Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

"Curse of the First": Master's division CC Report


New Member
Elyria, OH CC: 46 (?) Players-27(?) in the Master's division

When we get there, I see the Richard family. I play a few practice games with Eric, make a few trades, and begin the torunament.I was playing Raieggs, fyi.

Round #1: Vs. Heather H. (Exeggutor d/Feraligatr d/Psyduck/Spearow)

Somehow, I let it get down to 1-1 in prizes. I then proceeded to Metallic Thunder something FTW.


Round #2: Vs. Michael C. (Dragonite ex-grass/???)

This one was rather close, as well. I liked the concept of his deck. I simply Zzzap/Cess. Crystal him for most of the game. I win.


Round #3: Vs. David B. (Shiftry ex/Shiftry-dark/Jolteon ex)

He doesn't get that great of a start (CFF Eevee). This one was close, unfortunately. We have a run-in with the DRE rule (-10 BEFORE applying weakness, d'oh!). He scoops when he has nothing to do. GG.


Round #4: Vs. Drew Holton (Metanite)

I crush him. GG.


At this point, I know I'm in the T8 for sure.

Round #5: Vs. Dan R. (I got paired with a Senior because I was the only 4-0 in the Masters and since the Seniors didn't have enough players to run there own Age-Modified Tournament, iirc.) (Bandoom)

I lose T4-5. In the middle of the game, his cell phone rang. I said he could pick it up. It was his gf from NC. Niiice.


I'm the top seed going into the top 8. I have to play Chris Fulop (3-2).

Top 8: Vs. Chris Fulop-the one person I didn't want to face. (Sallygross)

Before the match, I'm thinking "I hope I don't get donk'd by the 8th seed!"

Game #1:

Before the game, he told me to remind him to tell him to "kick Moss in the balls" (for the "Crystal Shard" ordeal). He also promised me that he would give me one of his packs, if I lost to him. (...)

This game was rather quick. I started with 2 Magnemites (!!!). The funny thing about it was that he had PREDICTED that my start was "2 Magnemites", NO LIE!!!I think he'll be talking about this one for a while! I lost on T6, or so.

Game #2:

This time, I got a "better" Magnemite start, with a Mentor in hand. I get my stuff out. He ends up pulling it our because I could not get my Raichus going early enough. He won this game 6 prizes to 5 prizes. We were the last Master's division T8 match to finish. GG's, Fulop.

Ah well, its like they all say..."the curse of the first".


-My dad for driving us
-Cool door prizes (my bro won a sweet-looking Groudon pillow and we each won a pack of DF)
-Me going 4-1 in 2 straight CC's
-Me for being the #1 seed


-3 hour ride home
-Top 8 in the Master's division
-My bro for getting 3rd (I had expected better...he did good, tho)
-Dan for losing in T2
-Me for being the #1 seed

I hope you enjoyed my short, and not-so-informative report.