Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

D/P Cloning Glitch!

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"It's not cheating, because I want to call it by a different name."

Would you call duping stat boosters, master balls, catching Pokémon that are above level 100, having otherwise illegal move setups like Rhydon with Thunder Wave, and so on "not cheating" simply because it relies on the MissingNo. glitch instead of a gameshark?
"It's not cheating, because I want to call it by a different name."

Would you call duping stat boosters, master balls, catching Pokémon that are above level 100, having otherwise illegal move setups like Rhydon with Thunder Wave, and so on "not cheating" simply because it relies on the MissingNo. glitch instead of a gameshark?

I have been watching this for a while and all I have to say is a using a glitch is "not" cheating as I call it as using a glitch to your advantage. A Rhydon with Thunder Wave is a hack. Cloning a Pokemon is a glitch. In my Pokemon Emerald, I clone my Pokemon so I have a copy in Emerald and in Pearl. So tell me this. All of the advance players is SSBM are cheating because they use the glitches(Wave Dashing, L-Cancel, etc.) to fight with? I mean, the makers of the game had no idea people would break the game like that. And they play like that in tournaments. Its not fair to other players who don't know anything about it. I would rather clone 5 or 6 Masterballs the show up to a big tournament with an AR 999 Masterballs. Cheating is cheating and I don't like cheaters that makes it obvious. I don't have a problem with hacks and hackers however they do so legally. Using a glitch is what it is, a glitch. You might not do it because you feel using glitches to your advantage is wrong. Completive players use them to keep up with the competition. Its not like there is a battle glitch that can give you 50 thousand turns or recovering HP. Its only to copy a Pokemon and items.
Thunderwave Rhydon is not a hack. You simply teach the TM to MissingNo. and then evolve it into Rhydon through the means of stellar exploitation of that glitch. Under the "glitch = okay" logic, it's perfectly legal to enter any RBYGSC tournament with such a Rhydon. Despite that Stadium will red-flag you if you try it. It's apparently still legit solely because the cloners don't want to man up and say, "Hey, I'm shamelessly abusing a glitch to cheat my way into all this stuff, and how do ya like that!"

If they simply had the guts to just say that, I wouldn't have much issue with them. But they insist on trying to justify their blatant cheating, which is why I raise my voice so much around them.
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