Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Brawl Music Discussion


I was in the sound test listening to the victory fanfare music for the characters and Wario has the best one. I guess his music stands out more then the others. Snake has a pretty cool one to.
To prevent this from being a poll, please discuss the music of brawl.
Brawl music is just epic. Hearing the Super Mario 64 theme and Sunshine themes is so nostalgic. Galactic Battle is the best, though, with its intense tune.
To be honest, I'm actually somewhat disappointed with the Pokemon music in Brawl, some of it just doesn't seem that well suited to the game (Pokemon Center is a clear example of this). It's also a shame the game doesn't have any of the music from the tv show (Meowth's Party from Pokemon Channel would have worked well), though I understand that it would have been legally difficult.
There are alot of weird not fitting songs.
Eventhough there are alot songs from Pokemon, i'd love to hear more from Earthbound/Mother for example.
There has also been a few songs that did not make the cut.
Someone on youtube managed to find some and to my surprise there are about 3 to 5 songs from Earthbound!
How about Pikmin.....
It's really out of place. Not just the stage, the music to.
I just can't imagin playing wile listing to whistling birds and such.
Then again, there are alot of songs not......not fighting material. Snowman for example.
They should have added the vs. Champion music. That music would be epic.

There were more Kirby songs than Pokemon songs, even though there was only 1 Kirby stage. Kirby deserved more stages. He got 2 more characters but only 1 new stage. Samus got a transform character and 2 new stages, one of which does what it shouldn't.
Super Mario Brothers 3 music, all was very good. And Tetris Type B. Really COOL, as well as some of the Mother/Earthbound music.
Of course nothing can stand up to the main theme, the music that usually plays on the main menu, but corneria is GREAT.