Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

bangiras' Vegas GC report! !!!!


New Member
So, I fly to Vegas sunday morning along with Bulbachar, Spookees, and Spookees Jr. We drive out to Sunset Station, say hi to DukeFirebird and the other judges, and 'Char and I get to filling out decklists. I write out a list for my OMG-Super-Secret-Anti-Cali-Ultra-Tech deck, but with the deadline for registration 2 minutes away and no sign of California's traveling crew, I decide Ossacut is too specific for the NV metagame and switch over to LBS. I turn my stuff in and the registration deadline passes; all of the players settle in to hear the judges' welcoming speeches and wait for the pairings to be posted.

25 minutes after registration ends, but before any matches begin, the Cali crew comes walking in. We're like, "Hay guyz, see you in round 2" and they're all, "Hay guyz, see you in round 1." Well, the NV parents throw a fit since I guess they have a problem with TOs violating floor rules and letting late players slip in without penalty. Or something. They start pulling their kids from the tournament in protest, claiming favoritism and so on. I honestly don't know what their problem was, I mean, it's not like the change affected any of us. :confused: It takes another 30 minutes to get the updated pairings posted, but I appreciate the delay because it gives me time to brainstorm ways to take out all of the popular Cali decks that slaughter LBS.

Round 1 vs Al (Madhatter's dad!) w/LunaRock
I prize both Blastoises but that's ok because Al never gets any of his evolutions out either. My Squirtles and Jirachis battle his Lunatones and Solrocks to a standstill, but eventually I get a Latias out and she's resistant to both Psychic and Fighting types(!) so I win.

Round 2 vs Cali guy with ZRE
I T2 his Electrode ex with Squirtle so it's pretty much GG. :thumb:

Round 3 vs Josh (Madhatter) w/ Minks
Josh gets a pretty good setup with a bunch of Mews and Wobbuffets in play, but he never gets his Minks out, so I win the match.

Round 4 vs Matt (TrekieV) w/ Espycham
Squirtle eats all the Rare Candy and leaves none for Eevee and Meditite. Squirtle can be a real jerk sometimes. :(

Round 5 vs Aaron (Bulbachar) w/ Rock Lock
Aaron's Larvitar Bites my Jirachi, but my Holon Magneton ATM Rocks his Pidgeotto for teh win. :clap:

Top 8
There is no Top 8.

Top 4 vs Chung (cool-dude32) w/ Minks
Chung keeps forgetting what's in his discard pile and how many duplicate copies of Unown I he has in his deck, so he has to check several times during each turn. I can't blame him for being flustered, though. I mean, if I'd come late and had to take crap all day long from players who got there on time and wanted me out of the tournament, I'd be flustered too. We time out with 1 game in his favor and 1 incomplete game, and it's really my own fault for taking way too long with my turns. If I'd spent ten seconds on each turn instead of twenty seconds, I probably would have won. :frown:

So, I get 3rd, and Aaron gets 5th, and we both go home happy cos we've learned some new "tricks" that can be put to use the next time we go to an event (shhhhhh don't tell Blizzard, Spookees, or Lugias_Realm ^_-), and we're also really stoked knowing that we never have to fly redeye again, since the only punishment for tardiness is a verbal reprimand. Awesome, awesome stuff, well worth the trip, the next few tournaments are gonna go so much more smoothly for us.

See you guys in Tucson!

bangiras said:
25 minutes after registration ends, but before any matches begin, the Cali crew comes walking in. We're like, "Hay guyz, see you in round 2" and they're all, "Hay guyz, see you in round 1." Well, the NV parents throw a fit since I guess they have a problem with TOs violating floor rules and letting late players slip in without penalty. Or something. They start pulling their kids from the tournament in protest, claiming favoritism and so on. I honestly don't know what their problem was, I mean, it's not like the change affected any of us. :confused: It takes another 30 minutes to get the updated pairings posted, but I appreciate the delay because it gives me time to brainstorm ways to take out all of the popular Cali decks that slaughter LBS.

Dude! How would you not get mad if someone doesn't follow the rules. I thought that was wrong and they shoulsn't have been allow to play because they were to late.
bangiras said:
Round 1 vs Al (Madhatter's dad!) w/LunaRock
I prize both Blastoises but that's ok because Al never gets any of his evolutions out either.

What evolutions? It's LunaRock! ;p

GJ and nice report.
guys, what happened with registration was the computer was slow. All registered players by 9:45 were still being inputted in at 10:15. The actual delay in time from completion of registered players to the late arrivals was 3 minutes. If you wanted the event to start at 10:00, then i believe half the field would of gotten a R1 loss, but since they turned in registration and decklists by 9:45, we had to let them in. Now i believe that we should not have let the players in after then until R1, but that was not my call. I did voice my opinion, but I had no authority other than that. As far as i know, no parents pulled their kid cause of registration. There was a pull because a father complained that a kid should of been DQed for an issue that didnt occur during a game, and that issue did not warrant a DQ.

