Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Corrupt a wish! Wait 5 posts before posting again.

Granted, but you are now awesome at Duel Masters.

I wish that Draft was a fully supported format.
Granted, but they get rid of Modified to make room for it. :tongue:

I wish there where more modified pokemon tornements I could go to near where I live.
Granted, but they decide to charge a fee in exchange.

I wish that I knew how to improve my signature.

EDIT: I also wish people wouldn't post when I do. >_<
Granted, but it was to perfect it blinded everyone who it saw

I wish i knew earlyer when nats was so i could go
Granted, now you don't have one.

I wish that I could win one of the the cool prizes on the Mountain Dew oldschool or new contest (like a Corvette or a HDTV + Xbox 360).
Done, but you find soon afterwards that it was a little too oldschool. It expired last year.

I wish my head didn't hurt. >_<
Grantedst, but it broke down your wii within 20 sec.

I still wish i could go to nats:frown::frown::frown::frown::frown:
Granted, you forgot your deck.

I wish for a fully legal drivers license.
granted but ur car broke down in teh middle of nowhere.

I wish i had every card that would come out in the furture.
Granted, but it is a fake card and cannot be used at tournaments.

I wish Slowking Neo Genesis was reprinted in the next set with the exact same English text (just want to see what would happen :wink:).