Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Canadian Top 4 Masters report


New Member
Hi Pokémon players! I don’t ever post here, so let me introduce myself: My name is Adrian L. and I currently hold 42 championship points after nationals. This is my first completed season, and I’m very pleased to do so well not only throughout the whole season, but in my first nationals as well.

I’m from Alberta, Canada. This province doesn’t host a lot of tournaments due to player base, so I’m excited to receive an invitation to worlds due to doing very well in nationals.

To make this less awkward, let’s just skip onto the report. I’ll be explaining the games in horrible detail, because not only have I played a ton of games during this tournament, but also because I’m writing this a week later.

A lot of my friends and I opted to choose Darkrai/Terrakion. A couple things that are unique about my list are:
1) More ultra balls, no dual balls. Ultra ball only guarantees you a Pokémon and also can get rid of energies in your hand, right? Nope. If you’re in a good spot and your opponent is stuck, use ultra ball to discard your supporter(s). They can’t portrait, and you laugh at them. Ultra ball only sucks if you have to junk arm for it (which truly does suck). Also, how many times have you got double tails on dual balls? C’mon. (A lot of my opponents did during nationals, haha)
2) Less supporters, and more random receivers. Oh my god, it feels so good when an opponent portraits and you have no supporters but a random receiver. You cheated them off a supporter!
3) No sky arrow bridges and more energy switch. I feel that sky arrow bridge helps opponents more than it helps me. Not only would it power up Tornadus EX (Common played EX), but it gives your opponent free retreat on Pokemon like Smeargle. Yes, it gives free retreat as well for my own Smeargles, but I use Darkrai – I may as well use its ability to its full extent. I added in energy switches in occasions where I need to attach a dark energy to retreat Smeargle, but need another energy on Darkrai to attack. Also, energy switch are good for surprise Terrakions.

Registrations started at 9:00, but pairings were given out only at 12:00. Or so it seems, until a re-pairing was announced. We started at 12:15-ish.

R1 vs. Bernard (Klingklang EX)
He gets a turn 2 klingklang due to my stupidity. I had portraited him the previous turn and noticed he had a couple rare candies and junk arms, but no energies. I chose to use his oak instead of his N because I wanted him to burn his own supporter to get a better hand. However, he had a heavy ball in his discard. So naturally, he junk armed for it and candied into klingklang.
Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have any energies for a while. This was a great opportunity to set up my Terrakions without being destroyed by his EXs and I eventually knocked out his Darkrai. He gifted me by dropping another Darkrai down, which I knocked out the next turn. Without any free retreat, his active klingklang (which I catchered) was forced to attack for the next couple of turns; this isn’t a big deal since I had a lot of eviolited attackers set upped. Even though he used probably 3-4 max potions the next turns, I eventually knocked out his Klingklang and another pokemon (which I can’t remember) for the last prize.

R2 vs. Shawn? (Hammertime)
I cannot remember this game very well. I knocked out his Sableyes early so he cannot abuse crushing hammers. I had great board control until his last turn. On my field I had an active Darkrai damaged with 3 energies, a bench damaged Terrakion with 2 energies, and a fresh benched Darkrai with 1 energy. On his field he had pretty much nothing. He discarded my bench Darkrai’s energy with crushing hammer, and somehow set up a fresh Darkrai during that one turn. He portraited my hand for a juniper but whiffed a dark claw. The damage addition from dark claw would have knocked out my active Darkrai, and the attack’s snipe would have killed my benched Terrakion. He was one card away from discarding all 6 of my energies in play during that one turn – which would have seriously left me in a screwed position. On the following turn, I catchered the Smeargle for my last prize.

R3 – Greg (Darkrai/Terrakion)
My opponent started first but didn’t have a great hand. He tried to dual ball for a Smeargle but got double tails. He junk arms for the dual ball but whiffs again. (By the way, there’s no better feeling that witnessing your opponent junk arm for a duel ball and getting double tails – I’m horrible, but at least I don’t laugh out loud?) Luckily for him, his next card was a professor oak. At one point my Terrakion was threatening to wipe out his entire field. He portraited my hand early during his turn and forgot exactly what I had. He spent the next 3 minutes trying to remember (and asking) if I had a Mewtwo in my hand, which I never responded and always kept a poker face :tongue:. He eventually dropped the Mewtwo and Shaymin’d all his energies so he can knock me out. Unfortunately for him, I already had both the Mewtwo and Shaymin in my hand and removed all his energies in play. I believe I swept him after.