Other than those things, (besides the final being 117 minutes), was a smooth day!

GL on all future Gyms and at Nats and worlds!!!

Duke out

The event was smoothly run as it could of been IMHO.
DukeFireBird said:
guys, what happened with registration was the computer was slow. All registered players by 9:45 were still being inputted in at 10:15. The actual delay in time from completion of registered players to the late arrivals was 3 minutes. If you wanted the event to start at 10:00, then i believe half the field would of gotten a R1 loss, but since they turned in registration and decklists by 9:45, we had to let them in.

Chris, I'm reading your post, and it's given me some ideas. As you know, we all hate it when a tournament starts late, especially since it's usually everyone's fault except the guy working the computer. So, I'm proposing some changes. First off, from now on, if a player's data is inputted after the tournament's posted starting time, that player should receive a first round loss. This may be hard to document initially, but I'm sure if we contact PUI they can work some kind of timestamp into the newest version of TOM. Players with unusual or hard to type names (like me :( ) should be automatically DQed because we're stalling the process and that's a form of gamesmanship. Also, to keep the pre-reg environment lively and competitive, any player who spends more than 5 minutes filling out a deck list (especially those cheating 10 and unders!) should receive a warning, escalating to a prize penalty or a game loss if the behavior continues.

Players who walk in 33 minutes after registration closes should also be penalized, since that's established POP policy (unfair as it is). But with these new regulations in place tardy players should feel much more at ease, since when everyone's penalized, it's like no one's penalized at all!
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Ryah, there is a major flaw in your system, compare what you said to a store that closes. You arrive at the store at 11:30 PM, and it closes at 12:00 midnight. You shop for 25 minutes, making it 11:55. You get in a LONG line. You get to the register at 12:01. OH SORRY WERE CLOSED. Not fair, is it. Now what should happen, is that 15 minute window is used to input the last remaining players. What POP should do is with TOM, they should have a pooled player list with POP ID's for every TOM computer. Granted yes, it seems like a lot, but it would make things go faster.

Should we blame the scorekeeper for being slower than par in inputting players to get them in before R1 start time? - NO

Should we penalize players who get their registration entered before the close of registration? - NO

Should we penalize players who are late in getting registration filled out and turned in (barring certain circumstances)? - YES

With your 5 minute decklist thing, what if somebody runs a "HILANDER" deck (no duplicate cards) That would take me at least 5 minutes. Also thats why there is a decklist online!

Trust me when i say that im just as mad, but I have to deal with it just like you did. I put up with comments just as Bob did. There was nothing i could of done about the registration. I do like your ideas, but they are in need of a bit of tweaking. If you want to discuss this further with me, id be happy to, pm me with an email/AIM/Yahoo name!!!
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DukeFireBird said:
Ryah, there is a major flaw in your system, compare what you said to a store that closes. You arrive at the store at 11:30 PM, and it closes at 12:00 midnight. You shop for 55 minutes, making it 11:55. You get in a LONG line. You get to the register at 12:01. OH SORRY WERE CLOSED. Not fair, is it.

You know, you raise a good point. I work at an ISC (that's an independent shipping center for those of you not in the "biz"), and a lot of times, if I'm not getting any business, I'll go ahead and close out the til 5 minutes early. Once in a while someone will come in right at closing time, and they'll get really T'ed off when I say that I can't sell them anything. They'll be like, "It's 5:59.59 and your ad says you close at 6:00!!!!!" And I'll say "Um...if you know that I close at 6:00, why didn't you try to get here at say, 5:30? Or at least call to tell me you're on your way?" And then I'll chase them out of the store with a baseball bat.

Spookees is really nice though, not only does she not threaten players with baseball bats, she also takes note of everyone who's in line at the close of registration, and sees to it that they're entered into the first round. Anyone who gets in line after that though, is registered with a first round loss. I've suggested to her that if baseball bats are too violent for a children's event, perhaps she could threaten latecomers with sock 'em boppers, but she says no. I guess that's why she's a PTO and I'm not. :(
bangiras said:
Top 4 vs Chung (cool-dude32) w/ Minks
Chung keeps forgetting what's in his discard pile and how many duplicate copies of Unown I he has in his deck, so he has to check several times during each turn. I can't blame him for being flustered, though. I mean, if I'd come late and had to take crap all day long from players who got there on time and wanted me out of the tournament, I'd be flustered too. We time out with 1 game in his favor and 1 incomplete game, and it's really my own fault for taking way too long with my turns. If I'd spent ten seconds on each turn instead of twenty seconds, I probably would have won. :frown:

