Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

bangiras' Mtn West Regionals Report


New Member
So, Team Heat invaded CO for Mtn West Regionals this weekend. Spookees, being all smart and stuff, had us fly out Friday afternoon so we could arrive at the hotel early and get lots of sleep. But Bulbachar and I stayed up all night because we're idiots. Then I drank like, 8 cups of coffee and ate crappy hotel breakfast and made myself super sick. But whatever, it's Pokemon day, so time to have fun. I'm Aikido.

Round 1 vs. Pow!Cham

Sorry, I was sleepwalking all day, and I don't remember the names of most of my opponents. But this one was vs. Michael P. Ummm...I shuffle shuffle shuffle, mul, draw a hand of 2 Pidgeys, 3 Holon Trodes, and 2 Stadiums. Yay? He gets the Jirachi start and for some reason I think he's playing Pow!Block, so when I topdeck a Mentor a turn later i go after Latios* instead of Mew ex and then I work on evolving Pidgeot instead of Meganium. This screws me up badly, obviously. Late game I start to recover, and I have the means to 2HKO the Cham. He plays ER2, throws a die; it lands on my deck, then slides off, flips over, and lands on the table. I call interference and ask for a re-roll, but he refuses. I call a judge, who also refuses, so I ask for the head judge. Mike accuses me of looking at the dice before requesting the re-roll, which is frankly insulting. Anyone who plays me regularly knows that I DON'T game the system. Nothing against the judging staff--they made a ruling I don't agree with, and that's their call, but Mike's comment was WAY THE HELL out of line. So, I'm ER2'ed, and my hand is looking awful, and I'm ticked off, and I don't feel like playing the match out. I show my hand and fold. 0-1

Round 2 vs. Pow!Block

No predicting this time, he has a Jirachi/Larvitar/Voltorb start, I have a Jirachi start. Incidentally, the dice issue comes up again, this time on my side, and I immediately offer a re-roll. It was my heads, btw. We both set up kinda slow, and I have to decide if I'm gonna take the first KO and open myself to POW! or let him bomb and POW! me anyway. I decide to knock out the Jirachi, he bombs, POW!s up Meg and all of my energy, and Bites Off its head. This takes all of his POW!s to do, so I'm free to work on my bench now. I build up Latios and am about to OHKO his only powered T-Tar and seal the game when time is called. I'm up on prizes, so I win anyway. 1-1

Round 3 vs. Blastgia

Ugh, my start is almost identical to my round 1 start. I mul twice I think and finally start with a Mew, FIVE Holons, and a Scientist. So for two turns I pass while he builds a bench. I finally get energy turn 3, copy a Call for Family; then turn 4 I copy a Make a Wish to evolve my Pidgey, which is the last move Mew makes before he sends out his own Mew ex and kills it. I get Pidgeot and Meganium up on my next turn, which makes him nervous, because he spends several minutes staring at his hand before making his next move. The silence is broken when his daughter runs up to our table to report her own win. They only chat for about a minute before he sends her away, but a minute is a minute, and I know we're past the halfway mark. I ask him to please hurry up and finish his turn. He attaches a 4th energy to Mew and Hyper Whirlpools my Jirachi. Perfect! I throw out a Mewtwo and Energy Burst his Mew for an instant KO. Thirty second turn. He hems and haws a bit, asks me how many cards are in my hand, plays a Supporter, attaches to Blastoise, asks me how many cards are in my hand. I tell him the same as when he asked before, and to please hurry up and finish his turn. He makes some other inane moves and I start looking for a judge. FINALLY, he attaches to Lugia, brings up Blastoise, and Hyper Whirlpools the Mewtwo. I send up Latios, Shining Star, KO. Thirty second turn. He stalls some more, asks how many cards are in my hand, flips his cards, Admins. me. Flips his cards. I'm gesturing desperately for a judge to come over. I have 2 Meganium in play, energy on the field, energy in my hand, energy in the discard. The prize count is 2-2. All I need is a chance to attack. The alarm buzzes. "Elemental Blast!" For the first time since I've started playing, I honestly feel like flipping a table. I've been stalled out before, but never so blatantly, and never while practically begging for a judge to watch the match. In retrospect I should have refused to scoop and asked for a time extension, but after what happened in round 1 I figured I'd just be warned for Rules Lawyering. So I let it go and took the loss. 1-2

Round 4 vs. Lanturn and stuff

She starts with a lone Rocket's Raikou ex, I get a GOOD hand for a change, and have Meganium, Pidgeot, and Steelix up by turn 2. My opponent is pretty nice, and I'm basically trying to calm down after what happened in round 3, so I never get especially competitive in this game. I Metal Charge a few of her Pokemon and Energy Burst a Registeel ex for the win. 2-2

Round 5 vs. Armaldo/Cradily/LunaRock

This was a cool game, Armaldo vs. Meganium is a very even matchup. He plays Holon Lass on the first or second turn and draws a bunch of energy, so I Scientist and get a huge hand. He does Strange Cave/Anorith/Influence and sets up pretty quickly, but I still manage to take the first KO with Razor Leaf. He sends up a Claw Fossil to stall, so I retreat for Steelix and Mudslide some Solrocks and Lunatones. Armaldo and Meganium trade KOs, and I think I take my last prize by OHKOing Cradily with Mewtwo. 3-2

