Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2013-01-15 BCR Bianca 147

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[gal=53920]2013-01-15 BCR Bianca 147[/gal]​
10/10 for being my waifu

just kidding

this card has good artwork

and a decent supporter effect.

Good in decks that discard/play a lot during their turn. Netting a +5 or +6 cards is sick.

Netting +1-2 is lame :(

this card gets a 6.75/10 from me. I'd rather Juniper or N :D
7.5/8 outta 10.

Its the 3rd best Draw Supporter currently available. Decks choose between this and Cheren since at times they net around the same cards. Nothing is as good as N or Juniper but this comes close. At times it can be amazing, sometimes its bad, but if you play it right it usually is to your benefit. Even only getting a few cards is still not TERRIBLE, this card is only bad if you have too big of a hand and which if thats the case then you probably didnt need the other draw supporters either.
Just for the art alone I give a biased opinion of 10/10. Idk why but I love it.

as for the use... I'd say a 8/10. I love this card for decks that lays most your hand out and you don't want cards in the discard pile.
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