Actually I keep on looking through my discard pile because I want to make sure that the card i need is not there, but if it is then I have to use the pokemon retriever. I keep on looking through my deck using my unown power because I want to make sure the card i want to swoop for is there. I wasn't flustered, I just want to make sure everything is there and I dont make any misplay or so. Both game were in my favor and I doubt there was anyway you could of beat me. I even offer you to finish the second game because I knew I had you beat.
Yeah, maybe you're right Chung. I mean, all I had was a powered up Blastoise and a Pidgeot, and you had all of those big 70HP basics on your bench. There probably wasn't much that I could've done. It's ok to be flustered during a match, you don't have to come up with excuses. Here, I'll even give you some free advice. ^_^ When I get stressed during a match, I look at my hand and count to 30. Then I make a move, and if I'm still stressed, I look at my hand and count to 30 again. The judges can't call me for stalling, because taking exactly 30 seconds to consider a move is totally legal! Is that awesome or what? Also, sometimes I get sick of looking at my non-holo copy of Mime Ditto, so I use his power and switch him with the foil copy that's in my deck. It's the same card, but the change in the shiny to non-shiny ratio of my bench is invigorating and it allows me to think more clearly. Try it out, I think it will work for you, too! :thumb:
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bangiras said:
Yeah, maybe you're right Chung. I mean, all I had was a powered up Blastoise and a Pidgeot, and you had all of those big 70HP basics on your bench. There probably wasn't much that I could've done. It's ok to be flustered during a match, you don't have to come up with excuses. Here, I'll even give you some free advice. ^_^ When I get stressed during a match, I look at my hand and count to 30. Then I make a move, and if I'm still stressed, I look at my hand and count to 30 again. The judges can't call me for stalling, because taking exactly 30 seconds to consider a move is totally legal! Is that awesome or what? Also, sometimes I get sick of looking at my non-holo copy of Mime Ditto, so I use his power and switch him the foil copy that's in my deck. It's the same card, but the change in the shiny to non-shiny ratio of my bench is invigorating and it allows me to think more clearly. Try it out, I think it will work for you, too! :thumb:
First of all, you did not have a power up blastoise. There was no energy on blastoise. Also I did not look at my hand for 30 sec and then make my move. I did not stall you, so please *****ing. Everyone was with one on that call. If I was trying to stall you out, I would of play pokemon retriever then shuffle my deck. Then let you cut and start thinking and then play my mentor. But did I do that? NO! I combine everything in one more. O Hey, didn't you stall me out in LA because you knew that I was goin to win next win? Man, how ironic is this. You accuse me of stalling you but you were the one that actually stall me out of a win. Dont try to deny this because 10 people saw it. So either get better or shut up.
What are you even arguing about? Didn't I just say that you had the win? Geez, take some prozac and get off my case; see if I ever try to give you any advice again you big jerk ;_;

Seriously, I don't know why you keep getting so defensive about the whole forgetfullness thing. It's totally ok to look through your discard pile and think things over and play a transceiver and look through your discard pile and pull a mentor and look through your discard pile and play a retriever and look through your discard pile and pull 3 cards and then put one back and then pull another card and then go back to the first card and then put them back in your deck and then play the mentor and look through your deck before grabbing all 3 of the cards that you just shuffled in. That's all part of normal gameplay, and I never claimed that it had anything to do with my Blastoise having just knocked out your Roselia and you getting nervous. Just like I never claimed that you did it 3 turns in a row. And there's also no shame in losing in LA, like you said to your friends after the match, I had a first turn Meganium, and I knocked out 2 of your Mews within the first few minutes, so there wasn't much you could do to catch up. It happens man, deal with it. Also, I don't know how to asterisk, and with the way you're acting, I'm not going to do you any favors, so stop asking. :mad:
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cool-dude32 said:
Both game were in my favor and I doubt there was anyway you could of beat me. I even offer you to finish the second game because I knew I had you beat.
I didn't make it to the tourney but at least I know your still the same old modest chung.
Just playing but good job with Mynx.
DukeFireBird said:
Ryah, there is a major flaw in your system, compare what you said to a store that closes. You arrive at the store at 11:30 PM, and it closes at 12:00 midnight. You shop for 55 minutes, making it 11:55. You get in a LONG line. You get to the register at 12:01. OH SORRY WERE CLOSED. Not fair, is it. Now what should happen, is that 15 minute window is used to input the last remaining players. What POP should do is with TOM, they should have a pooled player list with POP ID's for every TOM computer. Granted yes, it seems like a lot, but it would make things go faster.

