Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2009-8-31 Charizard [G] Lv. X SV 143/147

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[gal=48273]2009-8-31 Charizard [G] Lv. X SV 143/147[/gal]​
I have mixed feeling about this one.

On one hand it can be very destructive but on the other it can be a pain to power up before its K.o.ed

However it you build a deck around it focusing on Charizard's amazing Poke-power(the best thing about it), it might make a splash competitively but it might not be worth it in the long run.

7/10 if built in a deck around it.

1/10 on its own due to its high energy/retreat cost.
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3rd post ^_^

5 for 150, 4 with Energy gain, isn't that great. It'll 1hko anything pretty much, but a chance to lose all those energies? isn't not really worth it, ill stick with infernape. Powerful, but way to slow. Also his 3 retreat cost is insanely large.

5/10 for high damage, hard to retreat, slow to build up.
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My current favorite card and BR Fall deck theme. I run it in a deck with Electivire and it's uber super fast and consistent. 5 Energies? Pfft; not a problem when you run it right, and the 150 damage is a great kicker ;3 120 Hp or 140 with snowpoint temple is nice too and its pokepower makes charging pretty easy. My only major issue with it is its first attack having to flip (for the English version?) and its retreat cost.

Overall, 10/10 for being a fun and interesting card to play with
its all right if you can get 3 typhlosions out and and then if your not playing against a kingdra deck but all ot of thing will kill it in one or 2 hits s its not that good id say 4/10 just because its binder fodder
Play Togekiss with this. That, and Aaron's Collection and Night Maintenances. Electivire FB Lv. X is good, but only a 1-1 line.

Charizard G Lv. X gets a 2...out of 5.

Think about it. You only lose your energy on a flip, so you play it in a hyperconsistent list with Heatran Lv. X, Rayquaza LA, Typhlosion MT, Electivire SW, and Dodrio SV and a tech Grovyle for the water matchup and even if you get tails you'll get all your energy back anyway.

It's the play.
Yes, because you can fit all of those Pokemon into one deck. :l

With Rayquaza LA, you'd have to running at least 2 Lucians. Typhlosion only attaches them to benched Pokemon. Dodrio and EVire have NOTHING to do with fire energy, so it would be useless to have them in there. Grovyle sucks.

The Pokemon lines should look like this:

3-1 Charizard G Lv. X
1-1 Heatran Lv. X
1-1-1 Togekiss
2 Unknown G
1 Azelf
2-2 Claydol
1 Uxie
I'm telling you the deck works fine with way fewer pokemon very consistently. All you need is 2-1 OR 2-2 Charizard G, 3-1 Electivire FB (for consistent start) and Rayquaza LA. 1 Lucian's is more than enough and not even necessary if you're only focusing on Charizard like you've seemed to be doing.
Heatran COULD work I guess, but then again I'd rather not clot my bench and I don't like not having a 2nd attacker (Ninetails MT maybe?).
It takes too much time to set up, even for SP.
With Heatran it's pretty good, but other than that it's a glass cannon for the most part.
Malevolent Fire reminds me of Fossil Moltres' Dive Bomb.
Heatran, Typhlosion, and Rayquaza make this card work. 'S a shame you can't attach upper energy to it and get the bonus. :c

With Rayquaza LA, you'd have to running at least 2 Lucians. Typhlosion only attaches them to benched Pokemon. Dodrio and EVire have NOTHING to do with fire energy...

Woah, woah, woah.

Rayquaza attaches to itself, but those energies can be moved to Charizard through Call For Power (which can be used so long as you aren't Mespirit-locked). Same with Typhlosion. I'll give you Dodrio, but Electivire (I'm assuming he means FB) can work here. I'd personally start with the thing and dump 'n' draw like crazy if I had to, but Charizard just works so much better with two Typhlosions and a Heatran on the bench. Only problem is that Gengar will eat you alive.

Anyway, the card could be solid, but I have a feeling it's going to flop. Unless you equip Expert Belt to it (a card we won't get until next set), Flygon will murder you. Palkia's still in the picture, and Gengar will eat your powers alive.

