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Ape101's Trading thread: SF now included

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New Member
Hi, I'm looking for the following cards, am a UK based trader, and will trade with USA, Canada and any country in Europe. I dont mind if you PM me or post, hope you find what your looking for!


3x Dusknoir LV X (1jap)
3x Raichu LV X (1jap)
3x Leafeon Lv X
2x Glaceon Lv X
2x Mespirit Lv X (1jap)
2x Uxie Lv X (japanese)
3x Azelf Lv X (1x japanese)
2x Glisgor Lv X
1x Heatran Lv X
1x Regigigas Lv X (japanese)
2x Garchomp Lv X
1x Drapion Lv X (japanese)
1 x Gardevoir Lv X
1 Magmortar Lv X
1x Torterra Lv x
2x Lucario Lv x
2x Electivire Lv x
1x Cresselia lv x

Other Haves:

1x TSD
5x victory medal
8x victory medal (japanese)
6x Claydol
1x SH voltorb SF
1x Charizard SF
1x Charmeleon SF
10x roseanne's researech
10x Bebe's search
8x rare candy
10x TGW

I have most holos from SF and all other DP sets, so don't hesitate to ask.

Wants:(In order of priority)
4 Duskull SH3 SF
2 Cresselia Lv X
1 Leafeon Lv X
2 Cherrim SF
1x Mewtwo lv x

Pokeball Sleeves
Deck Boxes

Thats all the cards I need, however, if there is a card you want and are prepared to offer me something else, please PM me and I'll see what i can do! Thanks for looking!
Can you please CML for your:

1x Dusknoir LV X
1x Raichu LV X
1x Heatran Lv X
1x Drapion Lv X (japanese)
1 x Gardevoir Lv X
1 Magmortar Lv X
1x Cresselia lv x
1x TSD
1x Claydol
1x Charizard SF
2x rare candy

(I have other SF cards that aren't on my list. Just ask. :) )

Thank you! :biggrin:
cml for Leafeon Lv.X, if you want any deck box that aren't pictures, i can get them at league, the ones from ultra pro.
I jave magnezone Lv.X amd 2 torterra Lv.X im interested in the Leafeon Lv.X LMK me know if anything else u need i have SF also
Amt: Sorry, nothing there i want.
Catfiend: Sorry, nothing i want.
KInda fighting:Nothing on your list i want.
drue corey: Dont need mewtwo that much, u got any other LV x?
oreoelf: Sorry, no thanks. Nothing i found i needed.
Tlesky: Where is your list?
Serebii 1997J: Where is your list?
Dodobrain56: V. interested but you will have to send first as the cards you quoted me arent on your list.
Rashad; Sorry, nothing else i much need, except duskull SH SF
Hello, I have 2x mint condition Cresselia Lv X's and i am intrested in Garchomp Lv X and Leafeon Lv X, sorry i would usually chuck in some more things, but i don't have any more of your needs.
Make an offer please? (i REALLY need Leafeon Lv X.)
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hi tom
i want:
2x victory medal (1 Spring 07-08, 1 Fall 08-09)
i got:
German Cresselia Lv.X
English Cresselia Lv.X

i could add in more like
giratina deckboxes/sleeves
shaymin sleeves

I have:

2 Cherrim SF
Mewtwo Lvl X.

Interested in:

Dusknoir Lvl X
Heatran Lvl X
(either of those)
hi ape101,

i want:
1x Heatran Lv X
4x roseanne's researech

i have:
1x cherrim (SF)

can u look my list to addy other card(s)
2x Dusknoir LV X
2x Raichu LV X
3x Leafeon Lv X
1x Mespirit Lv X
1x Azelf Lv X
1x Heatran Lv X
2x Garchomp Lv X

Other Haves:

1x TSD
5x victory medal
8x victory medal (japanese)
6x Claydol
1x SH voltorb SF
1x Charizard SF
1x Charmeleon SF

See anything on my list for these? :)
the only reason they are not on my list is because their decked right now but I convinced my bro's to let me trade them
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