Sir do you math

11:30 PM + 55 minunts= 12:25 the store would be closed all ready

I get your point but you are using a diffrent example completly at 9:45 everybody that was there had signed up. So you example wouldn't apply. It should of been 9:45am-10:00am a round 1 loss after that you can't enter. If it is this way no one should show up on time. Right Dukefirebird?
bangiras said:
What are you even arguing about? Didn't I just say that you had the win? Geez, take some prozac and get off my case; see if I ever try to give you any advice again you big jerk ;_;

Seriously, I don't know why you keep getting so defensive about the whole forgetfullness thing. It's totally ok to look through your discard pile and think things over and play a transceiver and look through your discard pile and pull a mentor and look through your discard pile and play a retriever and look through your discard pile and pull 3 cards and then put one back and then pull another card and then go back to the first card and then put them back in your deck and then play the mentor and look through your deck before grabbing all 3 of the cards that you just shuffled in. That's all part of normal gameplay, and I never claimed that it had anything to do with my Blastoise having just knocked out your Roselia and you getting nervous. Just like I never claimed that you did it 3 turns in a row. And there's also no shame in losing in LA, like you said to your friends after the match, I had a first turn Meganium, and I knocked out 2 of your Mews within the first few minutes, so there wasn't much you could do to catch up. It happens man, deal with it. Also, I don't know how to asterisk, and with the way you're acting, I'm not going to do you any favors, so stop asking. :mad:
If I would do what you say I should of done, then you would even ***** about me stalling even more. Yes you did claim that you have a power up blastoise in your last post. I was not nervous because i had you beat both game. I have no shame in losing but when someone stall me out on purpose and dont tell the whole story right, there will be a problem then. ********!! I was going to tie the game as soon as you pass and you knew that there is only a minutes left in the game and decided to quicksearch for a mentor. Then shuffle your deck and let me cut. Then play your mentor and taking forever picking the pokemon. you knew that was the only way you could stall me out for the win. 10 people saw this ******** and you know this. So **** YOU!! Either get better or stop *****ing because you can't win a game.

PS: only 7 people were 2 min late. 1 person was 15 min late and another person is 30 min late. So stop trying to make it look like everyone was 30 min late to registration.
Chung didn’t you get a caution after time was called for stalling? I was one of the people watching the match and wow your turns just kept getting longer and longer in that second match. Really it was looking more and more like you were gonna lose the match. I don’t know your answer for that Blatoise ex, and yes it was powered up…… that giant stump looked like it hurt you too.
Bulbachar said:
Chung didn’t you get a caution after time was called for stalling? I was one of the people watching the match and wow your turns just kept getting longer and longer in that second match. Really it was looking more and more like you were gonna lose the match. I don’t know your answer for that Blatoise ex, and yes it was powered up…… that giant stump looked like it hurt you too.
OMG when time was call. I had 2 prize left with a mew with holon castform and holon magnemite on it, a jynx with holon castform and holon voltorb on it, unown (I), 2 evo Wobbuffet, and Battle Frontier in play. She had 4 prizes left with a pidgeot stuck in active with no energy, a blastoise with no energy on it, and a latias* with no energy. I even offer you to play it out to prove to you that I was goin to win either way, but you didn't want it to. So dont start *****ing now.
Alright, Chung, whatever you say. :rolleyes: You've been in this game longer than I have, so I guess you can recognize the cards more easily than I can, but I'm pretty sure that Blastoise is a big blue thing and Pidgeot is more of a brownish color. Maybe someone with a Pokedex can confirm this? :confused: You're right about one thing though, now that I think about it, my active Pokemon didn't have any energy attached. It only had Holon Pokemon attached to it, so that one was my bad.

As I've already said, I don't know how to asterisk, and I don't care to learn. I already have too many hobbies and if asterisking is anything like spelunking it will be prohibitively expensive.

Phil, you missed the point, she said that any player put into the system after 9:45 should be penalized, thats why my issue is there.

Chung, please, show some decency and accept your win. You did earn it. BTW for the stalling thing, I was not the only one who thought so. Ill explain it to you at a later time, not on the public boards.

I will be talking to Karl about this, and hopefully there will never be another fiasco like this ever again
look everybody....what's in the past, is in the past!!! THE FUTURE is so much BRIGHTER!!! let's stop dwelling on June 4th and let's look forward to June 10th or the 11th for some, but in AZ - the 10th!!!
I mean, lets say that time had been called on your turn - with the prize count in Chung's favor, would you on that turn of caught up on prizes to force SUDDEN DEATH?????? if no, then chill out and take your defeat as one would in the SOTG - where you'd offer your hand and congratulate the victor!!!!!!! I dont recall seeing this at all??????? I dunno, I might have missed it. but hey, there's saturday - the 10th and Nationals July 1-2 @ Origins!!!!!!!!
but n e how, goodluck to you and to all who play on saturday the 10th!!!!!


Jess_E = bummed out that there wasnt a top 8, but you dont see me crying about it!!!!!!! :thumb: