Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Chompin Eggs, and hopefully not sucking them!

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New Member
Guys I'm here with open arms.... Tweak this sucker all you want... I'm here for whatever tips you have for me...:thumb:

Pokemon (20) (11 basic, 9 evo)
4 – Gible (MT)
2 – Gabite (MT)
4 – Garchomp (MT)
3 – Exeggcute (MT)
2 – Exeggutor (MT)
1 – Celebi (MT)
1 – Celebi – Star (CG)
1 – Tropius (MT)
1 – Diglett (CG)
1 – Dugtrio (CG)

Energy (19)

7 – Grass
2 – Water
2 – Fire
2 – Lightning
2 – Fighting
1 – Physic
1 – Basic Dark
2 – Scramble

Trainers (21)

3 – Rare Candy
3 – Bebe’s Search
2 – Mr Stones Project
2 – Switch
2 – Warp Point
2 – Windstorm
1 – Holon Mentor
1 – Scott
1 – Team Galactics Wager
1 – Time-Space Distortion
1 – Night Maintenance
1 – Strength Charm
1 – Speed Stadium

Strategy –
1)Garchomp and the various energies can hopefully hit for 110 a shot
2)Eggs can hit for 30x each energy if the coin flips work.
3)Celebi can move the grass energy around, thus adding to the eggs or chomps
4)Tropius is a basic mainly for Healing 30 a shot for benched pokes. Sacrificial lamb.
5)Dugtrio avoids sniping only, don’t want to use it to attack with.
6)Switch & Warp points to get the chomp matchups to match the energy.
7)Might Maintenance/TSD to get the Celebi’s back to move energys around.
If you plan mostly on using Garchomp, my suggestion is to just drop eggs completely.

-3 Exeggcute
-2 Exeggutor

+2 Celebi MT

Celebi looks good because he can hopefully power up Garchomp faster.

-2 Scramble

+4 TV Reporter
-1 Str Charm
+2 Plus Power

Plus Power are more useful because they stack, and you can take out a pesky 130 HP Pokémon.
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