Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2008-8-03 Glaceon - Which is better? - MD 005 or 020/100

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Which is better and why? In What combination would you use either?
Number 5 is better

1 Energy for 30 and maybe you get no Damage next turn.

#20 isn´t so fast then #5

#5 9/10
#20 5/10
Neither are too special nowadays, Holo one has much better attacks.
#5 is 3.2x better then #20.

#5 7/10
#20 4.8/10
Speed Slide > Icy Wind
Snow Cloak = Ice Shot
80HP < 90HP

But honestly, neither are great. Number 5 is the best of the two no doubt, but not by alot. The possible sleep could be more beenficial as not alot of powers and bodies stop attacks any more, but IDK.

#5 5.5/10
#20 4/10
They are both viable Pokemon, if you are running the lvX. If your deck has room for both, you may consider running both.

Glaceon 5 v. Glaceon 20
HP: 80 This gives a slight edge to Glaceon 20's 90 HP
Attack #1:
G5: The one energy for 30 and a 50% chance of total protection is very cost effective.
G20: Equal damage to the defending Pokemon and 10 to benched Pokemon at the cost of 2 energy.

G5 has the edge on this attack.

Attack #2:
G5: 60 damage ignoring all defenses is very good against the right deck.
G20: 60 & 50% at putting the defender asleep is pretty good, but there is really just 25% chance of success for the "sleep" and there quite a few ways to remedy this condition through other card effects.

I have to give the edge again to G5.

Retreat Cost, Weakness and Resistance are all equal.

I give the overall advantage to G5.
G5: 88%/100 v. G20: 82%/100 This evaluation assumes Glaceon lvX is in the deck. Otherwise, I'd deduct 20 percentage points from each.

Using either Pokemon as the foundation for Glaceon lvX makes good sense. GlvX is a Powerful lockdown Pokemon... freezing your opponent's poke powers is amazing.

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The #5 is of course, way better. Even though that the #5 has lower HP than the #20 version, Snow Cloak Glacion has way better attacks.

#5 9/10
#20 4/10
They both are quite average. The #5 is good because it can stall and get around resistance. The #20 is good because it can inflect status conditions and snipe a bench pokemon. Though I think the #5 is a little better since grass pokemon are probably going to become much more popular.
7/10 for the #5
5/10 for the #20
I'd say #5 is better 'cause of the way better (much better?) 1st attack (less energy and a better effect.) The hp difference is at least mitigated (ooh, big word) with Espeon's pokebody.
I like #5 more, due to it's first attack. The only thing better about the other one is it's higher HP, which is sort of negated by the Lv.x and espeon.
If it hadn't been for the Lvl X Glaceon, number 20 had been better. The build up is better because technically you should have 1 energy on it before it will become glaceon, thus adding the second for the 2 for 30(+10) attack.

However due to speed that is often needed and because of the Lvl X (so both will have evantually have the same hp) the 5 is better.
I say #20 can be better but #5 is faster. So I think #20 is not going to get out even on your first turn so you should go with which ever one you like
i like the holo one against water decks, anything agility, and Speed SLide is the attack we care about.
#5 ftw, it has more speed than number 20.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Speed Is Everything
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holo: agility+get through effects, good vs grass. (gets through resistance) 9/10
non holo: flippy and 1st attack needs 2 energies. The only good thing maybe the bench damage. 4/10
OK. #20 Is MUCH better use in Empoleon decks. Yeah, 30 for 2 Energy but you get more sniping abilities. #5 is better in an Eeveelutions deck or just a solid Glaceon X deck.

#5: 6.5/10
#20: 5.5/10

Seriously, none of these are phenomenal, but used correctly, you can get an edge. #5 can easily outspeed most decks, and is a bit better late game.
Hmm... it's interesting that both have a 30-damage and 60-damage attack. I prefer the Lv. 44 version, but either is reasonable.

I like the Lv. 44's first attack, because a 1-Energy for 30 damage plus an Agility effect is very efficient. Although Glaceon "should" have 2 Energy attached when it has evolved, it won't always be that way! I would rather have a potential protection effect than a weak additional damage to the Bench. Thus, the Lv. 44 version has the edge here.

As for the second attack, the Lv. 44 version has the slight advantage here. Swift (actually, Brick Break) effects are nice, and for the Lv. 46 version, a flippy Sleep attack is essentially just the damage, since there's a 75% chance that the Defending Pokemon will be able to attack during the next turn. So it's basically the same attack on each card, but the Lv. 46 version can't get around Resistance or Agility.

Overall, although the Lv. 44 version has 10 less HP, its attacks are much better.
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