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Best Deck Cards?


Active Member
Hello, I am thinking of making a deck, and I would like to know which are the best cards to put in it! Thanks!
This doesn't give me much to work with, but i'll do my best .-.


Bebes Search- One of THE best supporters in the game, get 4 of these, they let you search out specific cards which is very powerful.

Roseannes Research- Four of these also. They let you grab 2 basics and energies in any combination, a powerful supporter,

Luxury Ball- Look for 1 card besides an X and get it. No excuse to not run one in any deck

Warp Point(s)- these cards let you switch actives for great strategies.

Claydol- Powerful draw engine, these cards get you through your deck in about 5 turns.

Uxie- Another excellent Drawing card, expensive like Claydol, but very useful.

Uxie X- Levels from regular Uxie, it lets you take the top 2 cards and choose 1 each turn, very valuable to get rid of dead draws and such.

These are just some staples that many people use, but it all varies amoung decks.
I'd also say quick ball is a widely used card. If you have only 1 or 2 different lines of pokemon, it can be a great card.

Also, play either cynthia's feelings or rowan's research. They refresh your hand easily without counting on pokepowers.
Basically, I can't tell you what the best cards are, you'll have to make a deck first

The best deck atm is DPg, or Dialga G X and Palkia G X solo or combined.
I'd also say quick ball is a widely used card. If you have only 1 or 2 different lines of pokemon, it can be a great card.

Also, play either cynthia's feelings or rowan's research. They refresh your hand easily without counting on pokepowers.

Quick Ball, while good in some rogue decks, hasn't seen extensive play in top tier decks for several reasons. :) Depending on the deck, Cynthia's could be smart, given the current format.
Thanks! I was interested in Torterra X... this might be a bad decision but I thought it might be able to do 100 damage a turn if evolved from Torterra, seeing as Torterra has a 100 for 4 energy attack which can be used one turn and then Vigorous Dash... there is also the healing Torterra. Could Torterra X be combined with Shaymin X 126 or Sceptile which gives you 2 energy for the cost of one? I also like Bibarel, with 100 HP and two energy for 60 damage... please, is this a good idea? Thanks!
Thanks! I was interested in Torterra X... this might be a bad decision but I thought it might be able to do 100 damage a turn if evolved from Torterra, seeing as Torterra has a 100 for 4 energy attack which can be used one turn and then Vigorous Dash... there is also the healing Torterra. Could Torterra X be combined with Shaymin X 126 or Sceptile which gives you 2 energy for the cost of one? I also like Bibarel, with 100 HP and two energy for 60 damage... please, is this a good idea? Thanks!

Combine Torterra with Sceptile. It's actually a really good, top-tier deck. Here are some key components:

1x Torterra Lv.X
3x Torterra Pt
3x Grotle (Whichever one you prefer. Some are offensive, some are more defensive. I suggest the MD one.)
4x Turtwig (Doesn't especially matter. I prefer POP8.)

2x Sceptile GE
2x Grotle GE
2x Treecko GE

2x Claydol GE
2x Baltoy GE

4x Broken Time-Space

Now, of course there are other cards you need to add to make the deck successful, but those are the essentials of my favorite version. This list does NOT run Rare Candy, since Broken Time-Space is more versatile and can allow a faster setup. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or through PM.
If you look around there are already decklists and threads about Torterra X, commonly known as Torterrible.

Edit: @above: BTS? Rare candies are better in decks like these. a 4/3-2-3-1 line will work with Rare Candies. People generally do 4-4-4 lines for BTS. And a 1-0-1 or 2-1-2 Sceptile line will work. It's only a tech. The thing is, USE RARE CANDIES!
Thanks everyone... however, I don't really get it when I just see listed cards; WHY do they work and WHY are they good? Thanks!
Thanks everyone... however, I don't really get it when I just see listed cards; WHY do they work and WHY are they good? Thanks!

Well Torterror was always a brilliant card but because it needs four energy to attack it was really slow but with Sceptile you can be hitting 100 damage turn two every turn, because Sceptile makes one enrgy two.
One thing I don't understand is, well, newer Pokemon. Why are attacks so much more energy efficient? I mean, you can get one energy for 30 damage! I also don't get why Drawing powers are so good. Don't you get to draw a card every turn? And aren't there trainers like Imposter Professor Oak or even BILL that let you draw cards?