Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Dragonball Z REALITY MOVIE!!!!

This is going to be a terrible movie (way too over the top, they'll try to squish to much in, the action scenes will be filmed way too zoomed in etc.), but yet still make a boat load of money. Gotta love our society today!
Well yeah. Every preteen boy in the world is going to be screaming to see it, just because it's got the Dragonball Z name attached to it. It doesn't matter how crappy the movie actually is, as long as it's got the name of a massively popular shounen fighting animé attached to it.

Just wait until the Naruto live-action movie. Not only will it outperform the Dragonball Z one, it'll make the Dragonball Z one look good.
You forgot the part where around Hour 2 the planet has 5 min. before it blows up. However it does not explode until the end of the movie

They better have the "IT'S OVER 9'000!!!" line in the movie

If they don't say "IT'S OVER 9,000!!!!" I have some script writers to murder.

This movie is really going to suck. Badly.
I've been waiting for this since 4th grade(i SWEAR i'm not just saying that). Now I'm a senior in high school. 8 long years have I waited...though I always thought a black guy would play piccolo, like, Wesley Snipes or somebody like that.

GOD DOES ANSWER PRAYERS!*cries tears of joy*
Pinser52, you should be careful what you wished for. This movie will either make or break DBZ as we know it. *hopes the movie will turn out better than DBGT*
You all realize this movie will be terrible, yes? There's absolutely no hope for anything good to come out of this. Regardless, I'll probably go see it since I used to love DBZ.

master of puppets said:
this movie had better not suck. i want it to be good like the show.
Objection! The witness is clearly contradicting himself!
And cannot locate his shift key.
Also, Gdog, the term you are looking for is live-action, not "reality" or "real life".
People! It doesn't matter if it will be horrible(which it will be)! It's gonna be epic!
What I'm trying to say is, look at Spider Man 3. It was horrible(or at least I thought), but the old school Sipdey fans love it just because its Spidey. We DBZ boys will worship it regardless!

P.S.- For homecoming this year, we had a "super hero day." My best friend, my cousin, and I all BLEACHED OUR HAIR, bought clothes, and went as Vegeta, Gohan, and Goku. I was Goku.
Michael Jordan=Piccolo
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin=Nappa
Christian Bale=Vegeta
Vin Diesel=Tien
Sean Connery=Roshi
Elijah Wood or some kid making a debut=Gohan
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You all realize this movie will be terrible, yes? There's absolutely no hope for anything good to come out of this. Regardless, I'll probably go see it since I used to love DBZ.

Objection! The witness is clearly contradicting himself!

Also, Gdog, the term you are looking for is live-action, not "reality" or "real life".

hahaha! that was funny!