Round 6 vs. Queendom

We both get Pidgey starts, I Mentor on my first turn and grab Mew, Chikorita, and a second Pidgey. I tell him, "I'm totally gonna Corner you with Mew :biggrin:" So I Warp Point in my Mew and use Corner. For the rest of the round I just play around and try to copy as many different attacks as possible. There's really nothing that Queendom can do to Aikido, and I think I take all 6 prizes before he takes 1. 4-2

I place 13th for the day. I stick around to watch the finals and walk the floor with a Yu-Gi-Oh blanket draped over my shoulders because I know it'll drive Spookees crazy. :clap:

Blizzard for getting T8
SteveP for running the event
Mike for winning 15+
Mysterious Trainer for running side events
The dude who gave me his holo Chikorita :thumb:
Yu-Gi-Oh blanket! :clap:

Cut to top 8 (we were ONE player short of a T16 cut)
HUGE breaks in between rounds
Crappy hotel food
Being accused of cheating

All in all a good weekend. Thanks to all of my opponents, sorry about the lack of names, but we had some fun matches. See you guys at Nats!
Great report bangiras!

Regarding the first match ruling, the 15+ judges asked me for a ruling without mentioning names, so it was at least totally impartial on my part. I know some judges might rule differently regarding dice interference, but I only rule interference if one of the players touched the dice before it stops. Sorry it went against you. Michael definately commented to me after the tournament about how you had such a bad set up against him, making it a bit easier for him. Oh well. You're a great player and very capable of winning a regionals.

Also, it was indeed a pleasure playing you Sunday night and seeing an Arcanine deck that really works. We tried a number of ways to make it work, but your version was indeed good! You beat me what, like 6 games before I had to give up trying? You're definately worthy of that State title! Thanks so much for coming to CO. Man, if you guys had only brought one more player, there would've been Top16 and you would've made the playoffs. But then again, you guys brought tons of players anyway. I think it was definately CO's fault that we didn't have enough players to go Top16.

Regarding breaks between rounds, the TO Procedures document requires 5 minutes to post results and 5 minutes to be seated after pairings are posted. So yah, I agree, 10 minutes can stretch out the tournament a bit. But them's the rules. I always tried to shorten the 5-minute time to be seated, but often, the players wouldn't cooperate and find their table quickly.

Crappy hotel food? Man, I LOVED the Nachos on Sunday night. And the deep fried Calamari was great too. Maybe the Saturday night cook was different than the Sunday night cook.

Man, I wish it would've been me close by when you were calling for a judge in your round 3 loss. Actually, if you would've called over a judge and complained about the little girl talking to her dad, you would've been in the driver's seat regarding stalling. You would've won an incomplete match if you could've proved your point about the interruption that was not approved by the judge, or at least gotten a time extension. And, that definately wouldn't have been rules laywering. BTW, if you ever come to a tournament I judge again, rest assured that I've NEVER accused anyone of rules lawyering, and I'm a BIG enforcer against stalling -- as I indicated in my opening speech.

Thanks again for beating Michael on Sunday night and bringing him back down to earth. He needed it. It was indeed a pleasure to have you here. Hope to see you again at a Gym (if spookees can get the NM Gym going) and/or Nats.
Thanks Steve! Sunday night was a ton of fun. The food was great and so was the company. As far as the restaurant goes, I think they just need to work on their breakfast menu. Seriously, we all had a good time this weekend, and we're looking forward to the next event.

On the rulings; the re-roll is something that's been ingrained into all of us Arizona players, and it's something we do almost automatically. I don't fault you for the ruling, and since you do things a little bit differently out here, I can see why Mike thought I was up to something dodgy. But look at things from my perspective, and I'm sure you can understand why I was offended. The stalling issue is tough...like I said, I've been kicking myself for not being more proactive. The problem is, I don't WANT to be the person who tells a parent, "No, you can't congratulate your kid right now." Or worse, the person tattling to a judge because a parent is congratulating their kid. That's something I'll have to come to terms with before Gyms.

Anyway, everything is a learning experience. Thanks for all of your kind words, and thanks for everything you've done for us this weekend (really, there is no way to thank you for everything that you've done). We'll do our best to return the favor when you and Mike come to AZ next month. :thumb:
Glad you made it home safely!

We'd LOVE to come to AZ. We'll have to see. But, we'd definately go to NM if Dwayne or Patricia can get that Gym organized.
Thanks guys for letting me know yall were getting together on SUN :( Very Intresting deck for the tourny choice. I would like to hear how you K9 deck works mine works well I just need some more tweaks to it or a toatlly differnet way of going about doing it.
Boy oh Boy....try to do right by the players and they just mess it up!
SLEEP is necessary!
So from now on...i will lock up all decks and gameboy stuff before i go to bed, maybe just maybe you will sleep!
Nice report Ryah! I am always amazed at how much detail you keep up in that head about each match.

Ya and about that "blanky" of yours....maybe you shouldnt go to sleep (he-he-he)