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Ampharos DP3


New Member
OK I got three of these little guys today with Raikou but I cant think of anything else to finsh the deck what else should go??

Absol Ex?
Ray Ex?
Lucario + Ampharos is a nice combo. They both can nail the active pokemon for 80/70 damage (respectively) should they need to, and Ampharos's only flaw with Lucario is that Amphy is stage 2, and Amphy needs it's body to work. :/
It's weak to fighting, so Gallade and Lucario will KO you before you even see a Flaafy, so you might need to wait to realy play this card. Other than that I love it.
I'd say Absol ex. Put constant damage with Ampharos, attach to Raikou to snipe for 10, and Absol ex to move damage where you want it.
I'd say Absol ex. Put constant damage with Ampharos, attach to Raikou to snipe for 10, and Absol ex to move damage where you want it.

Do you really want to play an ALL fighting weak deck. Raikou, absol ex AND amphy? The problem is that the better cards to go with amphy are the same type.

I also think raikou is a bad card. I personally do not want to waste my one energy per turn on raikou.
It's weak to fighting, so Gallade and Lucario will KO you before you even see a Flaafy, so you might need to wait to realy play this card. Other than that I love it.

So what if Amphy is weak to fighting? The best thing about it is activated even while Amphy's on the bench (his body, oh my...)

As for fighting weaknesses, Flygon can become an incredible partner (though the deck needs DP4's Phione to work. Holon's Castform just isn't enough, and is fighting weak itself). Flygon EX just became a lot scarier when the 150 HP no weakness Psychic Type is dealing 10 to EVERY benched pokemon 'cause you played a supporter and triggered Amphy.

For right now though, a sniper to assist Amphy (I've already said Lucario. ._." Octillery is decent as well, just not as good of an option, me thinks) is the way to go.
Electivire. Raikou powers up ampharos. Ampharos tosses the NRG. Electivire gets them back with motor drive. oh and play delcatty.
...Electivire pulling Energy back from discard doesn't help Amphy at all... It's not like you can move the energy off Electivire onto Amphy.

If you want to consider attacking with Ampharos, you HAVE to run energy that not Lighting or Rainbow, or you will lose a lot of energy each attack. That's why Lucario or Octillery are good ideas, 'cause they use very different energy types that won't be lost via Cluster bolt. Discarding 3 energy on Ampharos each time you want to use the damage spread is a recipe for disaster, if you'll pardon the cliche.
Why would you want to attack with amphy in the first place? he's pure support. Run him as a 1-0-1 or a 2-1-2 line at best for damage when they play supporters.
3-2-2/2 Flygon d/EX
3-2-2/2 Amphy/Amphy d
4 Your choice of starter

Not great but it's a start. The Flygon line covers your fighting weakness with resistance/psychic type. You could also run a tech Flygon SW for the occasional type advantage over Blissey.
I really feel that SW is a horrible set. We get Ampharos which is a great card, but there is nothing out that will viable make it a good deck. This is the fact with most of the set. There are a few (Suicune is 1) that I can see will see immediate play. The set is really just stand alones which is dissapointing.

Drew I respect your opinion but I think SW is a nice balanced set with some cards that have potential like ampharos, gallade/gardevoir and magmortar. And atleast it's better then Holon Phantoms
I know of a card that will make Ampharos BDIF in a comming set.
What the card is, well... you will just have to wait and see.
Really flygon d ex isnt a bad idea.Just playing with 2 Stage 2s isnt easy most of the time.

I was just playing it with

Absol Ex/Raikou/Ray

and have 3-4 Unown T since his power can put 2 on the bench or Licki d.Spreading damage is the key so getting Ampharos around T3-4 is needed.

The list I tested with is

3-2-3 Ampharos SW
3 Absol Ex
1 Rayquaza d Ex
1 Unown T
2 Stantler SW
2 Raikou SW

and I played against shiftry and Lupardos.Agaoinst shiftry I spread enough damage to get 5 prizes and wouldve won but I didnt have mentor to do a Absol drop.Only reason I lost.Against Lupardos I beat it pretty easy.
Yea Zapdos is gonna make the deck much more playable or you could just play Garchomp LVX/Zapdos and spread damage.

But Cloyster/Ampharos I dont think will be a bad idea.
Why would you want to attack with amphy in the first place? he's pure support. Run him as a 1-0-1 or a 2-1-2 line at best for damage when they play supporters.

Discarding 1 energy to do 70 to the active and 20 to all benched with energies is actually not half bad. Should your opponent have no benched pokemon whom have energies, there's no obligation to discard (unlike say.. Blaziken PK)

But Pure Lightning decks with Amphy attacking don't work. Decks that don't want to have to put up with running different energy types will have to make due with Ampharos being only support. It's not bad at playing support (far from it, in fact), but giving it the option of being one of the most consistent damage spreaders is pretty cool.

The starter for Amphy/Flygon seems to be Phione. Whom isn't out yet. Oh. Well, Holon's castform looks like it'd be decent, but Team Galactic's Wager and Fighting Weakness change those lines of thought rather quickly.