R4 – Chris (Zekrom/Eeltrik)
This was a very fast game. I remember that I set-upped a Terrakion quickly. I also remembered that the turn he didn’t play a supporter, I abused this opportunity by discarding my supporter from my hand via ultra ball (or junk arm?) so he couldn’t portrait me. My Terrakion swept him 6-0 I think.
Also, I recall that I was slightly annoyed that a judge beside me was telling the players she was watching that Pichu cannot use playground if both player’s benches are full. I’m 99% sure you can?

R5 – Miguel (Zekrom/Eeltrik)
I cannot remember much about this game (and actually the next few games.. uh oh). He didn’t play Terrakion, so I went aggressive with Darkrai. I just remembered my last 3 prizes were taken at the same turn by knocking out his Tornadus ex and an eel (?) with a Darkrai. Close game though.

R6 – Simon F. (Darkrai/Terrakion)
Simon is a good friend from Calgary, Alberta. Too bad I had to get swept by him, haha. At least an Albertan has a higher chance to get into top cut?
I again don’t remember much about this game. I can recall that I didn’t have a supporter. I was stalling by using my max potion and wasting a junk arm a turn (for max potion) to deny prizes. It was pointless though; I fell way too behind. He had complete board control the whole time.

R7 – Mike (Zekrom/Eeltrik/Terrakion)
Mike! My buddy that eventually came second!
I was lucky to get a turn 2 retaliate on his Tynamo. Because of that, he only had one eel the whole game because another Tynamo was prized. He couldn’t set up fast enough; all his pokemon didn’t have energies. When I knocked out his Eeltrik it was pretty much over. (At least that’s what I remember, Mike.)

R8- Simon L. (Darkrai/Terrakion)
My opponent went first and thus, set-upped one turn before I had. The only chance for me to win was to use Terrakion to knock out his Darkrai. At one point, I had an opportunity to get a surprise Terrakion to knock out his Darkrai. I ultra-balled for it, but both were prized..

At this point it was 7 in the evening; I was hungry and tired.
My final swiss record was 6-2 at 7th seed. It was quite exciting as a couple other Albertans made it into top cut as well. Simon F. was 6-2 at 9th seed, and Mike (from round 7) was 6-2 at 11th seed. Congratulations to Aaron R. (and actually Mike) whom is another Albertan for making top cut for the first time after years of playing. Aaron was 5-3 at 31st seed.

Top 32 – Reed (Darkrai/Tornadus/Aerodactyl)
I met Reed the day before, and it sucks that I already have to play a friend.

Game 1 – I remember nothing about this match. It was a full game because we were completely neck-to-neck. I won at the end though.

Game 2 – I’m pretty sure he had the lead most of the game by going aggressive with Mewtwo. With Darkrai, I hit his Mewtwo for 90, and did 30 to his bench Mewtwo. He didn’t retreat the following turn; I think he didn’t have another attacker set up? Anyways, my next turn consisted of knocking out that active Mewtwo, and doing another 30 on his bench Mewtwo. I’m pretty sure he knocked out my active Darkrai, but I had another one set-up. I catchered his bench Mewtwo, plus powered, and junk-armed plus power for the game. I’m pretty sure I remember he whiffed a dark claw (or plus power?) somewhere during the match that would of made me lose. Bad luck! Good game though!
2-0 (7-2)

Top 16 – Chris? (Celebi/Mewtwo/Tornadus/Terrakion)
I was super anxious at this point (Mostly because of not really eating breakfast – low blood sugar.), thanks to my opponent for coping with me! He was a nice, relaxed guy.
Game 1 – He began by attacking with Mewtwo. I got a quick Darkrai set-up, that did 90 to his Mewtwo, and 30 on his Celebi, which would have got me 3 prizes next turn. He surprised me though, by dropping two Terrakions. I played around it by putting damage all over the board until I could knock them both out at the same turn. It went straight-forward after that.

Game 2 – I think he learned not to bench Terrakions so early, but I had a crazy start. By the first few turns I had two Darkrais set-upped. This was the point where I didn’t care about Terrakions and went Kamikaze with them. I don’t remember many other details about this match though, but I think this game ended quickly.
2-0 (8-2)

Top 8 – Aaron (Fellow Albertan) (Darkrai/Terrakion)
Awe, what bad luck. I have to play Aaron for the invite to worlds. On the bright side, one of us would have been guaranteed an invite to worlds at least. Also, because it’s someone I know, I wasn’t nervous as all during this match and was quite relaxed. Aaron however, was in the zone. He’s super competitive and he wanted the invite bad.