All in all, it's a fun card, but I can't see much use of it competitively... Yet.

lets look at todays fail card
charizard has alwease been a card that when you see that its in a set you know its going to be bad.
almost all charizards have been like 4 energy for 100 or more and then some discarding effect.
this one dose the same, its like it has a body called charizard DNA and it makes its attacks do the same thing over and over again!
120 Hp is better than alot of SP lv.X but only by 10 so thats lame
weakness to water sucks.
BUT if you have an unown G on it machamps do 20 less but then you need 5 energy to attack so by the time you get it on him machamp will ko you.
Its power could be helpful if you play pokemon with firestarter but why would stage 2s go with SPs? its MADNESS I TELL YOU, MADNESS!
i already talked about the attack and how its 4 for 150 IF you have energy gain and if you get tails discard all.....wow, i find this one worse then most other charizards.
P.S why did POP change its attack name? im pritty sure most people are ok with the word HELL and if some stupid god worshiping perants have a problem with that tell them to let there kids go play magic or yugioh and see what kind of worlds they will learn from that.
I just know this is going to be a rare card and collectors will want it JUST because its a charizard and for some reson everyone likes charizard even if it sucks.
I really think most players even the new ones will see that this card isn't the best but then again they will be like "OMG 150 is alot! its BDIF!
I haven't played with this card yet but it could work later in game, if you manage to get it out in the second turn though it's not so good energy gain, gets rid of one star, if you can attach more great! there goes a few more energy you don't have to waste but I don't think you can do that (can you?)

Anyway late game and some charging it could be a turn gamer, I think the only thing it can't one hit KO is waillord and you don't see that played much

So for this card I would give it about 7/10 if you built a deck around it but if you were to just randomly use it I would have to say 3/10
Charizard G is one of the anticipated cards of Supreme Victors and that 150-damage attack is hard to pass up such that it be seen as one of the attractions of the card (as well as the fact that it's a Charizard).

It's HP is very good for an SP Level X (along with Dialga and Palkia), resistance to fighting is welcome (although Machamp still KOs it with Take Out), the retreat cost is horrible and the weakness is bad. Come to think of it, any weakness seems to be bad in this format (Beedrill for Grass, Blaziken and Infernape for Fire, Palkia and Kingdra for Water, Luxray for Lightning, Machamp for Fighting, Gengar for Psychic, Flygon for Colorless/Dark, Dialga for Metal).

It's Poke-Power is awesome and not Power Spray-able, which is a plus. Call for Power is quite a self-centered Poke-Power which is meant to help power-up it's expensive Malevolent Fire attack. 5 Energies (or 4 with Energy Gain) for 150 is neat but at the cost of discarding all energy on Charizard (at least it's on a flip). Although there are certainly ways to ensure that you can use Malevolent Fire every turn, it is at the cost of running too many supporting (and often non-attacking) benched Pokemon. It's difficult to set-up and if you do succeed at setting up the bench, there's the risk of an opposing Water Pokemon to ruin all the work.

What makes SP great is that they are disruptive, and have cheap attacks. Charizard fits neither these descriptions and in reality, a deck centered around the card is more of a set-up deck. And just like most set-up decks, it will have a hard time to compete in the current format, and will certainly have issues with speed and consistency.

It still remains to be seen if anyone will be able to make a Charizard deck fast and consistent enough to be considered competitive. Until then, Charizard can certainly make for a fun league deck.

Modified- 5/10 (too much resources needed to set-up. Luxray can do 150 in two turns with Crobat drops and much less resources)
Limited- 3/10 (good luck powering it up here and hope you get heads on Malevolent Fire)
This card is horrable, just like all the zards before it.
Two words, Shiftry.
Shiftry laughes at this so much. D<
score, 1/10 nice picture I guess.
Well its a charizard so everyone wants this card, but sadly its not that good.

120 for a basic lv.x is good, retreat cost is bad, and weakness is bad

Call for power- You may move an energy attached to one of your pokemon to charizard g. This is good, but usually if you are going to use charizard you would only power him up, so its not great.

Malevolent Fire-150 for 5 energies and you flip and if tails discard everything. Well that stinks. 150 is nice, but rayquaza can do 200, so 150 is great but not the best. And discarding 5 energies is killer. Although everyone likes charizard, only use this guy for a fun deck.

Well combos, if you wanted to play him, as mentioned you could use togekiss ge or electivire fb lv.x. Both are kinda slow and arent that great.

6/10- too bad for charizard fans.
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