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Code Geass R2 (Spoilers)

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Lelouche is a better protagonist than Light ever hoped to be.

Also, episode 5 was awesome as well, but that's to be expected. It is Code Geass afterall.
Does Light have the ability to command an army of thousands? Lelouch, as Zero, commanded an army that size towards the end of season 1.

I *LOVE* this series. The more I watch, the more I'm amazed at how BRILLIANT this thing is! Yep, gotten through episode 4 of R2, and I'm just DYING to see how Suzaku fits into this entire thing...

Light technically could, only all of those soldiers would die at the end of their orders, and Light would have a major case of carpal tunnel syndrome at the end. Just saying.
Light technically could, only all of those soldiers would die at the end of their orders, and Light would have a major case of carpal tunnel syndrome at the end. Just saying.

Yeah, but Lelouche does it without using his uber-broek power which makes him infinitely more awesome.
Anyone ever in a mech should have carpel tunnel syndrome, if they hope to operate the machine correctly and survive. That is, unless your a coordinator, and I don't think Lelouche is one of those. And bullados, if you've watched Death Note, I would think you would know Light is capable of so much more than meets the eye. But I will admit, Lelouche is so much cooler than Light. Or atleast his life is more interesting than Lights prior to his coming into possesion of the Death Note.
Nope. His Geass doesn't stop time. It only stops people's perception of time. Lelouch proved that I think in either episode 3 or 4 when he did that clock counting thing. Basically, he can freeze people within a given radius around him, giving him time to do whatever he wants.
Nope. His Geass doesn't stop time. It only stops people's perception of time. Lelouch proved that I think in either episode 3 or 4 when he did that clock counting thing. Basically, he can freeze people within a given radius around him, giving him time to do whatever he wants.

I thought it was fairly obvious that time didn't actually stop. Thusfar, all the Geass have been related to manipulating/reading another person's mind, so it doesn't make sense for one to suddenly have the power to stop time.
I thought it was fairly obvious that time didn't actually stop. Thusfar, all the Geass have been related to manipulating/reading another person's mind, so it doesn't make sense for one to suddenly have the power to stop time.

Ah! I got ya, and Bullados.
What do we have so far?

Mind control
Mind reading
Memory modification
Mind "stop"?

Yep, all having to do with the human brain and manipulating certain aspects of it.
Next there will be something that messes with peoples equilibrium. Or atleast I think thats how you spell it.
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Whoa, episode 6 was some serious amazingness.
Plus more was revealed about Rolos power :D
What was revealed? The time limit? I thought that was known about?

If there was ever a time I just wanted to punch Lelouch, it was during turn 7. He gets depressed, becomes a druggie, and hits on Kallen just cuz his sister is doing exactly what he's trying to do? That's just plain weird.
The body count for r2 shot through the roof. Stupid geass backfired on Lelouche hardcore, I was pretty happy when Knight of 3 got Hand of Doomed by Kallen.

Rolo has been in the process of dying for a while, comment such as "You won't be useful to me anymore" coming from Lelouche monologue are leading it that way.
This is an inactive thread. There is a more current Code Geass thread that you can discuss the show in, so post in that one.
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