year but that was in Seniors and now I’m in Masters.

Round 1 Me vs. Bye
Well, I got a bye so I waited for my brother to finish and then we went to get some food (it was lunch break).

Round 2 Me vs. Lajos F, Feraligatr/Donphan
I started and attached energy. He attach on Totodile and used gnaw. I attach to Garchomp C, level up and attach energy gain for the KO.

Round 3 Me vs. Sebastian F, Shuppet
So I knew what he played before the game because he did borrow some cards from me before the tournament.
It started with me calling a judge over because he had a fake Mr.Mime so we got 8 extra minutes.
He took three prizes in the first three turns and then I stalled with Deafen. I kept the deafen lock for a while and then played Lookers and shuffled his hand in, with Shuppet, Belt and Pluspowers.
After that I just sniped him for game.

Round 4 Me vs. Lennart D, Gyarados
My starting hand was four Power Spray, a Call, a Metal and a Bronzong G. I started and called for Luxray and something more.
He got his Gyarados doing 90 maybe turn three or four and I drew crap so I couldn’t do anything.

I knew I needed to win one more because we were seven 3-1 and one 4-0.
Round 5 Me vs. Hans A, Dialga Tank
So I knew Hans used to play kind of slowly so I was prepared for that. He setup some Dialga and got the Lv.X out with 2 special Metals but I manage to KO it with 3 crobat drops.
When time is called I have four prizes left and he have five so I win.

Now it was five 4-1 guys so one of us would miss the topcut. I was nervous as hell when they said who came top4. They said: it was five 4-1 guys so one guy will miss the topcut, and that guy is….. Andres R. I was happy that I made it but boring that Andres didn’t make it this time.

1st Lennart D, Gyarados
2nd Henrik R Cursegar
3rd Hampus Eriksson, Luxchomp
4th André Ö, Donphan

That was standing after day one, which mean I was against Henrik R in the semifinal.

I woke up early next day also and went to the playing hall. I was freaking nervous because I knew that the game was about 50/50.

Semifinal Me vs. Henrik R, Cursegar
Game One: He got a bad start except that he got DP Dusknoir up turn three with help of Spiritomb. I took the lead with two prizes left and he had five prizes left. He used shadow skip every turn and kept the trainer lock. He had two prizes left when I had one left. He uses wager, which I win. Then he KO my active and draw a prize so he have one left. I need to draw Bebe’s/Luxray Gl Lv.X but don’t draw it so I scoop. 0-1
Game Two: Doesn’t remember so much from this game but I remember I get a fast Luxray X and KO his spiritombs fast. He manage to get a Mewtwo X out but I use Dialga G X to kill it.
Game Three: We both know that he don’t have so much time left, maybe eight minutes. I knew my deck was a lot faster so if I could take the lead fast I knew I would win. 1-1
And I was right, I start a lot faster than him and take two prizes before time is called and win

Final Me vs. Lennart D, Gyarados
Game one: He started with Crobat. He draw and pass. I use some stuff and can get a Luxray with DCE out and almost donk him. He draw crap and I think he get one Gyarados but I KO it with Luxray+Lucario GL. 1-0
He starts with Regiice and I start with 3 DCE on my hand. This game doesn’t get exiting because I just snipe his Sableye with Dragon Rush.

So I won nationals for second year in a row.

Winning Nats
Hawaii Trip
Prizes(playmat, boosters, throphy, scholarship etc.)
Judges and organizers
The other players
Oskar K and Carl H for winning the other divisions
Nice games
Team Hatter
Marc Lutz for helping me a lot with my deck

HGSS boosters
Bad start in round 4

So see you guys in Hawaii!
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Round 1 Me vs. Bye
Well, I got a bye so I waited for my brother to finish and then we went to get some food (it was lunch break).

this was the hardest match, wasn't it ? XD
Congratulations for the victory !:smile:
Good luck for the world championship !
Congrats for winning! Really. From 1st place in Seniors to 1st place in Masters is GREAT. ^^
See you in Hawaii. =)

And yeah, it's too bad Andres didn't make top 4.

Hahaha. But about round three... A fake Mr. Mime came through the deck check? :p Sorry I ask this. I was just wondering. =P
Apparently, my name is Marc and not Marcus lol.

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he won citys or regionals.
i made top 4 with donphan. it was exciticing when i almost beat the gyarados in the semifinal. but bad first hands is the worst.....
Congrats Hampus :) GJ, especially in your first year in Master :)

Why no Best of Three in Swiss though? With only 5 rounds and only a top 4, you could've easily played Best of Three, then you wouldn't have had to worry about bad starting hands :p
Congrats on the winning, hope to see you at worlds. I do find it curious that you're Nationals are smaller than some of our Battle Roads. Do you guys get the same scholarships and such with the lower attendance?
Scholarships are smaller ;)
You also have to consider that, without a paid trip, going to worlds is incredible expensive in europe ;)