Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Delta is not my deck. =/


New Member
Well, it's Friday and me and my mother and sister are waiting to leave, and for dad to get home. Soon, he gets home, and mom and dad get the van for the trip. After that, it's off to Delaware to spend the night, and then off to NYC for the big one.
I had decided to play Delta, since that's what I had been practicing with. Of course, like usual, the Metagame wasn't just right for it...>.<

Round 1: Meganium d/Gatr d
Wow, this game had me worried big time. So, I'm going second if I remember correctly, and see that he starts with a Chikorita. Thankfully, no energy. This allows me to just Mentor *Discarding Cess*, and get a good bench, and then do ten with Eggs Jr. He soon draws, RARE CANDYS TO MEG D, and I'm in a panic. My Arbok d is even prized!
So, as the game goes on, he's up to four prizes, and I'm pretty much winning after taking down that tank Meg d. It wasn't easy, but I'm thankin' Raichu/Eggs for that. He ended up drawing only four prizes all game. I end up ko'ing his Ray ex d for game.


Round 2: T2 Scizor
Me: O.O
Did not see that one coming at all. So, I let one poke die for Scramble to take it's awesome effect, and then have a Raichu ready. He, on the other hand, gets that t2 Scizor. This game doesn't go for too long, as he retreated one Scizor to send up a Scyther, and plays Scizor. Now, his benched one is open to attacks, and Zzzap comes in handy, getting me up to 4 prizes. From there, I'm able to get rid of the Boosting Scizor (Literally played abunch of boosts), and win.


Round 3: Gdog (Flylutions)
A good game, and we both got set ups. Thing was, I didn't rush him (Basically start attacking early), for I was thinking........Ya know, I don't even know right now. He ended up winning, but it got down to 2-1 (Me having two prizes). After that match, I learned something. Vaporeon* is not cool. =(


Round 4: JohnnyBlaze (Kingler d/Sandslash d)
We went back and forth in this match-up. It was crazy, and the whole time I wasn't liking either one of those pokes. He ended up tanking a Kingler (Which was freakin' hard to take down). So, it gets down to 1-1 on prizes, and he sends up a Sandshrew. He ends up evo'ing it to Sandslash d, and attaches Metal to it. Now, that's trouble for me, since I can't KO that thing, and I"m not sure whether to retreat to Eggsy or not. I didn't, which cost me. He plays a DRE, and ends the game. GG man.


So, from here on out, I have to win out, which was something I never liked doing.

Round 5: Typhlo/Eeveelutions
The game wasn't too hard, and he only got down to about four prizes or so. I'm able to set up quickly enough, and just take the game.


Round 6: My buddy, FLYGON!!!
I'm scared to death on this one, and am thinking to myself 'Let's just make it a good match..'
Thing is, I t2 Eggs, and the guy is getting nothing. I start split bombing him, and nailing things like his Swablu, and Spearow, and some Trapinchs I believe. I'm down to two prizes, and have a good swarm going, and he's got a Fearow with 50 on it. He sends in a Flygon ex d, and is able to rid of my Eggs finally. So, I have two Raichus ready, and they Flygon ex d already has like 50 or so on it. So, I Zzap, getting me down to one prize, and end the game with my second Raichu.


Round 7: MSN
This game didn't last too long. The guy did the best he could, but with three beldums as a start...yeah. Raichu d just has fun in with that I guess. So, I end up winning the match after a good bit, and am breathing heavily...


Now, I figured we'd have deck checks for top 16, so I ended up organizing my deck, and realized we didn't...arrrgh!!

Top 16

Round 1: Captain Petey (MSN)

Game 1: Well, it was close, but exhaustion got to me. I ended up D drawing for 4 cards, only to realize that I didn't have an energy on the Castform. That hurt me...big time. It ends up getting down to like 3-1, and he ends up winning.

Game 2: A little closer, but he still ends up winning the match.


My parents for making the trip possible.
The people I met (Petey up there, Gino, Ragecandybar, and some others).
Peter and Chris.
The Millers.
So much more.

Chris not making it.
Peter Losing in t16.

Now, it's onto South-East Regs!
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Good job Mike. Top 16'ing at a Regionals is still an accomplishment. Now hammer it home this weekend it FTW.
The metagame in ny was against delta and you still did a good job. You played well manz and your a cool kid hope to see you at nats, you going?
man.... good job, i was dissappointed when you guys didnt show up in DE but i'll see you in NC 5 days from now
Man, how come I never noticed you? Were you the guy who had black hair down to the neck?

Good job with delta, though

...You didn't notice the guy who was practically roaring?! =p
Yeah, I was that guy. I also had the Pheonix shirt on, and the chain. Thanks!

Lawman: Can't wait to see ya man! And thanks! =D
Mike, we should of made top 2 to pwn the competition. Oh well, we still made top 16. You did really well too, so I applaud you for that. GL in NC!

Man, how come I never noticed you? Were you the guy who had black hair down to the neck?

Good job with delta, though
You don't know this guy???? I thought he was famous- or is that infamous? Hum...yeah- he would be the one who has sworn off a hair cut and started blasting people....trust me, you can always tell when Mike is in da house.

Still think that you did awesome son!
so your hair is at your neck now...??!!! wow... and yes i will be there... just trying to figure out if i wanna go the night before

and suprise surprise i mad a new deck, it's so good imma take it to regionals almmost untested!!!!yep just wait and see