Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Does WV have a state championship?

I'm a fellow West "By God" Virginian, WVU grad, but I'm now in Oregon. I met some folks at Nationals that live in WV. I'm happy to see you're interested in starting a league. Leauge supplies won't cost you. Find a nice location. Many meet at a card shop, but other choices include the mall food court, the public library meeting room, the McDonald's in Walmart. We meet at Rite-Aid Pharmacy in their conference room. Don't forget free advertising thru the local newspapers and bulletin boards. I wish you well!

As for those fine states that Meganium45 mentioned: Pokemon can thrive in a small community. It's a great rainy-day or wintery day hobby. You just need an enthusiastic leader and a place to meet.

Good luck!
Well, we had our very first meeting today, without hanging any flyers or anything like that, we had 6-7 people that we knew were going to be there, and we had 5-6 more show up that just heard about us! a great turnout in my opinion!
Parkersburg! cool! My dad and brother are Marietta College Alumni and I have family that is like 30min. from there (Ohio side).

Let me know how league is going. Maybe in early November (8th or 15th) I can run a tournament for you guys and my dad and brother can go to a football game across the river. I'm from N. Canton Ohio, so you're just 2 hours down I-77 from me.

I know it's prolly a bit of a hike, but I'm running a battle road in Massillon, OH on Oct. 12th. You should come to that too!
then, you may know where williamstown is, Its right across the bridge from Marietta, and that is currently where we are holding our league activities =D
yeah, its kinda slow right now, I just wish there were more competitive players in the area. I mean, I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything like that, but I'm the best player that I'm aware of, in the area, and it's hard to test a deck sometimes because of the level of competition here. =/
Lucario EX lives in WV, so you're not completely alone.

Yeah. Lucario EX is a BEAST on the Pokemon tables. She plays in our tourney circuit here in VA and goes to league all the way in Fairfax, VA just to participate in organized play.

I don't know HOW someone gets that good w/ absolutely NO competition around.

So.. there are players. There just needs to be a STORE OWNER that's convinced about profitablilty of stocking sleeves, deckboxes, and pokemon cards and hosting a League.

If you build it.. they will come.