Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

do you find it annoying when...

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Uhhh i hate it soso much when I'm playing and my opponent goes "oh and then your going to poketurn him, attace DCE, energy gain, level up...." etc.

See what I do is just to make them mad and shut them up is bring up my uxie and level up and then KO them with uxie cause I know I will win anyways/it makes them mad cause they don't know what to do anymore and they rage and throw stuff.
OK, you all are either missing, or stepping around the reason for the banter in the first place by some players.

Expressive banter is done by players to:

1. Knock you off of your game. If you are listening to them, then you are not going to follow your own play set, and may start to actually listen to them.

2. Try to get information. How valuable would it be if you knew they played Dusknoir? Ambipom? Toxicroak Promo? Mr. Mime? Uxie X? If a player can get that info for free out of an opponent, then they are ready for more situations that may have caught them off guard.

3. To play your game for you, not always correctly. Usually seen in the younger divisions, where an experienced player, especially in trouble, will try to distract a newer player, by telling them what they should do, or are going to do. This we try to crack down on, but there are players it happens to.

4. Make the game fun and enjoyable. Yes, some players actually want to talk and have fun through the game, getting to know their opponent.


This is pretty much sums up what I was going to say.
If you don't like my taunt, then go away, "or I shall taunt you a second time.":tongue:

I'm glad some people like to have fun with this game. If I took everything so seriously about Pokemon, I'd go mental.
Auuugh! Some kid at league was doing this to me last week! And I found myself trying really hard not to let him be right. To my disadvantage, most of the time.

Him: "You're going to use that Bebe's Search to get Claydol."
Me: "Um...no I'm not."
Me thinking: Darn. I had really wanted to get that Claydol...

Hah, yeah, that can get pretty annoying when your opponent is trying to guess what you are going to do, especially during tournament play. I try to not respond to those sort of comments as not to fuel the annoyance. ;)
Against players who know each other well I don't see a problem to talk a little bit. For example, if I have only 1 card left in my hand sometimes I say "please play Wager" but I know my opponent wouldn't because he knows I'm just joking.

However, against other players I only talk if it doesn't distract them.
For me, I like to be especially clear with everything that I do, so I announce everything, including "Draw a card for the turn..." say the name of a card that I play, announce the proper name of attacks, etc.

I will attempt to get into friendly conversation during the match if it appears it won't bother the opponent, and I sometimes comment on plays by the opponent. I don't attempt to be a psychic (or psycho). For example, if the opponent is using Luxury Ball or Bebe's Search and gets Claydol, if there's a Baltoy in play, after the Claydol is shown, I may say "Thought that might be coming," but I wouldn't pre-empt the search with that sort of a comment. When the opponent makes a good and unusual play, I will comment him or her on it. I guess I've learnt that commending others on good plays is important, with me being a sports fan and a bridge player too.
Auuugh! Some kid at league was doing this to me last week! And I found myself trying really hard not to let him be right. To my disadvantage, most of the time.

Him: "You're going to use that Bebe's Search to get Claydol."
Me: "Um...no I'm not."
Me thinking: Darn. I had really wanted to get that Claydol...

That sometimes happens to me... but I say "oh, I wasn't, but thanks for the idea" and get it anyway. It makes them think that predicting your opponent's moves aloud could hurt you.
My favorite matches are good games played with people I know well and joke back-and-forth-with.

Sometimes it comes back to bite me in the but -- twice in a top cut match at States I used Bite instead of Flash Impact against opposing Chatots, because I thought their weakness was X2 for some strange reason.

But no offense, outside of specific end-game scenarios, most decks in this format have relatively de rigeur early/end games where if you have any familiarity with the deck there shouldn't be too much of an issue in making choices.

And if there is, you can always ask for a little silence.
"Are you going to Bright Look my Baltoy?"
"Dangit, I needed it..!!"
"Bright Look Gastly."
"I'm not dumb."
I like to quote random relatable YGO: The Abridged Series references. I have someone who at league who calls playing SP Cheating so I retort "Forget the rules I have money!" (Not exactly but I'm not sure the other wording is acceptable) If the match is light hearted and one of my main guys go down I go "BROOKLYYYYYN RAAAAAAGE" or random plays get the "Oh so you're catapulting your Dragon Knight?" Its all the more fun when they know what I'm talking about.

I do however take a hint from the tone of the other player. If I make a reference and catch a glare I just keep it to technical stuff.

I do however have a tendency to unintentionally offend people by using my "teacher voice." I teach 2nd grade so it can sound very down talking without meaning to.

Unintentionally people in my family randomly go "Hunh" when something interesting happens, so if its a new combo I may say as much.

If the round goes into time limit mode I do express "Its been fun but lets hold off the joking till we're done."

I will admit people that try to call my plays have me second guess myself, but its often because its the best possible move.

I do often times think "Lets settle this serious matter with a children's card game!" When the opponent is stoic, but I wouldn't say it to them.
I can be a suspect for this, normally looks like this.

Me- *under breath* sp radar for infernape X and...
Opponent- Yup, after they get it out
Me- -___-

Normally when i'm having a bad game and my opponent is meh. I don't mind when they do it to me, because I know that I have them under pressure.

I LOVE putting my opponent under pressure or making them think that I have something when I don't. Not necessarily a power spray, but just the bluffing that is a part of the game. I believe that the bluffing in card games in the hardest thing to do, next to actually building solid decks.
When I'm playing with friends, I'll often talk along with their moves. Honestly, I'm a fairly poor player, and it helps me keep up with the strategies that I miss as my interest in the game fades in and out. I don't think it's too annoying, but I don't do it to people I don't know anyway xD

One thing that annoys me is when I get a godawful start, and the other player gets that little smug look that winds me up so much. I know it's more of a flaw in myself than in them, but I just can't help it xD
Me: *plays Bebe's Search*
Them: Gonna search for Claydol?
Me: Shoot yeah!

It's so much more satisfying when the guy who can predict your every move gets stomped anyway.
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