Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Blaziken EX (A second Blex)


New Member
:pokeball: Blaziken EX :pokeball:
Blaziken EX
Type:Fire/Fighting (Dual Type)
Dual Firestarter:Attach 2 fire energy cards from your discard pile and put them on any of your pokemon, if Blaziken EX is affected by a Special Condition, you can only take 1 Fire Energy!
Attack 1:
Burning Breakdown-2 Fire Energy
Does 30 damage to any of your opponent's evolved pokemon, if the pokemon arent evolved, they take 20 damage!
Attack 2:
Blazing Destruction-5 Fire Energy
Discard 3 Energy attacked to Blaziken EX, KO one of your opponent's pokemon, and do 20 damage to the active pokemon.Blaziken EX cannot use this attack during your next turn!
Resistance:Grass (-30)
Retreat Cost:3

Well, there it is!
Hopefully this card is better than that last.. er... CaC i did... >_______>
So how is this one?
:pokeball: Blaziken EX :pokeball:
Oonce again with the grammar!
1. When, if EVER, have you seen exclamation marks in attacks?
2. Write things out; do not abbreviate KO, etc.
3. Where does it say what Blaziken ex evolves from?
4. Blazing Destruction = Broken
There's more, but I don't want to go into it... :(
I'm not even going to try and translate this grammar. You should have looked at firestarter blaziken for the grammar on dual firestarter. And wtf is with the exclamation marks?!
Cleffa's Eeeek! and Cleffa's Eeeeeeeeeeek!

Also EX can't be dual typed by nature it wouldn't fit on the card because that is two ruleboxes. Dual Firestarter letting you only attach one if affected by a Special Condition isn't appropriate either,

Practice a bit more and look at real cards because this is rather disappointing :(
Dom Jordan said:
Cleffa's Eeeek! and Cleffa's Eeeeeeeeeeek!

Also EX can't be dual typed by nature it wouldn't fit on the card because that is two ruleboxes. Dual Firestarter letting you only attach one if affected by a Special Condition isn't appropriate either,

Practice a bit more and look at real cards because this is rather disappointing :(

wtf? EXs can be dual type. Nintendo isn't courageous enough to try it, but they could be if they wanted to. They'd find some way to incorporate both boxes if needed, I'm sure of it.