Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

ATJdragon's Battle Road 7-0 Victory Report 10/4/2009


New Member
Battle Road Surrey 10/4/2009

Bidier recommended his Gyarados the night before battle road. I didn't have anything better to run so I went with it.

Round 1: vs Flychamp

Opened Sableye and got things going. We traded prizes until I KO'd his Flygon lvX. At that point, I just started playing slower as the only way I could lose was via deckout if I wasn't paying attention. I eventually win on time, but I was definitely able to get the remaining 2 prizes if needed .


Round 2: vs My friend's Beedrill

I Roseanne'd for Sabeleye and got things going. He didn't draw a beedrill all game so I just rolled his Kakuna's every turn.


Round 3: vs Gardevoir/Garchomp/Flygon
I got paired down =(

He mulligan'd 4 times. I Sableye Donk'd him


Round 4: vs Eevee/Metagross/???
I got paired down....AGAIN! =(!

I went first with sableye and got things going. I started attacking next turn for 60 with gyrados to ko his active. he had nothing, and i just knocked out his other pokemon for game.


Round 5: vs Bidier (Mirror Match)

I Sableye Donk'd him ;)


Top 4: vs Machamp

1: I open with Sableye and have total control for the entire game. After I gain a 2 prize lead (4 to 2), he concedes so we can move onto the next game.
2: I open absolute garbage. He basically donks me.
3: Similar to Game 1. However, he used Relicanth's Amnesia (on tailing revenge) to stall for 10 turns despite the fact I had a 2-prize lead. He used Machamp + Machamp Lvx + strong Willed to ko a damaged gyarados. I then proceed to KO Machamp LvX next turn. Then he ran out of energy and I attacked again for game.


Top 2: vs Charlie (Mirror Match)

1: I open 2 Magikarp. I wasnt happy about it. I bench both in case i get Sableye Donk'd. Charlie.....has sableye! and wouldve donkd me had i not benched both! PHWEW!! On my turn Im able to Roseanne for Sableye to get things going. I bring out the first gyarados for 60 for the ko on his sableye and we exchange prizes till i get a 2 prize lead, he concedes so we can move onto the next game.
2: I open a completely unplayable hand with Uxie starter AND im going second. I draw and bench mr. mime, attach energy to uxie, and psychic restore. eventually im 4 turns behind in the mirror.....i concede so we can move onto the next match.
3: I open with Doduo and Mankey so I don't get donkd as I have a below average hand and chose to go 2nd. Charlie has Sableye and starts to setup. I Roseanne for my Sableye and get things going as well. To my surprise, he's able to turn 2 gyarados for 60 to take an early prize lead. We exchange gyarados shots but im still behind by a prize. .....he couldn't seem to get gyarados and sacrificed his sableye (despite the fact mr mime was on bench) in order for him to draw pokemon rescue since all his gyarados were in discard. At this point, prizes were tied 3-3 as I had just killed his Sableye. He still cannot make a gyarados on his turn and pushes up mr mime to stall. He now has Crobat G, sableye, magikarp and mr mime active. I attach cyclone energy, he pushes up sableye. I ko with gyarados. Im up 4-3. Hes finally able to make a gyarados and 1-shots my gyarados. I make another gyarados and 1-shot his gyarados. He pushes up Mr Mime up again to stall. I have another cyclone energy for game.


-going undefeated
-my bandwagon fans
-donks working in my favor today
-fairly smooth run event
-gyarados resistance to fighting.....surprisingly useful in my t4 match vs machamp


(No list, ask bidier!)
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I'm the one who mulliganed four times and never even got to draw a card. :nonono: I only mulliganed one other time all day, I don't know what was going on there. Thanks for the "consolation match" afterwards, even though I wasn't thinking and knocked out your Gyrados when I really didn't need to.

Congratulations on the undefeated win, glad I could help! Or something. :biggrin:
congratulations on winning, keep up the good work :D

***good thing you and charlie didnt play top 4***