Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2009-12-15 Arceus AR AR4

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[gal=49224] 2009-12-15 Arceus AR AR4 [/gal]​
Oh come on you two, give it some more effort.

Todays card of the day is Arceus #4 the water type one.
Its got a decent 90 HP for a Basic pokemon.

Being a water type its weak to Electric or Luxray.
Like most of the other arceus, its attack cost is kinda steep for such a low damage output. But being able to hit regardless of effects is nice. (Mewtwo X ect)
2 retreat is also fairly high. And no resistance.



I think the requirement for this card to attack is a bit steep as well as the retreat cost. For being only 90 HP I think it could have been balanced better.
flygon and mewto killer in an arceus-deck....
well in that case i´d say 6/10 in modified
and 10/10 in any arceus deck
and it´s not slow ´cause if you attack with the colorless arceus and put this arceus onto the bench with 1 water energy
you can play ultimate zone to attach 3 energies to the active arceus and then level it up to copy the water arceu´s attack or just play warp point and attack with the water one
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90 hp great for a non-SP basic. Weakness hurts, resistance is nothing. Retreat is bad. Fastwave would be decent if it was one :colorless: cheaper.

Modified: 6/10
Limited: 6/10
Unlimited: 1/10
This card is'nt as slow as the lot of you are claiming (at least not in an Arceus deck).

Should be fun when HG/SS comes out.

Obviously, this is useful for the Mewtwo Level X techs that are floating about, along with 'protector techs'. Aside from that, though, there are better attacks to utilize a good majority of the time.

7/10, it has its purpose.
This Arceus should be played in a lot of Arceus decks as a Mewtwo counter. Otherwise, 3 for 50 isn't that great and Lightning Weakness is very bad. 5/10
Played this card in a Water deck of mine and it was always too slow to build up unless I used Double Colorless Energy and even then the weakness and the amount of damage for 3 energies don't make it very worthwhile in my opinion.

Today's CotD is Arceus from AR (the Ice one, though :water: for the purposes of the TCG). Statwise, 90 HP is nice for a Basic, x2 Weakness to :lightning: hurts, no Resistance is common, and :colorless::colorless: to Retreat is pricey. Fastwave is overpriced of course (like the other Arceus' attacks) at :water::colorless::colorless: for a weak 50, but this one is important to the Arceus deck in that it lets you ignore Resistance, Poke-Bodies/Powers, and other effects on the Defending Pokemon, letting him hit through those things.

Modified - 6/10 (Still not that great, and the Arceus deck isn't spectacular either)
Limited - 6/10 (Eh, decent HP, but still has the underpowered attack)
Unlimited - 1/10 (No use here)
This has yet to be noted. Just because this card is lightning weak to luxray doesnt mean much. He can be lved up to avoid that. Also. It is good for Mewtwo and Flygon. The thing ppl seem to forget is that it would be lved from the psychic one so now Mewtwo is weak to it as well. When u dont add every type and focus on only the 3/4 main ones. They can really mess things up. This one is a MUST or if u see a Mewtwo, you gotta scoop =/ This one is my favorite one to lol. 7/10 Just because it helps against mewtwo, busts through Agility like attacks, and water helps with all the Blaziken I see these days lol
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