Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Corrupt a wish! Wait 5 posts before posting again.

granted but suddently numbers disapeered from the earth and now u cant use them anymore.

i wish i could go to worlds everyyear and win.
Granted but there's no more prizes and nobody but you participates.

I wish the person below me wins nationals. Try to corrupt that lol.
Granted you will win nats when pokemon dies

I wish they could have an "Nats" East and west of the Mississippi river
granted now even if ur out of school one of ur high school teachers will come to ur house and make u do math #'s everyday

i wish my mo3 player had more gigs
Granted, your "mo3" player has more gigs... but you don't even know what a "mo3" player is so you can't find it. (next time wish for more gigs for your mp3 player :tongue:)

I wish none of my wishes in this thread got corrupted. (that obviously includes this one)
Granted.*edit*But I found a LOOPHOLE!

I wish all of Mew*'s wishes were corrupted and always WILL get corrupted.
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Granted, but since we can't destroy this evil, it is divided among all humans and turns the earth into a very evil place.

I wish I had a liter of diet mountain dew.
Granted, but then it turns into a liter of Mountain Dew, and you can't drink it

i wish that i had a milkshake right now (mmm...)
granted but after 1 minute ofstopping the game suddently recieves 1,000 more posts.

i wish i could teleport whereever i want to at any time.