Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Don't forget.....

War is stupid. Simple as that. There are risks involved on both sides. I mean, the Iraqi's are in as much danger in thier own country as our troops, so we should be focused on both aspects of this battle. Thank the troops and appologize to the people of Iraq sounds like a good idea to me.
I will not target this to any particular person in fear of getting BANNED!! (again)

If you are not happy with this country or the way its run....LEAVE!!!I'm sure theres room for you in a foriegn country.
Where would a freedom-loving person go? The US is the freest place on Earth.

I am not saying I am pro or anti war. I am saying I AM PRO-SOLDIERS!!! Its not their fault our politicians dont know their ***** from a hole in the ground.
The "support the soldiers but not the policy" thing is okay. However, keep in mind the Oath of enlistment. If you work for the military, you have to obey the Constitution.
The Oath said:
I, (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God
Do you really think that all the hundreds of missions carried out by the military in the past 100 years and the over 700 foreign military bases in over 100 different courntries, are all constitutional?
It's okay to be pro-soldiers, but what about supporting soldiers who went back on their oath of office to fight in a war that is not authorized by the Constitution? Obviously the government officials (not the soldiers) are the real badguys, but this is just something to think next time someone says he supports the soldiers.

Relatively, yes.

Next time you see a soldier (veteran or current), you should be thanking them for their service to our country.
I will thank the ones that obey the law that they are subject to.

Dont forget why you have the freedoms you have today!!!
The reason we Americans have some freedom, is that an angry minority, a group of people who considered themselves sovereign individuals decided to secede from the British Empire. A Constitution was written to restrict the power of government and it was honored by many for a while.
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Warning: The Marril has arrived.

Dont forget why you have the freedoms you have today!!!

I stopped caring about the existence of the OP's video here.

WAR is the reason you have freedoms today.

War is a reason America has its current freedoms. You know what other things directly contributed to them? Terrorism, slavery, and intitutionalized racism. All three of those things kill less people than war does, too. None of them are right.

Whatever people may think, this war above all else is about one thing - PROTECTING AMERICANS FROM ATTACKS...

It actually does less towards this end than you'd think. In fact, America's involvement in Middle Eastern politics is what led to the "terrorist" attacks you all know and hate. Take for instance America having Israel as an ally. Why shouldn't Israel's enemies consider America an enemy as well?


Caps lock is cruise control for cool?

It brings great pride to the meaning of Democracy and Freedom.

It would help if America was a democracy. It's not. It's closer to an elected dictatorship. A true democracy (i.e. getting a majority vote on every administrative decision) is such an unwieldy method of government that a country of America's size simply couldn't support it.

Furthermore, Bush's own definition of a "free nation" doesn't include America on all three counts the president mentions as criteria. Don't believe me? Look no further than Milwaukee, Wisconson, 2003-10-20, said by Dubya himself: "See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."

Where would a freedom-loving person go? The US is the freest place on Earth.

There's always Canada.
Personally because of having family in World War II and Vietnam, I don't like war but it is going to happen in this world. You don't have to support the war, but Support the Troops.
Just a reminder guys, it's Memorial Day this weekend.
Can we take a break from the politics of the war and do just focus on the people that are out there?
My sympathy does go out to people who've lost their brothers, fathers, sons, sisters, mothers, and daughters to the war. I wouldn't wish the battlefield on anyone, especially not people who are simply following orders as they've been trained to.

I do condemn the people actually behind the war. Just not the soldiers actually doing the fighting.
That doesn't seem likely because this war is all about politics...

Except the video wasn't trying to focus on the war.

It's focusing on the troops and trying to remind us that they are more than just soldiers being ordered around.
I live in Italy and 60 years ago American soldiers gave us freedom from Fascism...
So i have to thank them!!!

I quote this, Soldiers are persons with a family and a life doing a hard job.
None should spit on them (as i saw in Post-Vietnam videos).
Support them as they are doing their job for their family.

Instead spit on the ones that sent them to die without a real reason and without a concrete strategy (like Vietnam).

Politic is important. Never understimate the importance of your vote.
And don't sent your son/daughter/wife/hausband/uncle ecc ecc die without a GREAT reason.

P.S. Usa is one of the greatest place in the world, but dont' forget Italy ;)
I asked nicely.
More posts going off on the political side will result in infractions.
Fine lock it because you oppose the thread...

Jeez, you don't have to post or read it if you will be offended. The war is about politics....

Fine lock it because you oppose the thread...

Jeez, you don't have to post or read it if you will be offended. The war is about politics....


No, I won't lock it because people post off topic.
I will issue temp bans to them.

And the war may or may not be about this, that, or the other thing, but that is off topic because this topic is about the soldiers, the people, that are out there.

Start a new topic to discuss the war, if you wish.
I'm not sure what really there is to be said about the soldiers without mentioning the war they're fighting, so I'd appreciate if that could be elaborated on somewhat..