Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Catcher confirmed for Emerging Powers

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But the thing is that usually the pros outweigh the cons. And the other thing to remember is that a deck can utilize the weakness of a card and turn it into a strength. Playing against a MewGar deck? Junk Arm lets you get rid of extra pokemon in your hand. Playing TyRam? You can dump a few fire energy since you'll just be afterburner-ing them back.

Basically it's like having the Uno Draw Four card (to steal an analogy from another game). The only time it's bad for you is when it's stuck in your hand, and it becomes a wild card to get you out of any tight spot.

Which is why it's commonly overused and hyped at the moment. I just think it's overrated but it does have pros that outweigh the cons. I'm sure matches have been lost though because of Junk Arm discard choices, though. That's just my opinion.

Back on topic - This is a catcher thread. Lets be careful as far as getting off topic goes for the sake of the thread getting closed. Sorry guys!
I personally think junk arm is overrated though. I'm waiting for people to see that along with me. It can hurt more than people realize.

It hurts if you use it recklessly, but that's only an issue with playing skill, not the card itself.
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^Exactly. My friend and I sometimes play open-hand matches to point out each others' misplays and stuff. I discarded my Yanmega Prime in that match (I run 3) and ultimately I needed the 3rd. Should I have chosen to discard a different card I would have won.

Basically as a rule of thumb with Junk Arm, don't discard Pokemon lines unless you just have 1 prize left, it's a starter/tech/tyrogue/etc. Also don't discard PlusPower if you're playing Reshiram vs Donphan or something. Just basic stuff with that; you really have to think ahead. If you can't safely discard anything then don't play the card unless you feel the pros outweigh the cons.

Junk Arm is one of very few true consistency cards in the format, which makes it really good.

As an older player who played back in the Gust of Wind days, Yes Catcher can and probably will change the face of the game. I also agree on the statement about Junk arm being good but not good. You must really think before playing it.
Playing as long as I have, I know that Pokemon usually gives us things like this and we all adjust to it. Something will be released to counter, or Vileplume will be in every deck!

I am excited for the changes in the game and this is just one more challenge put before the competitive players to adjust to. I play for fun and I know that I will see everybody playing Catchers. I will deal with it or play Vileplume. Lets just see what happens. We get to deal with it (catcher) for Battle Roads Fall in a few short months. Good luck to the competitive players who don't deal with change very well! :)
Honestly spiritomb AR is exactly what this format needs at this point, and Mew+Leavanny just isn't going to be enough. Even without the trainer lock, Darkness Grace would be the format fixer. Maybe we'll get it from Mew EX or something.
Honestly spiritomb AR is exactly what this format needs at this point, and Mew+Leavanny just isn't going to be enough. Even without the trainer lock, Darkness Grace would be the format fixer. Maybe we'll get it from Mew EX or something.

Great, then people can start complaining about how broken trainer lock is again...
Like I said - in this format the trainer lock isn't the key component, it's Darkness Grace that matters. It should be a Pokemon that doesn't evolve itself, or a weak Pokemon that's intended to evolve (Dratini would be a good candidate). Here's an example:

Dratini - 50HP, Weak to Colourless, No Resist
0: Evolutionary Light - as Darkness Grace
1: Wrap - 10 - Flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is now paralyzed.
1 Retreat

It's basically a worse Spiritomb that evolves (likely into something bad unless we get a brutally good Dragonite EX). Could use Axew if you want a BW dragon, but it really feels like a "Dragon" ability.
I was pretty excited for when Catcher's scan was released, though I realized that with this format and the new rules, it seems that T/S/S on the first turn just isn't good with these Barry Bonds Basics (BBB xD). In my opinion, they should have reprinted POW! Hand Extension instead, which would be more fair than the use of Catcher. Expect Vileplume to be big because more people are going to try to counter it than use it IMO.
In my opinion, they should have reprinted POW! Hand Extension instead, which would be more fair than the use of Catcher.

Not only is POW! more balanced than Catcher, it also helps soften the blow of going second: since your opponent will probably take the first prize, you get the first Gust.

This is a great idea. Where do I sign?
Junk Arm should always be at least a 1-of in basically any deck that runs more than one different Trainer card. The question is whether you want to run more than 1.
I think Catcher will be good for the format. However, both Reversal AND Catcher/Gust of Wind are horrible for this game. In a format with Reversal we might as well get Catcher though. Although I'd rather put up with a year of reversal than 2 years of catcher. So was Luxray GL Lv. X's Power. I wish we got more than a 2 month break from that crap lol.

I think Double Gust and things similar to Palkia LV. X's Restructure would be a lot better for the game. I'm not sure why anybody in TPCI thought it was a good idea to reprint Catcher or Reversal but oh well. Hopefully it's a mistake they won't make again in the future. If they don't and continue to do similar things to the game (Catcher, Reversal, 1st turn rules, bringing back things similar to the original babies, trainer engine, nerfing Rare Candy, the list goes on) then I wouldn't be surprised if they start losing players.

Imo nothing should be done to give Stage 1 and basic decks ANY advantage over Stage 2's except speed. Also, they should stop printing donk cards.

The one step they took in the right direction was promoting starters, even if they are flippy...
More effects based on being behind on prizes would be good for the game, IMO...
More effects based on being behind on prizes would be good for the game, IMO...

Yeah, Catcher would have been better if it read:

"Switch your opponent's active pokemon with one of their bench pokemon. This card can only be played if you have more prize cards then your opponent."

Back on topic, just adapt. Human beings have the ability to adapt to whatever environment they are placed into, so in a sense, it's in your genetic coding to be able to adapt to having Catcher in the format.
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