Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

DQed from regionals and BANNED two weeks later (I was set-up)

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Did you not see the video I posted? It was at a hotel, in the lobby area, and a macbook was stolen. The Privacy Law like I said is a made up excuse for Mees not showing the video. There is no video so he hides behind that excuse. A lawyer wont do anything I already tried. Pokegym's Protecting by certain internet ACTs. So I can't sue them for slandering my name without sufficient evidence and allowing them to have thousands of people read it. Regardless of them being libel.
I think sueing a Internet forums full of rumors is going way too far (you can't but you implied if possible, you would) Pokegym is not the only place with slander to your name.
GinoLombardi21 said:
Jason, Mees, and the pokegym is 100% libel for defamation of my character.
Regardless of them being libel.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

The word you want in that context is liable. Libel is the act of publishing false information about someone.

GinoLombardi21 said:
The Privacy Law like I said is a made up excuse for Mees not showing the video. There is no video so he hides behind that excuse.

Alright, so now you're saying the hotel is making up things now? I personally have an email reply from Mr. Gordon Cook declining to comment on the matter since he believes it was turned over to police, so that proves there was an investigation.

GinoLombardi21 said:
All these anonymous witnesses Mees and Jason hide behind there's a reason no one has come forward!

By all means, keep calling out the eyewitness. Someday, the truth will come out, and either your statements or Mees' and Jason's statements will be disproven.
Did you not see the video I posted? It was at a hotel, in the lobby area, and a macbook was stolen. The Privacy Law like I said is a made up excuse for Mees not showing the video. There is no video so he hides behind that excuse. A lawyer wont do anything I already tried. Pokegym's Protecting by certain internet ACTs. So I can't sue them for slandering my name without sufficient evidence and allowing them to have thousands of people read it. Regardless of them being libel.

You are officially incapable of understanding anything simple at this point.

Like I stated, a simple call to the VPD will give you more than enough info regarding the privacy law.
Sometimes things happen in our lives that are so drastic and sometimes even negative that may or may not be our fault, that they change our lives forever. It happens. Move on.
Considering I'm a neutral party to everything(Never met suspect or judges, or if I have I do not know them), let me say this. It honestly doesn't matter at this point what happened. If you got caught cheating, even if unintentionally or your memory does not simply recall, trust the judges. They don't just call you out a DQ because they don't like you. They specifically review a case, examine it, have other judges examine it, and have the head judge examine it. Even then, I can almost guarantee that they were still not feeling good about giving out a DQ. Nobody likes cheaters, but nobody likes having to tell someone to get out. Saying that you're framed if it passed all of these checks is like saying that everyone hates you. And from the replies in this thread, that is an obvious lie. If you wish to play an innocence card, posting on a forum just to spark debate won't do a thing about it. If you MUST pursue this matter, which I highly recommend against since it still had to pass through the judges, then please feel free to take this up PRIVATELY with the judges rather than making this complaint thread just a place for people to back you up/back judges up. Why? It's dividing the players based on their trust in you. Those who trust you will obviously leap to your side. Those who don't will back the judges. Those who aren't sure, like myself, will merely glance at the evidence and make a decision. Thus, I implore of you to simply calm yourself, and if you find the actions Pokemon took towards you during that tournament(Ignore all past events for the moment, shall we?), then take it up with them. If you find yourself being judged by things outside of the tournament, then that's another issue. For now, just worry about this one rather than some sort of 'bias' before. The only thing bias would do is make them watch you more which, if you're innocent, would be no problem.

In short without my opinion: Whether or not the judges are right or wrong, posting it here is not the best idea since it'll only divide people into picking sides. And it only makes things worse when sides are made. If you're truly this upset about it, take it into private messaging or email Pokemon about the issue and explain the scenario. If you're truly innocent, then they can review the case and might make a new judgment on it. If you have problems with how they handled it, same thing. Just message Pokemon about it. They tend to be a bit slow with responses sometime, but they are usually the right responses for the scenario. If you did message them and I missed it, my bad. But try that step. And if they still say 'Nope, banned' then just have the kindness to say "All right, thank you for your time" and find something new to do. There's a lotta hobbies out there.
Am I the only person that wants to hear Ness' opinion?
It seems like Gino and Ness have problems as well, with lafonte v.s Team UG
That and I feel like Jason tries to make everybody in his "group" start to dislike Gino which is very uncool.
Doesn't seem to be like that from my end. It's more of a people who love gino vs. people who can't stand gino type of line. Has nothing to do with their respective cliques.
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

The word you want in that context is liable. Libel is the act of publishing false information about someone.
Isn't that what he is complaining about? He is claiming that the accusations of Mees are false.
By all means, keep calling out the eyewitness. Someday, the truth will come out, and either your statements or Mees' and Jason's statements will be disproven.
You left out the option of both statements proving false or incomplete (something I find common to these situations).

You know, I don't know if I believe Gino but I do know that if I didn't remember violating the rules and the judges insisted I had... I would fight it until they could prove it. There are some times to stop and ask "Is it me?" but that calls for subjective circumstances, like when you can't figure out why everyone in your family is picking a fight with you... and suddenly you realize "Maybe it is me?" Even then you should actually learn for real, because sometimes it really is "everyone" else. I know because I've been a part of the "everyone". XD

Even with a bad memory, it has to be pretty plausible I could have "done it"... and when the parties victimized don't particular remember... that is good reason to doubt the judges. Note that I am speaking from the perspective of the accused; why he shouldn't just assume he was cheating without realizing it.
I can't believe this thread is still going...

My 2 cents: Gino is a bully via facebook and this ban needs to stick. I have seen him mock players, call them names, make t-shirts with player names, etc. I was shocked to see him so upfront about it: I thought he'd surely be banned on that merit alone. If I was the Pokemon Company and caught wind that our nats champ and a player seen at the top tables so often was making other players feel bad by attacking them online, I'd surely ban them for that alone.

The fact that he's banned now doesn't shock me, I think there are more people who are negatively impacted by his person than there are positive.
Laptop gone, ban letter in hand...lock thread.

Thanks for an hour of good reading and chuckles.

Man I love the internets.
Am I the only person that wants to hear Ness' opinion?
It seems like Gino and Ness have problems as well, with lafonte v.s Team UG
That and I feel like Jason tries to make everybody in his "group" start to dislike Gino which is very uncool.

There is no issue of this "team" versus that "team" at all.

Nobody can MAKE anyone like anyone or anything.
I hated this thread from the start. Gino has been making OBVIOUS lies, I can totally see why he makes this up, he played for 15 years. Wanting to win can cause the pure evil within you to come out. Take this as a lesson. you don't play to win, you play for fun. Poor gino never learnt that.
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