Game 1 – He goes first, and uses a ton of resources to get a Darkrai fully set-up. However, he couldn’t retreat Smeargle. This bought me a turn, which wasn’t enough. I had a gross start, where I couldn’t set up. It didn’t help that he went so aggressive with Darkrai either. Only 2-ish turns after he attacked, did I have an opportunity to attack, and it would of count, because his Terrakion (or Darkrai) just knocked out my own Darkrai. I have a fighting energy on Terrakion, but because I had a horrible hand I decided to promote Smeargle first to portrait him. However, I quickly decided that I needed to knock out his Darkrai now and couldn’t risk the chance of not drawing an energy switch (I needed to attach a Dark to retreat. I had an energy switch in my hand so I can move the energy from Smeargle to Terrakion to attack.) I declare retreat and move my Smeargle onto the bench with its energy. Aaron however, stated I had to discard my energy because there was no Darkrai on the bench. I sat there face-palming myself for the next few seconds (Derp!). I went back to promote Smeargle, but Aaron said I declared retreat already - *Head slams the table*. (Completely understandable though. I would have probably done the same thing because this game is for a freakin’ worlds invite! I’m not mad at him. ) Anyways, I promoted a fresh bare Terrakion and passed. Aaron, not having a catcher, attacked my bare Terrakion.
I would have probably scooped at this point if I didn’t top deck a supporter. Anyways, I use plus power, then PONT, and draw a fresh new hand of 6. My hand was – Fighting energy, Dark patch, Darkrai, Shaymin, Shaymin, and Juniper. I completely slapped Aaron’s face when I attached fighting energy on bench (unharmed) Terrakion, bench Darkrai, dark patch on Darkrai (only dark energy on field), bench shaymin to transfer dark energy over to active Terrakion, retreat to other Terrakion, benched another shaymin to move the dark energy onto my now active Terrakion, and land crush his eviolited Darkrai for 180. BAM! This Terrakion also knocked out his other Darkrai. I knocked out a Shaymin and Smeargle for the last two prizes with some luck. VERY CLOSE GAME. I’m very lucky to win this game. (Too bad it wasn’t on video.. :frown:)

Game 2
I mulligan twice, but he didn’t seem too happy. He starts Shaymin, attached, and passed. I take advantage of this, by dropping Darkrai, and Mewtwo. I try hard to get the donk but I whiff. I just attach to Mewtwo and pass. Unfortunately, he didn’t top deck anything. Frustrated, he misplays by attaching again to shaymin and passing. I attach a Dark to my active Terrakion, and fish for a Shaymin. I random receivered for a supporter and the first card I reveal is a Shaymin. I get a supporter and draw into the ultra-ball for the win. The misplay didn’t cost Aaron anything though; his next few cards were completely useless. What horrible luck. Sorry.
2-0 (9-2)

Top 4 – Mike (Fellow Albertan – round 7) (Zekrom/Eeltrik/Terrakion)
What bad luck! Having to be playing a teammate for the paid trip to Hawaii sucks! Fortunately, at least one of us will be guaranteed the paid trip, and Mike generously said that if I lost I could stay in his hotel for free. Thanks!

Our games are recorded, so I’ll post a link to them right here. I’m the skinny Asian (left) who’s voice sounds stuffed. Quality isn’t the best though.

The funniest highlight is during Game 2 (Part 3 or 3rd video) at 12:28. I portraited his hand in hopes of a supporter that is NOT a juniper. Of course, he only has a professor juniper, and I discard my 5-6 card hand. Bye-bye 3 dark patches and 2 Shaymins.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UduBnLX8lM
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1U9KZ3Stzk
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nq9FfBPv78
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q60M34unw80

If you don’t want to watch the video, that’s fine. I only got wrecked by Mike!:lol:
0-2 (9-3)
Overall 3rd place out of 141 masters! Hope to see many of you in Hawaii!

Top 4! 3rd Place! World’s invite!
Not playing against Quad Terrakion, Vanilluxe and Accelgor.
My friends for preventing me from teching in Espeon :p.
Toronto people.
The Hotel’s swimming pool.
Nice humid weather. Alberta’s weather sucks!
Being in Toronto; Toronto is definitely the most gorgeous place I’ve been to.
Losing to someone I know!
And of course, Sushi! God dam, why do Edmonton’s (and Vancouver’s) sushi taste horrible against Toronto’s?

Beating Aaron in top 8.
Other than that absolutely none! Had a great time!
congrats on doing so well and the worlds invite! it was nice playing you last round. good luck at worlds and make canada proud :D
Hey man its Dakota congrats on doing so well your first year was a pleasure to meet you make us proud back home when your in hawaii!
Top 4?

I guess that's pretty good in your first year ;-)

Congrats bud! looking forward to seeing you in hawaii!