Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

2009-6-11 Flygon LvX RR 105/111

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Over rated and not a great deck. Personally I agree it is way to easy to get around, especially wiht gigas when flygon is 2x colorless and gigas can have up to 170 HP its another kinda yea you think your bad till that happens deck. AMU is way too fast for this deck to keep up and deal constant damage. Mewtwo tech is ok buta gain too easily countered when most SP or basic decks will rn it for this occasion. Honestly the card isnt that great useful poke body when active again Dialga G X. and his lower lvls are dependent on benched poke eveolutions. In my humble opinion I say it wont top cut unless osme crazy build hits and does well. I forsee SPEEDGAR SPEEDCHAMP A RANDOM SP AND POSSIBLY AMU or GIGAS.

I give this a 6/10 only because it honestly isnt that good.

Well, I play straight Flygon, & beat champ, gengar and sp decks with ease (when not getting donked :tongue: ). And considering you think AMU or Gigas is still played/is a threat (still havent played against a gigas/amu since CC's), you must be out of it. And uh-oh, your playing DGX active against my flygon? i better xtreme attack for 150! no more DGX.

he snipes X's, can help deck you out, and retreats for free with high HP. how is this card NOT good?
I see the cost of LA Ditto going up. If Flygon starts winning things, everyone will have a Ditto tech or two. Still, its a good card. I'd give it a 7/10.
Well, I play straight Flygon, & beat champ, gengar and sp decks with ease (when not getting donked :tongue: ). And considering you think AMU or Gigas is still played/is a threat (still havent played against a gigas/amu since CC's), you must be out of it. And uh-oh, your playing DGX active against my flygon? i better xtreme attack for 150! no more DGX.

he snipes X's, can help deck you out, and retreats for free with high HP. how is this card NOT good?

No i am saying dialga G will counter and not as attacker. My speedgar dosnt run a X so its safe and with resistance colorless makes it even safer. As for gigas/amu I still use gigas and am jsut shy of AMU they are still great and competative decks jsut less popular due to all the hype over other decks.
worst card??? I'll trade you 10 Starmie's for yours then....

I've watched it work.... In the hands of an ace....

It's a wicked curve ball that's tough to hit....

Gotta give it at least a 7.5 out of 10!
Its all basedo n who goes first, if u do great good going but a smart player will save that and the lv.X till they need it and leave u to yea invicible and hope u get premeir ball. this card is really relying on the other to play a Lv.X and then snipe. As I stated earlier EASY TO PLAY AROUND.
9/10 this card is very good i came in 2nd at br's when i comboed it with mewtwo x and giratina x only lost 1 battle because i had a hard time drawing energy just bad luck FLYGON FTW!
I just recently got this card on eBay and I don't regret it one way or the other. This can be good for teching against Dialga G Lv. X or just run Infernape 4 Lv. X as a tech instead due to Weakness of Fire from Dialga G.

At times it can be useful but against something like Salamence or Regigigas the :colorless x2 really hurts especially with Salamence Lv. X being released in Advent of Arceus. Despite that it's a pretty solid card for teching against your Opponent's Lv. X's and it can even target the bench as well. This card's usefulness depends on what your matchup is that isn't gonna screw it over.

It's one of those cards where you play it right and it's good but If you play it wrong it's bad, plus it also depends on what's being played in your meta that can make the difference for Flygon Lv. X. If you're seeing lots of Dialga G Lv. X and SP decks roaming around it has a chance, If not and your Opponent's are still playing Lv. X's it can still be good. +20 HP isn't that bad for a Lv. X whose Stage 2 is 120 Max HP.

The deck peel every turn from Wind Erosion can be pretty annoying with the Secret Wonders Flygon, so it might be a viable combo to run in most Flygon decks. All in all I give it a 7/10 maybe a 8/10 depending how good it does in U.S. Nationals and Worlds 2009.
considering that most every deck in the current meta is based around Lv.X(s), Neutral Weakness and Resistance, and Leveling from a powerful meta counter, Flygon X gets ~ 8.5/10
Scary card if u combo it with palkia (not g) pretty much u could hit wutever u want each turn:cool:
*vulnerable* to bee stings, but yah - I think Beedrill is this decks biggest enemy.

"hard to play" - yes, its not a steamroller of Lv.X like Machamp v. Basics, but still a good basis for a strong deck.
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